
Discussion in 'Era Discussion' started by Eisensaft, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. Kochampftt

    Kochampftt Member

    gotta remember when i or anyone says dexxer we dont mean fencer roght off the bat, its all warriors, macers, swordsmen, ljers, etc. so para blow isnt always an option...

    also, why not be naked? i hated resistances so this is inno way a plea for them, however, does armor do any good vs mages?

    once again though, i can dig it either way ;)
  2. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Couple of nitpicks here. First, the damage output of these distributions is assuming 0 armor, which on this shard especially is never the case. The damage output against an armored foe actually makes the left-hand distribution (what we have) work BETTER for weapon damage.

    Second, the more variance in weapon hits, the BETTER the wielder will do. If a war hammer did 26 damage every time (instead of some random value between 1 and 50), it would be very easy to fight against because it was so predictable. Unpredictability gives advantage to the aggressor in a fight, especially in this game wherein duels between competent people will often go to "sudden death" time.
  3. [Mobolin]

    [Mobolin] Active Member

    Tisk tisk Dalavar...I never said "I can't deal with the hit/miss randomness", I play mainly with dexxers, so I've learned to "deal with it", and accept it. I simply stated I wasn't exactly happy with it :)

    And based on snaps post above, I would be perfectly satisfied with the implementation of damage rolls. I would much prefer consistent mid-range damage, then the randomness she mentions:
  4. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    They both average the same damage, aka you aren't killing anyone on average. It should lean towards the right, more dmg output.

    How much healing can you do in 20seconds compared to physical damage? I think it should be narrowed down a bit closer together. The hardest hitting weapon is a damn joke in pvp unless you got 5 of them (it will be funny to see someone walk away from 5 simultaneous heavy vanq xbow shots).
  5. Anarchy

    Anarchy Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    I didnt play PvP yet on this server.
    Well, but are the curves not depending on the weapon you use?
    I think there should be more variant of weapons!
    If there would be more variant of weapon damage calculation you choose the weapon you like to...

    Broadsword = 2d13+3 (5-29)
    Cutlass = 2d12+4 (6-28)
    Longsword = 2d15+3 (5-33)

    More or less its all the same damage output - rolling 2 dices.

    Ok, nobody uses swords...
    Here are two absolutly equal weapons:
    Battle Axe = 2d17+4 (6-38)
    Large Battle Axe = 2d17+4 (6-38)

    Whoever wants to do more like average damage should use the...
    Executioner Axe = 3d10+3 (6-33)
    Axe = 3d10+3 (6-33)
    ... but: Again -> two absolut equal weapons.

    However "rolling" should be reworked in any case.

    This could be done by "iterative rolling" on multiple roll weapons.

    For example:
    Weapon 1: Double Axe = 1d31+4 (5-35)
    Weapon 2: Axe = 3d10+3 (6-33)

    Let the Axe do more "midrange" damage by iterative rolling and give the Double Axe the "Big Hit Luck"
    This could be done by a formula on which the probability of "double roll same values" is smaller as the chance on roll two equals.

    Double Axe is ok: Chance 1-31 for 1 roll is all the same

    Axe could be reworked:
    First roll -> 1-10 = 10% for each number.
    We rolled a 2. Now give the Higher rolls a better chance

    Second roll:
    -> 1,2,3 = 5%
    -> 4,5,6,7 = 10%
    -> 8,9,10 = 15%
    now we rolled a 7
    1,2,3 and 7,8,9 ranges are already rolled, so give now the 4,5,6 a very big chance:

    Third roll:
    1,2,3 = 5%
    4,5,6,7 = 17,5%
    8,9,10 = 5%

    An iterative system would bring more varity to weapons.
    But really should be handled carefully.
    I have to admin that i cant estimate the consequences of a iterative system.
  6. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Anarchy, in fact we do not use the dice here, for server optimization purposes.

