
Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Zailm, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. Zailm

    Zailm New Member

    so like others im really looking forward to just asking: will the connection get better for european players ? i logged in once and if i remember right my ping was around 300ms from middle europe (my inet connection is a beast)

    i want to try your shard at September 1st and i would like to invite some european friends aswell..but i guess we wont stay long if our ping is even worse then on uogamers:hybrid.

    u think you can do something about that ? would be nice if you can get the playerbase from DFI i see your online count is allready higher even in beta, congratz to that.


  2. jukeboxhero

    jukeboxhero New Member

    i think the server is based in central US
  3. Zailm

    Zailm New Member

    sad this shard will also have in future a bad ping for europeans ? a big part of the UO community is also from'll lose alot of players to dfi like this..

    btw..i hope its a joke that beta players can keep their characters..i guess it really is a bad joke and everybody will start from 0 at september 1st ? we saw enough UO:R shards fail with their launch..dont be one of them..WIPE EVERYTHING OR FAIL..
  4. Rainbow

    Rainbow Member

    Nope Zalim it's not a joke. People have spent 3 weeks to 2 months building their characters and testing the server. And I am thousands of miles away from the Server's location as well. My ping is great. We have players from Europe, U.S. and even South Africa that arent having the problems you seem to be having... DFI is a complete trash server. I've been there and played them all. There are some really good servers out there to play if this one doesn't meet your needs. Although from all my years expereince and from everything I have seen in the last 63 days, this server is the best one I have played as far as content, staff, balance and overall game play.

    Jump on the bandwagon or get left behind. All the time you've spent complaining about skill gain, you could have had a couple of characters yourself done by now...

    This server will be a 100% success with or without you and your opinions. If you had actually accomplished something during the Beta period, you would not be calling for a server wipe on day one. You chose not too. We chose to do what we could. Get over it and catch up, or don't up to you.

    Oh and by the way.

    UO:R > Every other server.
  5. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Quoted from truth
  6. Mikanele

    Mikanele New Member

    what these guys are trying to say is the server does not accept donations its all volunteer or paid for by staff. the staff are rewarding beta testers with there char and skills no resources houses or anything besides a spellbook and runebook. if you start when we go live you wil have a month to build a char and save up for housing when the land rush begins. a month is plenty of time to get started and save for real estate. if you start now you could easily have a dexxer or bard ready to go for opening day.
  7. Zailm

    Zailm New Member

    seems like only beta testers who have allready made their chars replied to this thread..ofc you guys dont want it to wipe..but im not asking you..

    why should people who didnt find out about this shard so early get a disadvantage ?

    there is no doubt you will have guys with finished chars pking noobs on day 1 who just try to get established..

    the fun thing about a launch day is that everyone is starting from zero and has the same chances..

    the magic of a new world will be over when you see the first tamers have allready a pure mare within the first hour.

    i have build many chars in this game and im sure i will have to build some more after this shard..sad but it allways ends like this..

    so im used to it and ofc will build a char (unless it doesnt take me a month) but im more worried about the other ppl..

    most ppl on launchday will be ppl who didnt play beta and dont share your (beta testers) oppinions at all..

    than you can explain them that you deserve your characters because you were a beta they were for many other shards..

    not only you (beta tester) are tired of building chars..

    i also asked on dfi for wipe, even if i was alpha tester..they gave me blessed black sandals, a darkgray kasa, 100k gold, a small tower at brit gy..a tamer with gm taming, gm lore and 90 in the rest of his build. ah y i also received a white lantern and was riding the firebeetle at day 2 of beta (after wipe)

    if i look at the shard now i wish they didnt give us all that stuff..maybe we would have played longer (alpha testers and normal players)

    edit: but i guess i dont have to further discuss since the ping is 280ms from europe :(
  8. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    I don't see any problems with the ping around 200-300 from Korea. I got slightly worse on UOSA, my playability is decent.

    I don't see what the fuss is about someone getting a mare, they spawn in Terathan Keep now so they can't get blocked.

    Yes, beta vets will have the edge on obtaining gold and crafting items. Having a complete wipe can actually hurt the start if you ask me. What is so beneficial of the beta vets keeping their skills? Guilds can be established quicker, newbs can be better equipped, the few pks out there will have to contend against this. Maybe the pks will make friends with a victim and recruit them??

    Honestly, I just wish it was one house per account.

    I just started here today.
  9. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    We better do a shard wipe 2 years from now so the people who come here 1 day later aren't at a fair disadvantage just because they didn't find the shard until then as well. . . Sounds like you need a single player game ^.^
  10. Gharik

    Gharik Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    If these new players have a problem, allow them to speak for themselves. But like the poster below said, there are far more benefits from letting people keep their skills. I personally spend a great deal of time helping new players in game and out of game. You better believe I would've assisted you too had you ASKED, instead of acting like the little girl who didn't get her way. The staff has already spoken about this issue and they aren't going to change their minds. You're beating a dead horse at this point, it's time for you to kick rocks.
  11. Xevec

    Xevec Active Member
    Server Supporter

    I admit I'm a beta tester with about 3 weeks in, but I think Hate makes a totally valid argument.
    What about people who don't find the shard until October 1? Won't they be at a disadvantage to people who start on September 1?
    The last shard I played started more than 2 years before I joined it, but I don't think that ruined the experience.
    Also as has been said before, only skills, clothing, a spellbook, and a few runebooks can be kept.
  12. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    I can understand Zailm's concerns, but advantages we will have here (I feel) will help eliminate most of them. First off, we will have
    factions; lot people who enjoy pvp will be joining factions. We will also have "events" which will give players another avenue to vent
    their blood lust. Lot of the pvper's that I know of, are not the type who dungeon hop in gangs and kill noobs. Most of them enjoy the
    challenge of a good pvp fight. Yes, there will be some pkers who flock in gangs, but that is true on any shard with Fel conditions.
    We also have a growing player base whose members do not enjoy pvp, the staff here have done an excellent job in trying to make
    this world interesting for all player types.
    One thing you may not realize Zailm, is the players here went through a complete wipe after the first test.

    I hope you find the shard to your liking after it goes live, if not, there are many shards out there and I am sure you will find
    one which suits you


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