Plats for Crafting/Gathering

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Codus, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. Codus

    Codus Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2014
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    So some people participate in the less "exciting" world of crafting instead of the endless slaughter of their fellow man and beast.

    Would it be ridiculous to suggest that while cutting down trees or mining ore that there be a slim chance you find a plat coin that "an adventurer dropped"?

    Monsters have like 1/200 chance of dropping a coin. Gathering could have 1/800 or something ridiculous. I don't always get a coin while farming on my PvM toon so I don't excpect to always find one gathering on my crafter but every 1000 clicks on a tree might yield something greater then wood, no?

    I would add Deep See fishing to this as: Mining, Deep See, and LJ - you have to be at your computer doing it so people can not abuse and just farm plats by parking a boat or miner for 4 days afk.

    Any objections/support?
    Orion GM BD and Gozinya like this.
  2. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
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    Aug 4, 2014
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    I support this idea.
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  3. Fleutral

    Fleutral Member

    May 20, 2014
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    Would be wonderful
    Codus likes this.
  4. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    Seems like a reasonable request. Oakwood is too similar to standard wood to be considered a real perk.

    OR, make it so golems/trolls that spawn from mining (and collecting wood?) have a much higher rate of dropping a platinum coin?
    Codus likes this.
  5. Codus

    Codus Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2014
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    i dont like the golem idea (and i havnt seen any trolls spawn when LJing) because most crafter's cant kill those things. I know any time I personally, or have seen someone, farming the golems - they do it w/ a dexxer and have their alt smelt the ore.

    My goal is to allow a player playing on this server be rewarded equally for time spent farming lich and ogre lords as well as farming iron and oak. You can't do either AFK but only one speeds up the rate at which you can buy cool stuff from vendors.

    I realize everyone has more the one type of toon and can do all the various playstyles. Player events for trophies/champ spawns, etc. will always give more rewards and you generally have to be a pvm/pvp char for that. But in your down time, if you want to gather - you dont get bonus plat like you could killing mobs.
  6. Lord Krake

    Lord Krake Well-Known Member
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    Jun 25, 2014
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    I also support this.
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  7. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
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    Apr 3, 2013
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    We already have AFK checks here for players harvesting resources.

    Perhaps this could be an incentive to get people to actively gather resources (as opposed to recall mining). If you've recalled in the last 30 seconds, you are ineligible for plat drops.
  8. Codus

    Codus Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2014
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    i know we have the afk checks - thats why i said since you have to be there doing it its already safe from abuse
  9. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    I disagree. Rsource gathering, outside of town, shouldn't be given platinum simply for "chopping a tree" - this is too much on par with "swinging at an earth elemental". You can swing at trees much faster than you can kill monsters. If they go with your idea, I can only hope that the rate is over 1/2000 or platinum will become to easy to churn. It's much easier to walk through the woods cutting woods endlessly, than it is to fight monsters, kill them, and await respawn. The turnover rate is slow compared to what it would be for lumberjacking.

    Resource gathering within guarded regions should never yield platinum coins.
    Gideon Jura and Basoosh like this.
  10. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
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    Aug 4, 2014
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    I also dislike the golem idea, but your point is heard. The drop rate should be, like you said, low enough that this is NOT the way to go if your looking to churn platinum. But it would provide a slow option to get platinum for lumberjackers and miners.
  11. Codus

    Codus Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2014
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    Ya Pork - i agree full on. I can't farm liches in a guarded zone - so I shouldnt get plat at the Brit Bank.

    I also agree the rate needs to be on par w/ killing stuff.

    As i said in my original post - some days ill hunt and get a coin, some days I get none. I dont expect to get 10 coins a day cutting trees..

    What ever the rate that makes it the same "coins per hour" if you will.

    If a normal endgame player could kill .. lets go with 50 arctic ogers in an hour:
    1/200 chance - 4 hours gets 1 coin.

    If an average miner can dig up 500 ingots an hour (thats 250 successful large ore digs) then:
    1/1000 chance - 4 hours gets 1 coin.

    Both of those are made up completely but if we can figure out average rates for major spawns and gathering rates.. boom - we have our drop rate.

