Pve build efficiency

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Cultist, Jun 19, 2015.

  1. Cultist

    Cultist New Member

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Hi all!
    After some time i settled on two variations of the same build, one is non magic the other one is magic :p
    Here they are:
    1) Provoke, Archery, Anatomy, Tactics, Healing, Music, Discord
    2) Eval, Magery, Meditation, Music, Provoke, Resist, Discord
    What do you think is the better one in pve overall (could farm tougher mobs for better loot etc)?
    I know tamer is da best when it comes to pve and i'm getting there but first i have to make one of these ugly guys
  2. Keza

    Keza Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    Jan 6, 2015
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    I recommend build #1, but with something other than archery. If you used swords, there are loads of slayers you could use in combination with provo/dicord to take down big mobs without to much trouble. Archery could also work, but with half the damage.

    Also, you have 0 magery in that build. Need to make room for about 30 points of magery to recall around. (highly useful)
    Theodin likes this.
  3. Theodin

    Theodin Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    I'd say if you're doing spawns go with #2 I had a lot of fun at spawns with mine and he had magery.. but if you're solo farming go with what Keza said
    Animal Control likes this.
  4. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    Magery isn't required if you set up a gatebot. It's still practical but a gatebot using gate scrolls is pretty effective for getting yourself out of trouble quickly.
  5. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    Super debatable. Personally I think #2 due to the overall utility and survivability of a mage. One thing to consider however is the 10 second shared cooldown of provoke and discord. This build can be used at champ spawns very effectively.

    Build #1 looks like the most "fun" build.

    Perhaps I can recommend a #3
    2) Magery, Meditation, Music, Provoke, Anatomy, Swords, Tactics

    The reason I would feel comfortable dropping wrestling and resist is because you have provoke. If you are using slayer instruments, you won't be failing often on your provokes so monsters theoretically will not be hitting/casting on you.
    With this build you have many options. If you want to deck yourself out and farm with a nice slayer sword against high end mobs, you can do that. If you want a super cheap loadout and want to just bladespirit AOL's for 60k an hour, you can do that.

    Lastly, perhaps I can recommend a #4

    Since you are new, perhaps you do not know about the utility of a tracker mage. A tracker mage is going to be a major part of your UO toolbelt here on UOR. If I were to start over and needed an ideal first character, a provo/tracker mage would be my first choice.
    This build would be like #2 but with tracking instead of disco.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2015
  6. Theodin

    Theodin Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    Just consider spawns... if you plan on running any magery helps a ton when it hits phases 3 and 4, heals on others and yourself and invis are very useful
    Animal Control likes this.
  7. Six.spirit

    Six.spirit Active Member

    Jun 6, 2014
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    Can I ask why you don't want to just make the tamer, if your'e going to make one eventually anyway? It sounds like you don't really want to make one of these guys but feel you have to before making a tamer.
  8. Cultist

    Cultist New Member

    Jun 13, 2014
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    I think i have to go through a bard phase because i am new and because a tamer is not cheap and takes a lot longer
    MikeK likes this.
  9. MikeK

    MikeK Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 29, 2014
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    #2, it will fund anything you'd like after. #1 -100 types of chars.
  10. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    That's interesting, tracking and magery. For tracking people or monsters?
    El Horno likes this.
  11. Zim

    Zim Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
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    Ive always liked a simple provo mage:

    Mage 5x + Music and Provo.
    Youve got all the tools for survival from mobs AND PK's.

    Provo on its own with a few e-bolts is a great moneymaker.

    In my opinion you really dont need dischord. The best GPM comes from just above average mobs. For example, I could farm destard dragons which drop good gold and some gems and barbed leather that is also profitable. The going will be slow though due to PK's and competitions for the farming spot. With disco, I could farm "top tier" mobs like shadow wyrms and whatever where the gold per kill is high and the chance for super high end weapons is there, but the spawn will be slow and youll have to contend again with PK's and other people trying to farm there.
    On the other hand, I could just farm an above average spawn like titans or terethians. Pk's are SUPER rare, and other people are usually competing for the top tier spots so I can farm there all by myself for HOURS. The spawn isnt as deadly either. Nothing puts a dent in GPM like dying to either mobs or PK's and making nothing for a ton of time trying to get your body back. You can even get decent silver slayers at these spots. The slayers that drop in these "above average zones" are mostly force and power.
    One final say on the topic of disco. I usually find that with the wait times involved its usually more profitable to just provo two more mobs into your pile of death then it is to disco a high end mob(or two!), wait the timer, then provo them onto each other.

