Triple Boxing

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Dalavar, Aug 6, 2015.

  1. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Or huge fundamental changes to the risk of loss for a certain template that was already OP to begin with? Or huge fundamental changes to how one may decide what templates are most important (ie: more accounts means less big pesky decisions for players). Having fewer accounts actually would make the community different in a positive way but at this point, none of this shit is going to go away. You having any other character to manage, takes away from the view of the game from anyone who you may be interacting with or potentially would have been. Had you not been engrossed in running three clients, perhaps a conversation might ensue and companions with equally dodgy schedules could be found (trust me, they can be). Not saying you always do, but for every client you have up and have to deal with, that's less of your attention in the game itself.

    I guess I'm just never going to see people looking for a blacksmith again. Or find a party that could use an extra sword because there's just so much to deal with and there's only 5 actual people there.

    Nymeros and Maltman like this.
  2. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
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    Aug 4, 2014
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    This is not a fact. There has been ONE person to do it. ONE. If you can prove otherwise, I'd love to see it.
    I personally have tried time and time again to triple box solo one and keep eating shit. Mindless has had similar results lol. This idea that triple boxing a champ spawn solo is easy is crraazy.
    This is what Vella is talking about when he called it the "last challenge". Soloing a champ spawn is currently the hardest thing to do in the game. WAY harder then ironmanning the zookeeper quest, let me tell ya.
    Jupiter, Basoosh, Mindless and 3 others like this.
  3. Kane

    Kane Well-Known Member
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    Sep 20, 2014
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  4. Ducky

    Ducky Well-Known Member
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    Jan 17, 2015
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    I feel the need to pause for a second and point out a few things as this thread drags on..

    1. 50% of the comments seem to have to do with tamer hating not triple boxing. (I have no tamers so no bias here)

    2. Some comments really have just felt like trash talk against the entire game of UO. I assure you this server represents classic UO very well, if you don't like Ultima don't play it, trolling a game forum for a game "you don't even play anymore" is not furthering the discussion.

    3. There is a continuing dialog that paints PvM as a tamer only endeavor. I will never understand this, personally I find dexxer vs monster one of the most challenging, enjoyable and rewarding activities UO has to offer. MageVM is 100% feasible, and competitively profitable.

    This game really is what you make of it. As long as we are talking about Pvm, if the way another person is Pvm'ing bothers you so much that its effecting your enjoyment of the game, that seems like a you issue, not a game issue.

    Ps, the use of the term "end game" really doesn't fit on a game with no levels, no quest line, no story line, and no "end"
    Ahirman and Andersonius like this.
  5. Andersonius

    Andersonius Well-Known Member
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    Sep 2, 2013
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    Well that can't be argued with there. Certainly there will be times where interactions are not the same as if I were using only one account or the other person was. I am not arguing the advantages of people using less accounts. I am saying that at this point turning back would be detrimental. Saying we can only use two accounts no matter how it would be worked out would be IMO detrimental. Limiting what we can do on our 3 accounts at any given time I would view as detrimental. Sure the occasional social interaction may suffer but on the other hand it very well may not. I have helped new and old players alike or had conversations with them while I am actively playing another account. Multi tasking to that degree can happen believe it or not. Keep in mind I play solo most of the time by choice not because I feel that I am unable to make social interactions. That choice is made because I generally get on for 20-30 minute spurts but my play schedule is absolutely beside the point.

    Nope people probably won't be looking for a blacksmith. Why would they when so many do BOD's anyway thus already having one? Even if it were down to one account you wouldn't have many people running to the smith in Britain to get a weapon off a player that happens to be there because they would have their own smiths. Unfortunately I would have to see a server actually have success with only allowing something like one account to believe it because I simply don't think a server like that would survive at all this day and age. A sad reality for some for sure but a reality that has existed for many years across many servers. I could care less because this server was never "about" that nor should it all of the sudden be changed for that purpose.
  6. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    It has been done, thus it can be done. Just because you haven't been able to yet, doesn't mean it's impossible. The fact that it is possible at all, means it's broken. It wouldn't even be remotely possible if there were mechanics in place to thwart those attempting to multi-box it. Such as spawn that changes targets or teleports around to keep players on their toes. Just as an example of course. Miners got Cave Trolls spawning on them for Recalling and golems permanently stationed in MINING caves, so why not shit the fuck all over tamers and fisherman while we're at it?

  7. Melochabre

    Melochabre Well-Known Member
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    Aug 24, 2013
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    I think there's a simple solution to the taming problem. Just make the overpowered creatures incredibly hard, but not impossible, to tame.

    A human walking around with a dragon pet should be extremely powerful but they shouldn't be seen everywhere you go. If taming is the end-all, be-all of pvm then having the best should be rare and difficult to acquire.
  8. Alice Asteroid

    Alice Asteroid Well-Known Member
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    Jun 23, 2015
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    I don't think that'd be any kind of solution. No matter how difficult you make it to tame, with pet bonding it only has to be done once. People will be more than happy to put in the time to tame it since they know it's a one-time only deal.
    Basoosh and Blaise like this.
  9. Kane

    Kane Well-Known Member
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    Sep 20, 2014
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    Balance? I can make a dexxer in 2-3 days with gm magery and resist, making a tamer takes more than twice that. Theres your balance, twice the time invested, twice the farming power.
  10. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Bullshit. I can make a tamer in two days. Pretty fuckin sure last time Les helped HateCrime build one, they did it in one day.

