Making Factions Great Again

Discussion in 'Photography & Videography' started by Orange, Nov 13, 2016.

  1. Orange

    Orange Well-Known Member

    We have the best factioners don't we folks?
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  2. Cordelia Black

    Cordelia Black Well-Known Member

    whats a lost bum doing in the bottom corner of the last picture? theres a war going on!!
    Dun Scaith and PaddyOBrien like this.
  3. UrinalCake

    UrinalCake Well-Known Member

    Good fights everyone, lets keep them rolling.
  4. ebola

    ebola Well-Known Member

    Must suck having 7 and still needing to add another faction guild of five to win....

    Against 5 of us on a good day.
  5. UrinalCake

    UrinalCake Well-Known Member

    You had 6 the other day camping my house. You didn't seem to have a problem with those numbers when I went outside.

    Some of those pictures are literally an organized 6v6. You can't whine about numbers.
    Orange and Xegugg like this.
  6. ebola

    ebola Well-Known Member

    Cool story bro
    UrinalCake likes this.
  7. Orange

    Orange Well-Known Member

  8. scuba

    scuba Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Must suck knowing the only way you will win is if you have pax on your side.
  9. Isabel

    Isabel Active Member

    Queueing last target on a poison in a field setting group drop?

    Mes likes this.
  10. Orange

    Orange Well-Known Member

    All in a days Haming[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Keystone likes this.
  11. ebola

    ebola Well-Known Member

    You guys are terrified of pax. Your fear of him is amusing.
  12. scuba

    scuba Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Its not about fear when two groups with the best pvpers join the shard to fight one faction that says it all. You say we are scared of pax but, we seem to be the only ones fighting him.
    Keystone, Orange, UrinalCake and 2 others like this.
  13. Orange

    Orange Well-Known Member

    i heard Fek was yelling DUEL ME 1V1 at a i logged on and we killed him, bart missed the heal (noob) REEEEEEEEEE[​IMG]
  14. Skynyrd2

    Skynyrd2 Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Lol Clones...

    My first question would be how do you heal each other? But then I remember if you're the type of player who makes clone characters you most likely cannot heal well enough to make a difference anyway.

    Here's a not so original tale from UO:R,

    -Small group of pvpers cannot survive in pvp because their bad.
    -Recruit 10+ members
    -Join SL
    -Still cannot handle competition with 10+ members
    -Make clone characters
    -Become very mediocre and trash talk/troll groups of superior pvpers that try to fight you outnumbered.

    *A completely duplicate pvp tale from UO:R---

    Creativity guys----all you need is a leader who wears and ice white robe and runs 9-15 screens away anytime he sees and Vas Ort Flam loaded stranding his group.... IF you had that youd be sued for copyright infringement.
    Theodin and ebola like this.
  15. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    i'm just glad to see that after three years you've finally gotten over it
    scuba and Orange like this.
  16. Orange

    Orange Well-Known Member

    Whos this guy another pvp eliteist? You are a has been good sir its the era of the HAM get with it. I also like how ebola "liked" this post even though COM crew run "on me" roflcopter hypocrite
    scuba likes this.
  17. Orange

    Orange Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    This one has a special place in my heart hearing Meradin scream "TAKE THAT 25 BOW SHOT!" like a school girl makes the evening.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  18. ebola

    ebola Well-Known Member

    The on me toons were made and only played to combat other teams that have clones.
  19. Orange

    Orange Well-Known Member

    We did it for the lawls
  20. Pill

    Pill Well-Known Member

    crooks is a good pvper
    Theodin and skratt like this.

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