cynic we need to crop that photo from havocs video of the meoter swarm kill while CoM was coming through moongaate... lol
he comes thru gate says ""oh shit" gets MS and runs back and forth twice before taking the last hit and falls off his mount
Clearly a photoshop, I can tell from the pixels in the word "fags" emanating from lord Blaise. We all know lord Blaise would never call someone else a fag. It clearly said "nice work bros" before your bush league Photoshop. I vote for immediate disqualification and mandatory ostard riding for 6 months.
Here I was participating in my first Capture The Flag Event. It was real fun and I look forward to many more!
Fun split captions - "Rags...Riches" "Corp Por....Kal Ort Por" Singles -"Server test" "HarrOmg" Title - "Epic"
First: 15 - Cynic 500 MiBs Second: 13 - Lightshade Jupiter Summon Third: 9 - Kane MiB Fishing (Submitted before Mr Candyman) 9 - Mr Candyman & Pegbytter. I'll let the staff decide how they want to treat the tie.