Triple Boxing

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Dalavar, Aug 6, 2015.

  1. Fin

    Fin Well-Known Member
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    Aug 20, 2014
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    There seems to be a misconception that people can make obscene amounts of my by triple boxing champs on their own. Have you ever worked a champ with 3 tamers? It's slow as hell.

    Clearly triple tamers can kill things faster than a single tamer, but there are diminishing returns because of respawn rate. My disco tamer can also farm bloods solo at roughly the rate at which the the bloods respawn.

    People are overstating the degree to which triple boxing is a problem.
  2. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    I won't ever have more than one tamer, so the answer is no. I can farm pretty much any spawn with my disco tamer. He's already a beast. If I had him auto-discording though while I ran a provo tamer and a dexxer tamer for epic damage output, I certainly can make more gold/plat faster.
  3. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    When the allowance of three accounts was coded, was the ability/thought of triple boxing completely overlooked?
    Do you think this was a huge oversight that absolutely no one thought could happen?

    You've come up with a lot of ideas lately and at least you're an active participant which is great!
    Have you taken a step back and envisioned what the server would be like if these ideas were all implemented?

    Have you spoken with these triple boxing players and discussed your point of view on the matter with them?
    What feedback have you received from these players?

    It reminds me of days just before trammel and the forums were flooded with requests seeking solutions for "problems".
    It frightens me. I like this server and the thought of all these ideas coming to fruition would flat out ruin the good thing we have here.

    Be careful what you campaign for. You just might get it and 20 other things you don't want.

    This server is advertised as ERA ACCURATE and is the reason I came here.
    I've been able to forgive some of the crazy additions (tamers/bonding) but, that list you've got there is a different game.

    IF triple boxing is determined to be a problem, the a solution is one account per IP.

    I however offer my personal solution. Kill their characters over and over.
    Between triple boxers and tamers, I've been enjoying this wonderful new content more than anything else!

    Don't eliminate my content :p

    I don't triple or dual box.
    I do have a 1,2,3 lock box though.
  4. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    Disable the "follow" ability in UO. There are still places people could triple box but this would be a huge wrench at minimal cost. There are certainly people like @Jupiter who use the follow command and are cringing at the suggestion, thats the "cost". :)
    Alice Asteroid and Jupiter like this.
  5. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    If you're triple boxing the same spawn, you're doing it wrong. 3 tamers with dragon+dragon+mare combo at 2-3 spawns is probably faster and safer (depending spawns) . I've never tested this on UOR but it's always been the case on any shard I've played on in the last decade that allowed 3 accounts.
  6. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
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    Aug 4, 2014
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    That's a horrible idea. Why break something ELSE in an attempt to repair something?
    Basoosh and Alice Asteroid like this.
  7. Mindless

    Mindless Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2014
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    El Horno... stop talking to yourself...

    and in regards to the triple boxxing multiple spawns... its STILL not that effective because you have to spend a lot of time looting. Trust me... I triple box 3 spawns a lot as of late.

    If I camp my alt tamers at 2 easy spawns (dread spiders? Lich lords? Whatever really?) and go farm bloods on my disco tamer the amount of downtime on my main farmer (disco tamer) I have from having to go loot on the alts is HUGE... I could have easily made the gold had I just been hitting bloods hard solo.

    The only REAL benefit I see in triple boxing 3 different spawns = more boss spawns.
  8. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Pretty sure el horno is talking to himself in here
  9. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    Learn to micro-manage. Dual monitors/widescreens also make it super easy
  10. Mindless

    Mindless Well-Known Member
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    Aug 21, 2014
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    Whatever... try it yourself. You an speculate all you want; I've done it... a lot.

    Also: I have 3 24" widescreen monitors.

    I'm a MIN/MAXer for life... trust me; I ran the numbers... and to clarify: I am not saying that triple boxing tamers doesn't make more gold. I just think that people have it in their head that they make TRIPLE the gold ... when that is certainly not the case.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2015
  11. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    lol, he's right. When mob loot isn't always at your feet, hustling the looting of three different clients is a beast even with three screens.

    I can only imagine the fun Jupiter has trying to juggle his persona and his following alt at the same time. A wonder of modern RP.
  12. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    My two cents worth.

    First you don't need three or four tailors or/and smiths to be on a par in the bod game. That is just a convenience to get multi bods faster. When you fill a small or large bod and turn it in, you can immediately get another bod. You can do this every time you fill a bod, don't have to wait the six hours.

    I am not against combining accounts, but i would think combining to two accounts would be more practical. But, I don't think this can be done with the game engine. Accounts auto come with five character slots.