    This is only relevant if your only after GPM. I hear to do high end champ spawns and stuff youll need disco.

    I usually like to make my farming toons PvP viable. Hell even when I can stomach making a tamer I go Mage/Eval/Med/Resist/Taming/Lore/Vet. Ive "fallen" for gate fishing before and just Loled through it all then recalled home. My red toon in UND was this guy too. Synch dumping PvP during peak hours, and then provo/EV farming dragons when Im bored.
    One of the easiest toons to get Dread Lord on as well.
    El Horno likes this.
  12. Cultist

    Cultist New Member

    Jun 13, 2014
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    What kind of armor should a dexxer provo guy use?
    I know that the mages wear leather
  13. Mad Hatcher

    Mad Hatcher Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 22, 2015
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    1) First off, magery is really not necessary. We are allowed 3 accounts on this server and it is easy to have a mage ready to cast gate anywhere you want. I have 3 melee pve toons. A macer, swords and fencing.

    I take out whichever one I have a good weapon for the critter I am fighting.

    All 3 of them are resist, anat, tacs, healing, music, peace, resist and wep skill

    Well my swords guy does have discord, but I only use him when I go out with a peacer. If I didn't have a buddy to hunt with all the time that had a peacer, I would drop discord for peace on him.

    2) This is a very powerful build and probably only second to tamers for gold per hour. I would suggest dropping discord for westling, though.

    Although I have a tamer with 2 bonded dragons, I still find myself playing my melee often. They are a lot of fun!

    Just my thoughts.
    Iago likes this.
  14. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    What about fast recalling from PKs? Also about Magic Reflection? A dexxer with 0 Magery is strongly at risk in my opinion.
  15. Cultist

    Cultist New Member

    Jun 13, 2014
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    This is a nice twist, resist (on dexxer) and wresling (on mage) vs disco (on both). I think the man is on to something, my bards always have problems with caster types. How often do you find yourself provoking but at the same time needing disco. Although on a peacemaker disco would make more sense i think
  16. Cultist

    Cultist New Member

    Jun 13, 2014
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    has anyone considered dropping healing on dexxer build and taking peace along with disco and provo? could this work? peace with provo should complement each other beautifully.
    I know you can do this with classical mage bard (have all bard skills on) but it would be interesting to know if anyone tried this on a dexxer
  17. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    There is a Test Center server here with a really nice set up (moongate by bank in town) to outfit yourself for just about anything you can imagine to test out.

    If you're not familiar with how a test center works, you're able to set your stats and skills instantly so that you can... well... test things out.

    Peacemaking on a dexxer is nice but, it is not the end all be all that one would think.
    You WILL get hit.

    By the by... I have used a peace dexxer to fund and kick start my future endeavors. I had it ready complete in one day (and night) and it's a cheap build to train. I suggest fencing for the paralyzing blow.

    Edit: I no longer suggest fencing. Every instance of damage is an opportunity for your peacemaking to break. With the speed of fencing, this is happening too often for my liking. I have switched to macing and things are much better.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2015
    Samej likes this.
  18. Zim

    Zim Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
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    A Peacemaking dexxer is the quintessential "noob" startup build. You can macro Wepskill-Tactics-Anatomy-Healing-Music-Peacemaking up in town for like 1000gp Then with that setup its not too hard to raise up the 60kish needed to GM magery or whatever. The farther you get from startup though, its really not all that fun.
    Your limited to one to three monsters at a time and at that amount, the spawns are painfully slow. Peacemaking has a chance to break on EVERY hit. That means in order to kill your prey, youll have to run the risk of it going super sayan on your no resist ass every time you hit it. For this reason hard hitting slow weapons like a Halberd or War Hammer are best. Fencing is always a good choice, except for a peacemaker IMO.

