
Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by Dejekt, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Last edited: Jan 11, 2019
  2. thesorrow121

    thesorrow121 New Member

    Some skills are just way too hard to gain, i know plenty of peeps that threw lumberjacking under the bus till a fix and possible better gains.
    Ipy died dew to slow slow skill gain, 600 peeps on and all macroing, none farming and or pvping.
    Everything comes full circle and as of right now no ones really playing they are grinding.
    You want to feel rewarded go eat a cookie .

    And also like ipy people are pvping more on irc than ingame, quite sad.
  3. Seth Able

    Seth Able New Member

    This is true. It isn't 1999 anymore, and most of the people that play this game still have jobs, wives (or husbands), kids, etc. When I get online, I want to play not macro my characters and check on them every so often just to realize I was AFK killed. However, no one says I have to AFK macro either. I could just as easily play the game in locations suitable to my characters current skill level and work my way up the good ol' fashion way, without the aid of razor macro tools.

    I'm fine either way to be honest, but both sides have merit. I just think that since it is hard to keep players playing UO, that maybe, we should relax the system a little. Maybe had a gain bonus in dungeons? This will keep players out of time and in dungeons. Also add bonuses for being well fed, etc.

    Besides, I have a date with Double Vision, and I don't want to be late! :)
  4. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Awesome idea with the dungeon bonus!
  5. thesorrow121

    thesorrow121 New Member

    The dung skill gain made people go out and grind for their skills on ipy, it is a good idea i would enjoy this more than anything, more incentive to go into the dung . It was only ruined by the daily skill gain cap.
  6. Seth Able

    Seth Able New Member

    ...or if we really want to go era accurate, install some sort of power hour(s).
  7. thesorrow121

    thesorrow121 New Member

    That works either way there should be some sort of faster gains via dung or power hour.
    This shard is not trying to be era accurate either, so peeps need to get away from that type of slang.
    Most of us left uosa for a reason.
  8. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    IPY died for more reasons than skillgain and there is nothing slow enough here to be out of the realm of sanity, in my opinion.
    Yes, LJ is a bitch, but it should be because it's one of the most OP combat bonuses in era, as far as I'm told.
    Everyone I know who actually PvPed in Renaissance will admit the LJ Swordsmen were beasts. Thus, it should be difficult.
    Especially a nice deterrent to PKs being LJ swordsman because the risk of taking statloss is exponential compared to any other template. :)
  9. Prodigy

    Prodigy Member

    I agree with LJing needing to be difficult, and yes it is the most OP dexxer template. What I don't like is that one day LJ is going to get nerfed, just like it did on every other free server. OSI actually took the bonus out completely, which is retarded. I don't play an LJer, but it will suck to see people put so much time into training it for so long just for it to get nerfed and be useless.
  10. thesorrow121

    thesorrow121 New Member

    Seeing no one on is a turn off, the number online doesn't mean shit when those peeps are in a house afk macroing. We need more peeps farming, pkin, pvpin playing instead of having to grind skills.
    I don't want to hear the "so do it" argument either .
    Incentive is the key, reasons to farm specific things or do things like ctf.
  11. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Renaissance Staff

    The lumberjacking bonus to damage for axes will not be removed, nor are there any plans to "nerf" it.
  12. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    I'm doing all of the above except pk unless accidentally killing sparring partners counts. When skill gains are hard, people who actually put in the effort are much more likely to stick around. If I can get a 7 GM char in a week or less, the fun will be over in about a month after I have four different 7 GM chars all specializing in whatever I choose. The fact I still don't have a single 7 GM is keeping me playing and will keep me playing for as long as I can squeeze in some time online.

    Different people have different goals and things they like, I will say that for me the greatest intensive is enjoying the (long, hard, often death filled) journey to building a character. As soon as I have a complete character I usually stop playing it and move on to building the next one.
  13. Prodigy

    Prodigy Member

    That's good to know. Thanks for the input, Ezekiel.
  14. Zagyg

    Zagyg Active Member
    Server Supporter

    This and your other comments sound like 'I want this server to be just like every other server I've played on, even though I have eventually become pissed off at and quit every other server I've played on.' I'm not here because every other Ultima server out there did things right; I'm here because they didn't. No matter what else you think about Renaissance, they're trying to be different and, by being different, better than the others. If you don't like that and want the same old, same old, then you ought to go play on some other skill-giveaway, overcrowded, grief-tastic server; there are enough of them out there to choose from. And if you don't care for my analysis, well... I don't care to read brand new forum accounts dogging out the server with every single post they make starting from #1 either but it's an open forum.
  15. thesorrow121

    thesorrow121 New Member

    I never farmed ratmen for their looks only the statues .
  16. Double Vision

    Double Vision New Member

    Noone said anything about giving skills away, But even OSI realised that Skill gain was to hard and put in power hour, Gaining skills a little faster will not drive players away if anything it will give incentive for new players to start here. Telling someone to go play another server is kinda lame just cause they agree some skills are to hard and years of macroing it just doesn't feel rewarding anymore for some people... Sure when you first UO ya you get a sense of accomplisment when you make your characters but I don't see a problem in making it a littler easier to get out there and start playing. Maybe make pvp skills faster to gain but leave Crafting skills the same.
  17. Seth Able

    Seth Able New Member

    I think the Dungeon Bonus is the best policy. It gets people out of town and into the field. Yes, you may be AFK killed if you decide to AFK, but a dungeon bonus would also allow players to go into dungeons and play the game while the train.

    On a side note, I'm currently playing WOW while I train in UO. No joke :(
  18. Abyz

    Abyz New Member

  19. Prodigy

    Prodigy Member

    I agree... Telling someone to go play another server just because they disagree with something here is just... Arrogant. I also agree with the fact that people felt accomplishment after hard gains when they first started UO. Some people might still get that accomplishment feeling, however, I just finished my second pvp toon and after GMing two resists I don't feel accomplisment. What I am happy about is I can FINALLY get on the field to pvp... That is with a 0 pvp population.That is just my opinion. I guess I fall in the category of "just find another server".
  20. Mikanele

    Mikanele New Member

    I think the skills here are fine basically everything can be afk macroed that is allowed. I never had a finished char on osi but here it's not a problem to get 7x just throw time gold and a good razor macro into a pot out comes a 7x

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