Ultima Online Renaissance Geological Survey This thread will serve as the central hub for my next project: UO Renaissance Geological Survey. Ore veins on UOR are static and as such can be marked on UOAM. My goal: Mark every mine-able vein and share it with you fine folks. If anyone would like to collaborate shoot me a PM. I will be posting pictures of my progress as I go, however, I will only upload the UOAM marker file once I deem my project complete. Lastly, I am having an issue with one of the ore markers .ico pictures. If anyone has experience with file extention .ico let me know. Rough presentation of the project's progress: COMPLETED : Download available: http://uorforum.com/threads/ultima-online-renaissance-geological-survey.15823/
Grid is shared to us by captainmorgan: http://uorforum.com/threads/uoam-resource-grid-8x8.8443/ I got the icons for the grid from here: http://www.geocities.ws/k_l_white/icons.htm
you need to convert it to a different transparency acceptable file ..png, do your edits, then convert it back.
Ok so the icons link in my previous post will do 3 sets of ore Icons. The file titled L_bronze is the issue as it is the dull copper hue. Once I edit it, the icon sits differently in relation to the marker placed on uoam resultIng in the L_bronze icon not lining up with the other L_ icons and therefore the grid. When placing the icons I put the marker in the very top left corner of the grid.
So In summation I want L_bronze to be the Proper color and to line up with the other L_ores when placed at the top most left corner.
OK so at least I know it is not just me. Picture A: UOAM completely zoomed in: Bronze icons are appearing north-east of where the marker is placed. You can see in this picture the small blue circle is the actual location of the placed bronze marker and the icon is up on the line. Picture B: UOAM completely zoomed in: This is just showing how the icons of the other ores are falling in relation to the marker. See the small marker on the iron ore icon? Picture C: UOAM at 2x zoom, all the ores line up perfectly within the grid except for bronze. Notice how far north east the icon is compared to where the marker is highlighted. Picture D: dont really need this picture at this point. So Russell this is where it is weird right? If I upload the original L_bronze.ico it will be lined up perfectly within the grid, just the wrong hue.
when i mine a spot, the closest spots are mined too? because when i mine i may move a some spots to mine again or it says "There is no ore to mine!" It would be great to help this project but i'm using the Mac Client and i can't use the automap app
When you mine, you mine the whole 8x8 square in the grid as shown in El Hornos pictures. I advise you to check this thread, it really helps alot to get the grid:
looks to me like your using the wrong icon set, try the C_ore or LR_ore instead of the L_ore, the C-ore is 26x23, the other 2 are 48x48 but they are positioned differently within that 48x48. Those look like C-ore icons judging by how they line up with the grid, its hard to tell how automap would compress the "white space" on the other ones, which could absolutely do that and force it into an awkward position.
what I mean is this I used the L-ore icon and lined it up with the grid, notice how the image doesn't rotate but it is completely off axis, auto map is altering that white space to adjust to UO off axis directions somehow and it is more than likely the cause for that weird positioning. The C-ore icons have no white space around them so they should line up fine in theory. the only other thing it could be is your positioning marker is incorrect somehow.