    Triple boxing. I have never actually done this while farming anything, so I can't really address this issue at length. Seems like would be a major pain to me. At times I run two accounts. But I am not controlling both at same time. Example. My fisher lady is not gm mage, so my full mage rides along in case run into something the fisher can't handle solo.

  13. Baine

    Baine Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Although I would love to see us all limited to one account (5 or 15 characters) that will never happen for the sole fact that people macro skills using alts.

    The only real issue I see with triple-boxing is when plat drops as a reward into characters' packs (ie: champs, harrowers, special events.)

    All other scenarios yield only slightly more gold than vigorously farming one area, with one client.
    newme and Basoosh like this.
  14. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    You can't have four, or rather get no benefit from it. Maximum yield (pulled bods) and production (filled bods) is only possible with 3x tailor/smiths. There is no room for opinion on the matter, you just cannot compete with one. I understand you may not want to compete and that you absolutely enjoy doing bods for the game itself. To me, the game itself is skewed when playing more than one character is required to be as successful as possible.
  15. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
    Basoosh and Codus like this.
  16. Athena

    Athena Active Member

    Aug 24, 2013
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    I have to admit the only time I triple box is during fishing as well. It's just so boring with only one fisherperson on the boat. I wouldn't mind seeing something done about triple boxing though as thats the only aspect of my gameplay it would actually effect in any way.
  17. Maltman

    Maltman Active Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    People have to triple account to macro skills.

    Macroing is a boring and ridiculous game mechanic/Inconvenience (why do we choose to keep it?)
    ( inb4"It's not 1998 anymore I'm a single dad with three kids can't be bothered to play the game more than five minutes a day " that doesn't necessitate macroing there is other solutions)

    Triple boxing is the outcome

    But The biggest problem I know isnt triple boxing, its that I can never find anyone in this damn game

    I would have loved to find a triple boxxer somewhere in the hour I played this morning.

    Macroing, triple boxing and other three account bs, small population spread out over huge world. These are all the ugliest problems of every free shard I ever played on and I think is 99% percent reason people don't play UO anymore. And people will eternally complain until someone drastically changes the generic free shard formula.

    Do you really think Chris is going to be the guy to do that? So far he seems super conservative. His main moddo is

    "If you did something right people won't notice you did anything or all" and he's posted it all over the site"

    So far the trend is that he is making a generic free shard with some nice additional trammely content.

    Yeah the instances events and battle mining is interaction free solo gaming and just exasperates the problem of the world being too spread out.

    Removing triple boxing might increase player interaction but has there been any free shard in the history of uo to do this?
  18. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    You don't "have" to macro anything thing. You can just go out and use skills (ie: play the game) to gain skills. You can also...wait for it, because it's huge..............................find someone to train with and establish a partnership for success. This is an MMO and anyone's excuses are the same as mine about time. How is it that I, with a full time job, family, and other responsibilities, find time to enjoy myself playing a game? People make time for what they enjoy and making excuses for why they need to do it by themselves is a cop-out. If we couldn't macro on self, you bet your ass we'd find someone looking for a partner, online at the same time we are, no matter how odd. I know the concept is daunting but the reality is, people are playing online 24 hours a day.

    The bane of freeshards/gaming is catering to impatience and incompetence.

    Sorry, I forgot to mention, my opinion on playing the game doesn't line up with those who only enjoy games when they are maxed out with everything.
  19. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    The Macro Dance
    By People With Silly Hats

    Macro Dance!

    Ah you can macro if you want to, you can leave your computer behind
    Cause your friends don't macro and if they don't macro
    Well they're no friends of mine

    I say, I can macro if I want to, in Occlo or a house either's fine
    and we can bang on a drum and hide from this world
    Just make sure the pause time is fine

    and we can macro

    *double click (0x430bce16)*
    *wait for target*
    *absolute target*
    *pause 8.50sec*

    And say, we can macro, we can macro
    Razor's under control
    We can macro, we can macro
    No unattended rules to report!
    We can macro, we can macro
    Look ma, no hands!

    Macro dance
    Oh well, the macro dance
    Ah yes, the macro dance!

    I say, I can macro where I want to... maybe on a boat, that's fine.
    and I can watch Charlie the Unicorn on monitor 2 and eat Cheetos till dawn
    or look like an imbecile

    Macro dance
    Oh well, the macro dance
    Ah yes, the macro dance!
    Codus, Basoosh, Ragnarok and 3 others like this.
  20. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Best. Will read again. May do version of at karaoke someday.

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