Agreed. This is not broken, please don't "fix" it. I don't support ghosting, but I guess it's a way some people play the game. Some people run 3 BOD bots, some people farm with 3 tamers, some people farm with a tamer and use ghosts to see incoming players. Some people PK with 3 accounts at once, some people get PKed on 3 accounts at once. We are permitted 3 accounts, let us play them how we want to play them. I don't ghost, I've never purposely ran a ghost before on UOR, and I don't think I will ever run a ghost on UOR but I don't think it should be removed.
PK's following ghosts to PK them again might, and that's a stretch, might happen but overall I think the benefit gained from having ghosts be visible outweighs the potential for abuse that invisible ghosts presents to the community overall. If being followed only to be PK'd again is a problem then the ghost can wait it out, how long is a PK going to stand around waiting for a ghost to rez?
The problem is that it very much IS broken. By the sheer fact that people can sit idle accounts wherever they choose to monitor with impunity implies a broken system to me. If we paid for accounts and were only allowed a single account, I wouldn't give any shits about it. The fact that it is commonplace is what makes it a problem that does absolutely need a fix. If you don't think so, then you are using it or abusing it yourself and just don't want your candy taken away. That, or you're dumb as a bag of rocks (that one's for Mindless ;P). Two simple words for a PK that follows your ghost: Help/Stuck
Ghosting with the intent to scout is against the code of conduct... Much easier to hide the living world after X period of time. Frees up GM workload. Code: Discouraging Gameplay Just because this is a felucca world does not give players the permission to harass and discourage other players in ways that exceed the boundaries of common sense. If your conduct is judged to be primarily focused on activities that will result in players no longer enjoying playing on Renaissance this conduct will be addressed. Examples of understood felucca game play: • Killing a player in a dungeon, looting their items • Stealing from players • Looting other players houses. Examples of discouraging game play: • Telling a player to get good or leave the server • Excessive verbal harassment • Trapping players in locations that force them to use the help stuck system to escape • Using ghost scouts to track players locations in dungeons and at champion spawns • Excessive attempts to scam other players. • Spreading false narratives regarding the development and direction of the server. (aka fear mongering) Note: When in doubt, if you think a certain behavior is discouraging to other players, then do not do it. It is not our job to provide an environment where players can prey on other players outside the expected world mechanics. If the staff notices a pattern of behavior that indicate to us that a player does not appreciate their access to the Renaissance server and exist here only to torture others for their own amusement you will be removed from the community.
Well unfortunately those that are using ghosts for scouting purposes (to PK, monitor faction activity/players, or check on houses for purposes of looting said house, etc.) probably don't care about the code of conduct