stats are always hitpoints/STR/DEX/INT 1) 805/825/94/461 2) 815/822/93/474 3) 818/822/89/468 4) 823/815/100/464 5) 806/812/95/463 6) 799/809/94/448 7) 798/807/98/455 8) 823/811/103/457 9) 810/805/88/454 10) 811/812/94/469 11) 807/825/101/439 12) 807/805/102/473 13) 798/812/103/467 14) 806/811/103/467
cool list, but IMO if the dragon doesn't have 820+ hp AND 820+ str, i wouldn't even bother to list it. im sure others can weight in on that.
Depends.. these i would consider disposible dragons as i do look for better stats and wouldnt mind paying 5kish if i were looking for something i didnt mind losing which does occur under certain circumstances. But new players who aren't comfortable yet taming their own might seek these out too if they're not looking or ready to spend more for better dragons. Made my first couple million farming with dragons similair to these low end ones. It would help though if you had a more structured auction going.