
Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Potion Commotion, Mar 2, 2016.

  1. Potion Commotion

    Potion Commotion Member

    Oct 31, 2015
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    I'm a PK, and I have a few red characters bouncing around 4-8 short counts. Generally when I PK I so while drinking, by the end of the night I'm less then coherent, and I've been seconds away from rezzing myself into stat multiple times. Sometimes during the heat of battle when my buddy throws up a rezz and yells, "quick grab your bag and get exp up!" other times it's in the comfort of my own home. I've also know of a few people that have rezzed themselves into stat by mistake. We are relatively new to the server, and it's easy to forget.

    I'm not asking to get rid of stat, I think that some kind of limitations on PKs is a good thing, but what about a quick pop up. Your about to rezz into stat, idiot. Put down the bottle and cancel that rezz, or you're going to be grinding poison pots for the next few days, dumb ass. You know, something like that. Just a friendly reminder.

    As a side note, I've seen some servers do some interesting things with the counts, and bounty system. I think it would be fun to see something more unique done. My favorite was a server where, when a PKs head was turned in they had to pay the person that turned it in, or they would be put into stat. There was a negotiation, where the killer would make an initial offer, the pk could rebut, and then the killer placed a final amount. So basically you could pay your way out of stat.

    Just a few ideas, thanks for looking.
    Keystone likes this.
  2. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 15, 2013
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    I don't see a dire need for this and I think one of the aspects of the stat system is to punish reds, so if you aren't paying attention then oh well.

    When you select the option to drop your house it will pop up a warning window. I've accidentally dropped a keep a long time ago that was somewhat loaded, I too had too much to drink and I wasn't paying attention when all I wanted to do was change the house keys.

    So, I can relate to doing silly things when inebriated. I don't think a warning window is appropriate here, though. I'm a firm believer that if you're gonna be a PK then you must keep track of your counts.
    Taliic likes this.
  3. Tuco

    Tuco Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    Why not make an "I must consider my sins" macro and build a habit of using that every time before you res, maybe.
  4. Potion Commotion

    Potion Commotion Member

    Oct 31, 2015
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    I'm just saying I've never thought about it before, and so I forget all of the time. That's just a symptom of being new to this server, and so I feel like it's a punishment for being unfamiliar with the system more then anything. After I play for a while i'm sure it will just become second nature.

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