Update: Tabius's Grand Plan

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Tabius, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. Tabius

    Tabius Active Member

    Hi guys,

    Just thought I would give people an update as to where I am at with my plans for Justice Island. I have had people pm me about it so I am going to post it up here and let people know what I am doing.

    Funds are tight, but I am getting there. With what little time I have to play and the fact I have had surgery 2 weeks ago, and a flu this week.

    I have finally GMed my carpentry (as of last night) and am now in the process of making sandstone items for the church deco. This may take sometime as the number of Sandstone required is insane considering the amount of seating required. If anyone would like to help out with donations of sandstone, or even gargoyle pickaxes it would be appreciated.

    Summer Wind items are proving harder to find than I first expected. I am still searching for Summer Wind weapons with zero other modifiers. If you have some please let me know and we can make a deal.

    I have hopefully obtained one of each instrument of summer wind, I will collect those once I am able to be on at the same time as the person who has them.

    It has been a slow process, and just wanted to let people know what I am after and hopefully you keep me in mind before you bin that summer wind weapon.
    Huzke, Liberation and bart simpson like this.
  2. [Mobolin]

    [Mobolin] Active Member

    so about that grand plan....
  3. Tabius

    Tabius Active Member

    You were not told? sorry bout that.

    And to those of you who have offered assistance, thank you.
    Huzke and Jupiter like this.
  4. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    If you would like to link the island up with Paws let me know
  5. Tabius

    Tabius Active Member

    Thanks Jupiter
  6. [Mobolin]

    [Mobolin] Active Member

    The last I heard this property was up for sale or being given away many, many moons ago!
  7. Tabius

    Tabius Active Member

    Get with the times man.
  8. Deacon

    Deacon Well-Known Member

    WTS Sandstone ingots only 50k each!
  9. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member


    Is there a link about what the grand plans are...?
  10. Tabius

    Tabius Active Member

    Justice Island is in the process of becoming a church and a place of worship. It will focus around the Summer Wind term on slayer weapons etc

    This is why I am on a mass hunt for summer wind items. It will be decorated as a church, thus needing mass stone for the pews and the altar.

    Need any more info let me know in IRC
    Wise likes this.
  11. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    As a representative of the just and generous members of Valor and Loyalty I hereby pledge to donate 150 sandstone ingots for the decoration of this holiest of buildings
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2014
    Huzke likes this.
  12. Tabius

    Tabius Active Member

    A big thank you goes to you and your colleagues. This will make almost two sets of pews!!

    May the summer wind bless you all!
  13. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    How many do you need for two full pews?
  14. Tabius

    Tabius Active Member

    90 per I believe. It's 6 pieces
  15. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    180 it is, go on irc if you're still up
    Huzke likes this.
  16. Tabius

    Tabius Active Member

    I will be on later. Thanks
  17. Tabius

    Tabius Active Member

    A big thank you to Wise and Valor and Loyalty for their wonderful donation of 180 sandstone ingots.

    This will be recognised in a book to be on display in the church upon completion.

    All donations will have similar recognition.

    Thank you.
    Huzke likes this.
  18. Tabius

    Tabius Active Member

    Donation of 50 sandstone ingots has been pledged. Thanks!!

    I am also looking to obtain 2 cupid books "My arrows will fly true to end this farce" If anyone has some available and would like to let me know how much so I can add that to the list of future purchases I would appreciate it.
  19. Wise

    Wise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Post some pics of the progress!
  20. Tabius

    Tabius Active Member

    Pictures will come once the pews etc going in. At the moment they are in storage until I get the numbers required from mining.

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