You can self impose these things if you'd like. Every time you die just leave your items on your corpse and start over. Hell, go nuts... Start a character and when it dies... delete it and all it's belongings. Hard mode: Activated. G'luck.
Many of us were once accustomed to leaving runebooks in banks and only carrying a rune to the bank or home, before we got here. I almost never carried runebooks in prior era just because it was effectively asking to have my time wasted.
Wow I can't believe this thread has 14 pages. The idea seems quite bad, in particular it would have the opposite effect of a gold sink. I remember back in the old days I would work hard to have spare sets of armor for when I got pk'ed and the maintenance of armor sets would be a sink of my money. Dying and losing your stuff seems like the only real gold sink in the game. Blessed weapons throw around willy nilly completely defeat the purpose of Felucca. I don't mean to be rude but this would ruin the game. Risk is vital to the integrity of this server. I started as a miner and I have yet to actually be ganked and it's actually been disappointing because I'm losing the sense of consequence that made getting away with a load of ore so exciting. If you are afraid to run the wilds with your vanq sword you don't deserve it. Pass it off to someone who will.
If you're not being ganked enough feel free to pm me your favorite mining location and I'll see if I can handle that for you
XD umm you can find me in the vast caverns beneath Magincia where I have valorite just ERUPTING from my pockets. I tend to bring 8 pickaxes and two mules so I should be down there for awhile. Also, I took mace skill not knowing that it's spears or bust. Should be easy pickings
Lol most pks dont frequent mining locations, once you start killing things in dungeons you'll be sure to see more red activity