    Wulver, they do not. Remember everyone has armor, which removes perhaps 10 damage from each hit. Quick example:

    5 hits, base damage:
    Weapon A: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 damage (Matron's left graph)
    Weapon B: 15, 15, 15, 15, 15 damage (Matron's right graph)

    Imagine armor reduces 10 damage per hit. The result in actual damage is:
    Weapon A: 0, 0, 5, 10, 15 damage = total damage of 30
    Weapon B: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 damage = total damage of 25

    So the weapon with the "swingy" damage is in fact better!

    Mobolin, see above for why I think you wouldn't be happy with damage rolls implemented. Not only for that reason, but because variance is more helpful in killing people than stability and predictability. I guess I don't know what you mean about "not being happy" with hit/miss ratios, unless you mean you want to hit every time :/
  7. Anarchy

    Anarchy Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Well, dice rolling would realize more damage near average of the weapon.
    My calculation above would just adjust the dice rolling more.
    For example on a 2 dice with 6 numbers the most proper roll is 7 and less prober is 12 or 2
    (Rolling 7 is possible by rolling 1+6 2+5 5+2 etc, Rolling 2 only with 1+1)

    But what is the calculation here?
    I hoped using my axe with 3 rolls would do more damage near average.
    This should be like this.
    Is here any weapon varity more than min-max damage?
  8. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Now, just imagine that HALF of those are misses, and if that was from a bow it would be over 20 seconds worth of dmg... that is bad. :D I missed 5 shots in a row vs HateCrime and in my last vid I hit for sub 10 dmg 3x in a row (+25 VANQ) we aren't killing shit that way, we never will not with the options of healing/escape we have available... physical damage is flat BROKEN! HISTORY PERFECT THAT SHIT!
  9. Kochampftt

    Kochampftt Member

    You guys being able to do all this math just blows my mind LoL. Guess I've just never thought that far into the details. Good going guys, yal are enlightening me thats for sure.
  10. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Kochampftt, for me it is one of the more fun aspects of exploring this game.

    Wulver, not sure what else I can say here. Random coin flips are random. If you really wanted the randomness eliminated, you'd complain just as loudly when you hit 5 times in a row, or when you got 3 high-end hits in a row with the bow.
  11. Kochampftt

    Kochampftt Member

    Dalavar seena to have a pretty valid point with his last statement. Im not familiar with all of the math and what not but after reading all of this i defonitely feel more intune to what is goibg on. There are definitely times I hit for lota of damage and other times I miss a ton, seems to balance out.
  12. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Doesn't matter, shit won't get perfected, just remain the same old busted set up.
  13. LudKrud

    LudKrud Active Member

    Well if everything sucks here I wouldnt play here..........
  14. Kochampftt

    Kochampftt Member

    I absolutely love it here :). Its like this, as long as there has ever been pvp, there has been argumemts when something doesnt SEEM as strong as what another is doing. Juat have to rememember to have fun.
  15. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Who is saying everything sucks?
  16. Philthie

    Philthie Member

    Not to troll or anything, but exactly what way does stamina drain, swing speed and weapon weight come into these equations? I didn't read the whole thread but presume it must be a melee vs mage arguement of some description and I had been wondering what the more detailed explanation might be to my current "doing stuff uses stam, low stam makes me fatigued" understanding of it.

    I'm just glad there isnt any of that Lower Reagent Cost armour I seen on some shard once.

    Also I have been wondering if it's possible to stack discordance, feeblemind and curse in someone at the same time or will it just be dispelled in seconds?
  17. LudKrud

    LudKrud Active Member

  18. LudKrud

    LudKrud Active Member

    Cant discord a person.
  19. Philthie

    Philthie Member

    Well that answers that then! Lol! Aye it's just occurred to me why that is as well. Which I'd a shame really because it makes Discordance a bit undesirable.
  20. Brymstone

    Brymstone Well-Known Member

    I tend to agree with Wulver as far as the PvP system on this shard. I do like alot of what this shard has to offer but my time here is split probably 70/30 between this shard and another shard that will not be named. The reason is that I only play this shard 30% of the time due to the broken PvP mechanics. I have a good time casually playing here but when I want the PvP experience I hop on the "other" shard to get my fix.

    So I think Wulver is simply expressing that although he may like alot of what this shard is doing and enjoys playing here, when it comes to PvP it is a broken set-up.

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