Ice island. A lot of my neighbor's houses have fallen over the years, though.
Bit sad my house hasn't shown up on here... It's gone IDOC I think 3 times in the last year, each time I always see some sad faces recall out when I...
Get Cha Vanqs DAWGS! See Filmore at WYNB Today!
I'm looking to get a full set of rune books for all 1-200 (or however many it is) treasure map dig sites. Give me your price.
think I won that first box ^^
tl;dr stands for Too Long; Didn't Read. Your post has no paragraphs or spacing so its a bit of a hard read and quite long.
S/B box 1
How much for the patriot bottles?
Prices on everything go up and down.
I bought a couple pairs at 50k each unblessed so that's about right. CBDs are 70k or so, so 130k value on the sandals, though a CBD is worth 70k...
I have no idea what those stone chairs are worth but I'd love to have 4 of them.
I give this thread an 11/8.
Might win the 2014 award for strangest auction.
Sandals sold as B/O for a placed Large Keep.
I currently have an offer of a large keep from Weigraf though I'm still waiting for him to log back in after work.
Sold. Hit me up on IRC Redding.
Be sure to sing him this.. [media]
Cool shield.
Buyout option added.
Separate names with a comma.