WTB 100 Firefield Scrolls

Discussion in 'Trading Post' started by Samuel Colt, Aug 2, 2014.

  1. Samuel Colt

    Samuel Colt Member

    PM me with your price or a vendor location if you know of one. Thanks!

    NONAMEALLSTAR Well-Known Member

    why do you want 100 fire field?
  3. HateCrime

    HateCrime Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Maybe he wants to work resist up to 55 on a few chars without magery.
    Samuel Colt likes this.
  4. Samuel Colt

    Samuel Colt Member

    HateCrime pretty much summed it up.
  5. Rokk

    Rokk Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    if you don't find any, hit me up on irc and i'll whip you up a batch :)
    Samuel Colt likes this.
  6. Ragnarok

    Ragnarok Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Samuel Colt likes this.
  7. Samuel Colt

    Samuel Colt Member

    Thank's Ragnarok, I appreciate it!
  8. Samuel Colt

    Samuel Colt Member

    Very nice store btw. When I first started playing UO, I did a store on the Vesper strip. There's a lot of nostalgia value there for me. I may have to get a house on that road!
    Ragnarok likes this.
  9. Ragnarok

    Ragnarok Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    I added a bag of 100# Flamestrike scrolls as well.

    I prefer the Vesper strip, as movement is easier. Travelling around Yew is almost like travelling in the jungle.

    Samuel Colt likes this.

    NONAMEALLSTAR Well-Known Member

    not a bad idea, ill have to keep this one in mind
    Samuel Colt likes this.

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