    And the chance to drop should increase w/ your skill.. Cant have 0 skill and run around hacking trees as you run somewhere else for the off chance of getting a coin. Only at endgame can you farm arctics or lich lords or dragons or etc.... so only at end game should you get coins.

    Im not asking for free coins - just for another viable way to reward playing the game in way people LOVE playing it.
  12. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    What skills do "miners and lumberjacks" have exactly?

    500 Skill Points.

    If you're talking about a crafter, with resource gathering skills, the platinum coins should come from the crafting aspect - turning in BODs for example (especially with the upcoming release of 3 new types of BODs).

    They can't simply give you platinum for a 2-skill template. Otherwise, I want to see a pure Alchemist/Poisoner have a way to earn platinum. I could continue listing 2-skill templates that can't earn platinum currently, but I think my point has been made on that,
  13. Codus

    Codus Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2014
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    why not have 2 skills get coins ...

    Plats are rewards for actively playing the game.

    You can not hunt while afk.. therefor you are actively playing.

    You can not CTF/Player Event while afk.. therefor you are actively palying.

    You can not gather while afk... therefor you are actively playing.

    Seems to be the same thing to me?

    You can craft afk so alch/posion making pots afk all day shouldn't get coins... you can create items for bods all day if you have mats while afk..

    If i have music and provo gm i can get coins w/ 0 other skill?
    If I have taming/lore i can get coins (granted keeping your things alive would be a challange)
    Lockpicking/magery - recall into chests pop em and get coins if there in there and recall out..

    I can keep listing 2 skills that could get coins currently but i think my point is made.
  14. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
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    Aug 4, 2014
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    I'm not sure if the existence of 2-skill templates that don't earn platinum currently neccesarily forbids a crafter from doing it.
    I liked this idea because it supports different walks of life. I personally am not a fan of the mining golem thing because triditionally my miners were always just pure crafters. I don't even mine because of this. I'm over having to pvm golems when I would like to just mine, it forces me to become a dexxer or mage, or run without pack animals and split every time a golem appears. I get why they were implemented, its just not my cup of tea when i'm mining.
    That said, with system messages gone, lumberjacking is more then ever an activity that you have to do at computer. I don't think its unreasonable that every once in awhile while chopping trees, a platinum coin appears in your pack.

    Here is the list of current places platinum can be earned. Is adding a gatheriing tab so bad? Any arguments about people being able to churn platinum too easily are addressed by adjusting the drop rate.
    • Champions
    • Hunting
    • Rewards
    • Fishing
    • Dungeoneering
    • Treasure Hunting
    • Tradecraft / Bulk Orders
    • Rougish Behavior
    • Player Activity - Monthly Vet Rewards
    Codus likes this.
  15. Athena

    Athena Active Member

    Aug 24, 2013
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    I don't think it would hurt for a few new ways to get plat. After the great champ spawn explosions last Xmas plat generation has leveled off nicely.
    Gideon Jura and Codus like this.
  16. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    I think plat from resource gathering is reasonable, but I wouldn't tie it to the trolls since I think their spawning is related to macro-gathering. And you'd want non-macro gatherers to have a shot at the platinum too.

    When I farmed Elder Gazers, they had a 1/200 chance at platinum. And I suspect I killed about 75 EG per hour, including restocking time and whatnot. So that's one platinum for every 2.67 hours farming. I had a chance at a platinum from beholders too, but that brought significantly more risk and danger.

    So I think it's reasonable for resource gatherers to get 1 platinum every, say, 3 hours of gathering. At present gold exchange rates, that's an extra 2k income per hour, which isn't going to unbalance anything IMO, and might help incent this activity a bit.
    Gideon Jura and Codus like this.
  17. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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  18. Gozinya

    Gozinya Active Member
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    Sep 3, 2014
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  19. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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  20. Freakzilla

    Freakzilla Active Member
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    Aug 28, 2012
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    You already get plats just for logging in the game and playing...hell, why not just put a vendor up at every bank that hands out free plat to everyone...why not just give everyone a free ethy while we're at it too.
    Orion GM BD and Gideon Jura like this.

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