IRC/Character names

Discussion in 'Project Sanctuary [P'S]' started by Lord Krake, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. Osirah

    Osirah New Member

    IRC: Osirah
    Characters: Osirah ( Fencer/Provocation/Healer)

    Monday-Friday 4:30pm to 11pm
    Weekends anytimes
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  2. thatguyjoe

    thatguyjoe Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    IRC: thatjoeguy

    Character: Paul of Bunyan, (peace/fencer) Molly Holly, (tamer in training).

    Play times: During the week I'm generally on after midnight PST. Open on the weekends pretty much whenever. :)
    Lord Krake likes this.
  3. MikeK

    MikeK Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    IRC MikeK

    Character: Thomas, BubbaLJ, MikeT

    Play times: Most days in the afternoon.
    Lord Krake likes this.
  4. Scoots McGee

    Scoots McGee New Member

    IRC: dirt

    Scoots McGee (provo mage)
    David Bowie (tamer)
    Guelah Papyrus (crafter)

    Playtimes: Totally random. I don't have a very regimented life, so I play whenever.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2015
    Lord Krake likes this.
  5. Ren

    Ren Member
    Server Supporter

    IRC: Ren
    Characters: Ren, Renault (Item ID)
    Playtimes: Evenings in Central Time.
    Lord Krake likes this.
  6. Xavier WER

    Xavier WER Member

    IRC: Xavier_WER

    Characters: JL Dragon, Xavier WER
    Playtime: (GMT+1) irregular!
    Lord Krake likes this.
  7. one legged larry

    one legged larry New Member

    IRC: One

    Character: One Legged Larry (mutt), hatebreed (provo mage)

    Play times: dunno .. if an event is planned I'll be present tho
    Lord Krake likes this.
  8. Corsair

    Corsair New Member

    IRC: Corsair

    Characters: Corsair (provo mage), Corsair Crafty (Lumberjack gatherer), Dirk Cutlass (treasure hunting dexxer), Steel Tek (crafter),

    Play times: PST, usually in the evenings or into the night.
    Lord Krake likes this.
  9. Damiox

    Damiox New Member

    Hi all!

    IRC: Damiox
    Characters: Damiox Nolycan (tamer, still training)
    Play times: GMT -3, usually into the night.
    Lord Krake likes this.
  10. Dr Satan

    Dr Satan Well-Known Member


    Irc: DoctorSatan

    Char Name: Doctor Satan (Archer/Mace Fighting)

    Play time: Eastern times, random throughout the day.
    Lord Krake likes this.
  11. Dhark

    Dhark New Member


    IRC: Dhark

    Char.Name: Dhark (GM Mage, training poisoning)

    Playtimes: GMT about 8pm- 11pm weekdays , 8 - 3am weekends (fri, sat)
    Lord Krake likes this.
  12. Ahirman

    Ahirman Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    IRC: Ahirman

    Characters: Genesis (Disco/Tamer) Jenna Jameson (Provo/Mage)

    Play times: EST Random/Whenever my wife lets me!
    Lord Krake likes this.
  13. Cordelia Black

    Cordelia Black Well-Known Member

    IRC: CordeliaBlack

    Characters in game:
    Cordelia Black - My favourite lumberjack,cutting monsters into logs. GM lumberjack warrior,currently with gm resist and a high 60's magery debating on wether to go GM magery or drop magery and resist for Music and peace. 6x GM

    Only character thats officially in the guild,mainly to avoid confusion since i dont myself know yet wich characters i will end up spending most of my time on. Nor do all my fishermen need to clutter the roster, easily identified by the surname Black anyway. But if im at the computer Cordelia Black is going to be online. :)

    Works in progress:
    Hardy Blackrock - Dungeon lockpicker and general lockpicker. Currently 4x GM.
    Karl Krieger - Fencer with peace or provoke, else magery if i switch Cordelia to the peacemaking route. Currently 6x GM.
    Madman Marz - Archer, final template to be decided. 3x GM
    Karl Blackrock - Future Tamer, Likely Discord Tamer. 3x GM

    Fishermen Alts:
    Douglas Black
    Felix Black
    Mr Fisher Black

    All have GM fishing atm but not alot more. Hoping to be able to catch maybe some AMIB's in the future and make a group thing out of it.
    Dhark and Lord Krake like this.
  14. Vimlich

    Vimlich Member

    Last edited: Jun 1, 2017
    Yadg and Shosara like this.
  15. Yadg

    Yadg New Member

    irc - Yadg

    Yadg Firestorm (Mage/Miner/Blacksmith)

    In Australia +10 ahead of GMT

    Every third week, I am on the road for a week.
    I typically play at night 7 days a week when home. 1900 to 2200 (Aussie time)
    Vimlich and Shosara like this.
  16. Shosara

    Shosara Active Member

    Shosara (Shosara_afk, Shosara_zZz)

    Germany (GMT+2 due to summertime, GMT+1 during the Winter)
    I usually play from 8pm-11pm in the week and am online a lot more (or less) during the weekend, depending on whats going on IRL ;)

    This List is going to expand quite dramatically in the coming weeks as i have my little "trade empire" already
    laid out in front of my minds eye. For now - reporting Date 2017/06/01 - my list goes like this:

    Shosara - ("Main", Disco Tamer)
    Serrin - (Provo Dexer)
    Sanatarium - (Treasure Hunter)
    Yadg and Vimlich like this.
  17. Azerothian

    Azerothian Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    IRC: Azerothian or AzerothianAFK*

    Location: UK (Use London for timezone: BST at the moment (June), GMT in non-daylight-saving months).

    Play times: totally random. I am sometimes diurnal and at other times nocturnal. If I know of an event in advance I can often make sure I am awake for it.

    Toons: listed here.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2017
    Yadg and Shosara like this.
  18. Ragnar

    Ragnar Active Member
    Server Supporter


    Irc: Scruples

    Character: El Captain (Tamer/Thunter)

    Play Time: Mostly during the day CST. Random times on weekends.
    Yadg likes this.
  19. Julien

    Julien Well-Known Member

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  20. Julien

    Julien Well-Known Member

    Irc vanilla
    Character Retemeris
    Playing Time the week-end!
    Yadg likes this.

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