    Ability to solo a champ, is imbalance. There's no fucking arguing that in any way, at all, ever. If anyone can pull a champ by themselves, there's a huge fucking problem from my perspective.

    Spawns, boss mobs, L6 maps, sure... Champion Spawns? lol

    Also, try comparing the end results, not the build time. Tamers can find their best weapons and never lose them. Not only that, their weapons have 800 fucking HP, x6, +3 mares......good lord, just fucking open your god damned eyes already.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2015
    Maltman likes this.
  11. Kane

    Kane Well-Known Member
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    Sep 20, 2014
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    Sorry dude, 2 days is completely unrealistic unless you have people bringing you spawn 24hr a day, which isn't the case for most. Solo'ing champ spawns I don't see as big a deal as you do I guess, sometimes it's hard to find people to run them with you. Also I didn't hear anyone bitching about someone soloing champ spawns when vella spoon fed the shard 10+ harrowers in a day. As far as end result, I believe in getting what you pay for and dexxers are incredibly inexpensive to make.
  12. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Yeah, I guess I wasn't as loud then about Vella's champ/harrower whoring. Doesn't really matter. Everyone wants to rape the shard with three accounts and never need anyone else. That's great. Fucking enjoy it. I sure as shit don't.

    Dexxers are incredibly expensive to peak out. Not just templates, because a Tamer isn't shit without top tier tames. Dexxers aren't shit without good slayers and ding ding, those fall on corpses and can't be ressed.

    It's wildly imbalanced as a result of infinite bonding slots and too little detriment to multiple tamers being run by a single person. If you don't see it, get your fuckin eyes checked because you're either blind or disturbingly willfully ignorant.
  13. Kane

    Kane Well-Known Member
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    Sep 20, 2014
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    Also, mage/med/resist PLUS taming in two days? I call shenanigans on your call of bullshit.
  14. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Yeah, because all of a sudden the shard is packed with Resist tamers? Oh wait, no, it's Renaissance and 90%+ are fucking bard tamers.

    I literally GMed my tamer in a couple days, maybe just over. You can ask Les your damn self, about the tamer he helped HC build in one fucking day. You can do it yourself too if you already have two tamers to stack double-tames for you to train. Herpaderp, welcome to Renaissance, History Retarded.
  15. Kane

    Kane Well-Known Member
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    Sep 20, 2014
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    I know tamers are powerful, they as much as your typical mage or bard (don't hear anyone asking about more consequences for them), but tamers have ALWAYS been OP in era. If I'm not mistaken, in the beginning of renaissance era there was NO LIMIT to taming slots. Dexxers have places to take their weapons and do well, Trammel, just like OSI. Almost every instance event is dominated by dexxers, and they also do well in CTF with Val weapons. I'll hop right on your bandwagon for no bonding as soon as CTF and duel arenas go away, then even dexxers can stop living in Trammel and we can all play in fellucca
  16. Kane

    Kane Well-Known Member
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    Sep 20, 2014
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    Dude I've gmd magery like 9x and you can't even gm THAT in a day, and you're obviously not training it WHILE taming. Also, I've done the exact situation you're talking about twice now and it still takes roughly a week when doing so 4 hours a day. Like I said, if someone is feeding you then sure you could probably do it in a day or two, but not many people have friends that devoted to UO.
  17. Alice Asteroid

    Alice Asteroid Well-Known Member
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    Jun 23, 2015
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    I know when I played UO (right up until Ren came out) GM tamers were pretty dang rare. That's because at the time, when the game was designed and it was decided that tamers would be OP, they also knew that nobody, and I mean NOBODY could become a GM tamer within days, let alone doing most of the work AFK.

    The argument that tamers are SUPPOSED to be op doesn't sit well with me because you were also never SUPPOSED to be able to GM it so easily.
    Maltman and Blaise like this.
  18. Kane

    Kane Well-Known Member
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    Sep 20, 2014
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    And around in circles we talk. OSI became VERY east to gm skills in at some point, heck you can gm magery and resist by afk casting weaken while using 0 regs to do so, so let's not act like OSI didn't make things easier once the player base became smaller. Let us also keep in mind that this is a minority that dislikes taming the way it is, most people enjoy the heck out of their tamers and others simply don't care as much about what other people are doing. Don't like tamers? Don't play one then. Problem solved.
  19. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    You don't need GM Magery to GM Taming and use it effectively. You can train that shit in your sleep. I've GMed every worthwhile skill on this shard and literally NONE of them are difficult to GM. Anyone bitching about how hard any skill is to train here is simply bitching to bitch. They are fucking delusional if they really think it's difficult.

    Regardless of how hard it is to train, the shard drove down a road that was not on the goddamned map. The map showed a road to FULL AUTO CTF, DOUBLE DOMINATION and TOURNAMENTS with heavy RISK for play outside of the VERY BRIEF events. That RISK was completely fucking mitigated by the Zookeeper's quest.

    So I'm sorry, if you don't like Trammel events, maybe you'll get lucky and @Chris will go back or slack on his word even more than he already has. I don't like talking shit about the hard work he has done, because I appreciate a lot of it. I sure as fucking shit don't appreciate three years of waiting for something other shards have in YEAR ONE, because TAMERS NEEDED A FUCKING BONUS LIKE INFINITE BONDING SLOTS.

    Jesus I had too much coffee today. Fuck this.
  20. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    You are completely fucking ignorant. Please close your head in a car door a few times for me.
    Eladrin likes this.

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