Since I've already destroyed so many tagged items by cutting them up - to make my ideal Trammel Pixel suit, My ol' Trammel soul has welled up with great guilt, and disgust.. I have since decided that I could no longer desecrate such sacred clothing with the sharpened blade of my newbie'd scissors.. A most recent auction has sold 1 yard of Vesper cloth for 100k.. The generosity in me, will give you fellow Tram-fashionistas the opportunity to bid on the following items, for coppers on the gold piece! (Or, a Buy-Out option, if you're a true Tram-Baller.) Standard 48 (1) / 24 (2->) HR Format. *Reserves the right to stuff, but not limited to..other stuff.* Happy Bidding! SOLD: 2nd Anniversary Vesper Robe: The Crooked Warden @BO SOLD: 2nd Anniversary Vesper Shirt: GreenLight @Private Buyout Platinum @9k Holiday Coin @6k
@Ron Jeremy Im not too sure my man did his homework before he set his bidding parameters, or he just wanted to short sell for the quick buck. But vesper stuff has been netting a pretty penny lately, so Im going to offer it alittle cheaper than some folks, and see what happens. If no one bids on the shirt, Ill wind up cutting that too to make a nice floppy hat or something lol