    Provocation dexxers on the other hand are a bit easier to run, can kill more monsters at a time, and you dont have to worry about monsters breaking their "trance" when you hit them. Training provocation is a bit more of a pain, but the rewards for doing so are exponentially greater than peacemaking. You can only get to something like high 80's? macroing at the zoo, and the wyvern spawn in T2A ALWAYS has boats there that you cant access.
    If you want a solid moneymaker that youll use throughout your time here I really recommend making a framing build centering around provocation. Having a weapon around when making mosh pits of death is really nice and helps to keep the monsters lifebars where they need to be. The skill trains on a provocation warrior will be tight and youll have to make sacrifices somewhere though, so keep that in mind.

    With so Much to GM I really only see two or three choices.

    Youll have to have GM:

    ...anything less in either of the bard skills will get you killed and failing to provo because of music is the SUCK. Having less thanGM weaponskill (im thinking 90) affects your DPS more than yould think. While not directly influencing your damage, a miss is a big fat zero and that hurts much more than 5 less damage a hit. Its really up to you. 90 will work just fine.

    The rest of the skills you can play with a bit to suit your playstyle.


    Any combination of these skills depending on you and how you play the game and what YOU need to do is ok.
    I would make a few suggestions about certain skills tho:

    Magery is like electricity and running water. You CAN live without it, its just a LOT more work.

    30 Magery is enough for recalling from scrolls... ...and thats about it.

    65 magery
    With any measure of INT on your toon will give you a 99% chance to cast 4th circle and below naturally and anything above with a decent chance from a scroll. Also, 65 magery gives you enough reflect from magic reflect to reflect a mana drain and a poison. :)

    GM magery is just SO nice!

    This is really GM or 0. From monsters you could prolly get away with 80-90ish because of the way Im PRETTY sure resist works here. Im pretty sure that if you have less than your opponents eval you resist nothing and take massive damage. If you have equal to their eval (GM vs GM) you resist SOME things and take normal damage. Lastly if you have MORE resist than their eval you resist everything and take little damage.
    Monsters will never have GM eval so vs a monster GM resist is a waste.

    Tactics and Anatomy:
    These should be GM, but they dont have to be. If you have to GM one, GM tactics. You get more of a damage boost from tactics than you do from anatomy.
    One final note, you get a bonus 10% damage from GM anatomy here so 99.9% anatomy will give you +19.x% damage and 100 will give you +30%

    Healing and Med:
    Healing functions just fine at 90. Youll never fail a bandage at 90 if your not being hit and even then you have to get hit like 6 or 8 times before you even have a chance to fail.
    With Meditation anything under 30 isnt REALLY worth it. even 30-40 med is nice to have. It limits you yo leather and studded leather, but its still nice. (**you CAN actively meditate in studded leather btw :p)

    One final thought. It would help to choose Healing or Magery when it comes to healing. 80 magery and like 60 med is plenty for healing/curing. 90 healing and 80 anatomy is great for healing too. Trying to fit both, really wont work.

    Hope that helps.

    PS: alternatively, Ive been having a LOT of fun with a taming warrior. Starting with 50 magery/Taming is enough to tame panthers and scorpions and you can kill a surprising amount of things with that setup once you get your vet and lore up!!! :D

    for more info!
    Samej, JimmyJr and El Horno like this.
  19. Cultist

    Cultist New Member

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Thank you all for your opinions. I have decided to go with a classic bard mage, it will take a while to make him good but in the long run it will worth it.
    Thank you!
    El Horno likes this.
  20. Cultist

    Cultist New Member

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Are you tired of farming bloods with provo or lich lords with peacemaker? Why not do them both!
    Introducing to y'all the all new melee bard!
    The latest sad personal attempt at making viable builds for the sake of making them.

    Fencing (/Archery)

    As you can see this guy has both provo and peace and as such should be good both against multiple mobs or loner types, and you get to wield a spear (or what ever else you like).
    Now Cynic told me that i'm thinking too much into this but this is what i really like, not actually playing the game but making spreadsheets.
    I deem this build okay'ish, i hope to write a book about it soon.

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