
Discussion in 'Trading Post' started by Gideon Jura, Aug 1, 2014.

  1. Caleb Holman

    Caleb Holman Active Member

    I like my fort with 3 bridged towers :(
  2. Var

    Var Active Member

    their prices all make sense now...
    Caleb Holman likes this.
  3. Ciet

    Ciet Active Member
    Server Supporter

    I'd be ok with 5-6 per household. I've been held random by Qaddafi for a small house so I could place my tower. Hope you enjoy your gold. Pretty underhanded way to make money.
  4. Samuel Colt

    Samuel Colt Member

    Seriously, when someone does something that any other person on the server can do if they work at it, it's not dirty or underhanded, it's enterprising. If you're honest about what you're doing, you're not misrepresenting or lieing outright to anyone, you're an honest merchant out to make a profit. If someone doesn't want to pay the price, then you don't have to pay it. That's how you overcome a merchant, through the power of economics. I know when I'm ready to upgrade from my large brick to a tower, there's still spots out there for one if I like. If I can't find one, then I have to decide if it's worth the gold to purchase one from another player. If it's not, I'll place another large near my brick and go on.

    Economically, it's a buyer's market in the game, you just have to establish that power. For instance, I play my fisherman about 8-10 hours a day most days while I'm working in my store IRL. In that entire time I'm lucky to get one AMIB. Yet, they only sell for 80k or so. That's nowhere near what I could make farming a decent spawn with a bard or a tamer. So I have to decide, is it worth my time to fish for the AMIBs or should I be out farming. I enjoy the fishing because i can stop and deal with customers. So, for me, it's a reasonable compromise.

    I don't hold anything against anyone as long as they are shoot straight with me and keep an honest attitude. That's just my thoughts, I could be wrong. But in the end, it's just a game.
    Basoosh, Qaddafi and Caleb Holman like this.
  5. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    WHAAAAAAT!?!?!?!?! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
    Samuel Colt and Barium like this.
  6. Treasureman_Retired

    Treasureman_Retired Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Not to poke the dead animal with a stick or anything, but I like my island. ;)
    Stranger and Caleb Holman like this.
  7. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    I will be initiating a hostile takeover of said island.
  8. Caleb Holman

    Caleb Holman Active Member

    EXACTLY it's a pretty sweet island.
  9. Stranger

    Stranger Active Member

    There is currently no need for housing restrictions. Who wants a world that feels empty? There are still plenty of spots for houses all the way up to towers to be placed. If you want a larger house then that, then whats the harm in there actually being a small real estate market for them?
  10. The Babadook

    The Babadook Member

    When the world "feels" empty that's not a bad thing always. With such a small player pop there is no reason a newer player couldn't run around and see decent housing and get excited about being able to find and place a spot, as opposed to saving for a castle and then having to buy a swamp or other horrible located castle/fort/keep for well over deed because people take advantage of being able to own so many spots or just hoard.

    Having that open land would attract people more than having everything locked down in such a fashion

    I'd be interested in the % of houses that are not used at all compared to the ones that are used (even for storage)

    They don't do anyone any good just sitting there empty
  11. Mighty Ore

    Mighty Ore Active Member

    I agree, housing limit is a must... Way too many empty houses all over the place. Some people place them "just because"...
  12. Ruck

    Ruck Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Last edited: Aug 4, 2014
  13. Ruck

    Ruck Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    i hate houses
  14. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff
    Senior Counselor
    Renaissance Volunteers

    Well its been a couple hours.. time for a free bump

    Wanna trade said Island for a tower and a loggy... mine empty, yours furnished :)
  15. The Babadook

    The Babadook Member

  16. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Man, I need this as my ringtone.
    The Babadook likes this.
  17. LordLurker

    LordLurker Member

    I like turtles
  18. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Babadook, I would guild you simply for your Avatar and musical postings. Lets bring horror to UO.

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