tailoring and prices

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by newme, Aug 2, 2012.

  1. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    I understand the prices npc's pay are under review, hope following info is helpful with that.

    Item: cloth to make: sale price: Thread to buy 18 gold Takes 5 threads to make one bolt cloth

    robe ....... 16 9 gold one bolt cloth makes 50 cloth

    cloak ...... 14 4 gold

    fancy dress ... 12 12 gold

    this is not counting collected wool or cotton.

    hope this helps :}
  2. custard

    custard New Member

    I also agree, I buy hides for 3 gold per hide, it takes 4 hides to make a gorget which is 12 gold total, if i succeed, which at this time i do not as often as i would like. I can sell the leather gorgets for 15 gold, which is a profit, however, I was hoping for more.
  3. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    Valid points, the method in which vendors pay for crafted items will be reviewed and patched here soon. This is actually a critical issue before we go live in order to develop a functional economy without massive influx of gold from players exploiting buy/sell mechanisms for profit.

    One simple solution is adjusting the prices of the bulk items needed to produce items that can be sold to vendors. Discouraging players from simply buying low, crafting and selling high, resulting in a massive influx of gold.

    We will be addressing this issue with a subsystem to prevent unattended macroing, and by adjusting the prices vendors pay for items to match the resources and effort involved to create them.

    We will also be adding a vendor purse system that will slowly reduce the amount a vendor pays for items, this would have minimal to no effect on your average player, but would deter players from crafting and selling 100 items to the same vendor.
  4. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    thanks so much for your time and efforts looking into this.

    I understand about the economy aspect, but crafting items is one way for newer players to earn gold . LOL I bought my first house

    tailoring, spent hours in the tailor shop buying thread and sew kits and selling items back to vendor. I don't think this sort of "play" harms the

    economy because all my in game time was spent doing this. Thus I was not out fighting monsters. I don't see much difference in

    crafting massive amounts of items as any different than someone spending all their in game time in dungeons to earn gold?

    I do agree that having the price drop for items should occur after the npc vendor buys a certain amount of that item.

    Perhaps the same could be used for monster drops ( if any way to adjust it so only the character would be effected, not the next player to

    come and fight) This would also prevent the massive influx of gold .

    My belief is unattended macroing should be banned for every type of crafting and resource gathering be it fish, ore, cotton, inscription,

    smithing etc.

    thanks all :}
  5. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    The system going in here soon will simply reduce the amount of an item that town vendors will buy before they start to greatly reduce the amount they pay for that specific items.

    These changes should have minimal to no effect on the average player, and only deter players from crafting and selling staggering amounts of items.

    In a realistic economy a vendor would not continue to buy your goods if you constantly sold the same goods in massive amounts, however if you sell a diverse group of items in a more reasonable time span the vendors will pay what you expect.

    Should a player try to game the system using an unattended macro to craft and sell they will be caught by our anti afk profit system. However no one will be banned for this, they will receive extended jail time for each offense. Much like you would in real life.
  6. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    cool I think jail time is a very just . I understand more way you explained it.

    giant thanks

  7. DarkWing

    DarkWing Senior Counselor
    Senior Counselor
    UO:R Subscriber

    you should put a bulletin board in the Jail ... inmates gotta be able to write on the walls!
  8. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Please do. I could have signed it 3 times already ^.^
  9. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Bookshelves with books you can't remove, but you can read or write in (writing cannot be changed or deleted by another author, or each inmate gets a book per character that only they can write in). ;)

    As far as the comparison of dungeon farming to craft farming, if vendors pay less for quantities of the same item, that's a comparable loss to say...ya know....dying and losing all of your gear and the gold you might have made if you survive in the wilds. ;)
    It doesn't happen every time, but it happens plenty enough to hit the bank balance.
    I don't think any craft should have a chance to make high profits, without branching out beyond NPCs, and into the player base.

    Much like, as a dungeon crawler, I can't make a ton of money unless I risk a more difficult monster to fight, which inherently comes with the danger of bandits looting my worldly goods from my still bleeding corpse.
  10. custard

    custard New Member

    I do like the idea of this system, I am just leary of how it will be able to tell the difference between me going out to wrong or despise killing lizards and rats for hides, then passing them to my crafter to make items that I will be selling to an NPC, there is time and effort placed into both chars to be able to do this. This example, I feel, is very different than me recalling from tanner to tanner buying hides then afkmacroing and come back in 10 mins to sell. The other example is my going out and chopping trees without a macro and making bows with one, to go back and sell the newly made bows to various smiths and bowyers, I would have to put in time and effort to get the logs....... even though i am making the bows with a macro. I am wondering if this system would be able to tell the difference between me repeating the same steps and movements Vs. my leapfroggin from tree to tree in an varying manner than the previous trip out.

    Forgot to mention, is there going to be an appeal process like in real life, where I can plead my case? I have a lawyer and know how to use him :mrgreen:
  11. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    I'm not sure that it will be able to tell the difference. This just prevents autoselling/macroing of goods to sell to npc's with little to no effort. I don't know ALL of the specifics but with somebody like you putting in the time, you would make much more selling to players through a vendor of your own, and that is something that this system will encourage.
  12. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    True, player vendors are nice, but still got to get the gold to either put up the vendor or/and own house to put it in.

    Although with everything being brand new, a player might be able to sell to other players by standing around bank announcing wares,

    or that trading page on forums. We have much more options than back in the day. shard is coming together little more everyday and

    becoming fantastic, not just awesome.

  13. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Glad you are enjoying. Its players like you that are making this shard what it was meant to be with your time and assistance. I look forward to playing with you after launch and for many years to come :) Lets continue to build a wonderful community.
  14. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    ahh! Giant friend hugs
  15. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    This issue has been addressed with Patch 12 to bring the prices for tailored items more in line with Renaissance era levels.

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