When: Sunday 5/19 5PST/7CST Who: Everyone, but hopefully not thieves or murderers. Where: Unknown Why: Championing evil or fun, your pick What: this guy The folks in Team Trammel, that mainly being myself, Falanor, and Napo have put together a full set of champion skulls for summoning the harrower. Many of you may know that it was recently implemented but has yet to be summoned. I know that some have had grudges with us in the past, and more may have grudges in the future. This is our way of saying that we hope that things will remain civil even amongst our in game opponents. So, hopefully with Blaise's blessing we'd like to invite the members of A^T and anyone else on the shard to attend this event Sunday and work together to defeat Felucca's ultimate boss. The admins have worked hard to bring us this content and I hope everyone can enjoy it. The Harrower will be summoned from the Star Room in Terathon Keep but his location from there will be broadcasted to IRC. **** Preparation tips: Don't bring anything that can be stolen from your backpack that won't be easy to replace. We will be in a dungeon. All combat roles will be useful here, not just tamers. Bring refresh potions to escape the harrower's reach Plan for a potentially lengthy fight Log in to IRC to catch updates about where you need to be. ****
I had an awesome time! Here is one of the screenshots I took during the most memorable part of the fight: