Guardians of Creatures

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by LexLothar, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. LexLothar

    LexLothar New Member

    Aug 31, 2015
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    *a note is attached to the tavern door*

    Attention fellow Britannians.

    It is with great pleasure I write to announce the establishment of the "Guardians of Creatures".

    Founded on the principals of the ethical treatment of pets and other innocent creatures, we believe in maintaining the balance between the forces of good and evil.

    It is our opinion that many of the creatures in the land are not actually evil, but instead become overly aggressive in their overgrown states. We believe said creatures should be spared, in the name of living harmoniously together with nature. However we are still conducting research to determine a comprehensive list.

    We heard the initial cry for help from a great green bird in the cave just south of the city of Minoc... and have determined the Harpies to be highly misunderstood.

    We ask that you please stop slaying these innocent beings!

    The first step of our mission is education. Before we can make any positive change in the lands, we must first get everyone up to speed. If we don't act hastily we fear this dangerous misinformation will have already spread too far.

    Take note that we will only deliver this message in person once. While we maintain the goal right now is informing the masses, If we are aware that you've already been educated on the principals of the Guardians of Creatures and do not comply; we will stop at nothing to protect.

    *signed in blood*
    Lex Lothar
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2015
    Codus, newme, Ragar and 2 others like this.
  2. Brymstone

    Brymstone Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    This smells of another PK guild in RP guise. Perhaps RRG will change their names and jump headlong into another foray of PK postings here in the forums.....I'm giddy with anticipation *sarcasm*

    We'll see how this plays out, game on Lothar.
    Kishember likes this.
  3. LexLothar

    LexLothar New Member

    Aug 31, 2015
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    Way to give a new RPer a chance...

    Correct me if I'm wrong... but don't you RP a PK?

    If you want me to show up to PAWs all the time on a non-RP red, and stand over everyones corpses saying "Thou Art Dead" it can be arranged... trust me. Keep being an asshole.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2015
  4. Brymstone

    Brymstone Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    Your threats have already revealed who you really are, and I can be who I want to be regardless of whether or not I have your blessing or not.
  5. LexLothar

    LexLothar New Member

    Aug 31, 2015
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    You should read this again... and apply it (word for word) to yourself.
  6. Ragar

    Ragar Active Member

    Aug 9, 2015
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    I applaud both RP styles and don't believe either you needs to apologize for anything. I don't mind PK guilds in RP sheeps skin because they are more entertaining than regular PKs. I give mad style points to people who kill/steal/beg with some flair. Why? Because they don't have to do even that.

    That said I like this idea...reminds me of the Picts a little from older days.
    Codus, newme and Alice Asteroid like this.
  7. Brymstone

    Brymstone Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
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    I do apply those words to myself. I am not preventing you from playing how you wish to play or from saying what you feel needs to be said in regards to your style of play. I simply commented on a post that looked eerily like that of RRG's.

    This game is for everyone and I have never stopped anyone from playing this game or from posting in these forums, I don't have that kind of juice.

    I have made comments worded with strong language at times and for that I won't apologize because they are my opinions and as such have just as much right to them as others have to theirs.

    If you would hold the players of PAWS accountable in game for my opinions then that in and of itself reflects a very misguided interpretation of my post. If you want to hop on your non-RP red and roll through PAWS killing every pixelpeep you come across then that's your choice, I have no say in the matter and I'm sure the players who might be killed would take it in stride being the great players that they are.
    wylwrk, Ragar and Jupiter like this.
  8. LexLothar

    LexLothar New Member

    Aug 31, 2015
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    I am not too big of a person to apologize for my hasty reaction to your words. You are absolutely right... taking it out on the people of PAWS would not be the right way to go about it.

    With that said...

    More than a threat it was me basically saying "If thats what you want, fine you can have it." ... because it really felt like you were forcing me into a box, before ever even giving me a chance.

    I'm new to the community, and it was just hard for me to understand why you chastised me before giving me an opportunity to do... well... anything.

    When things are hard for me to under stand; they upset me. When I'm upset... I react hastily.

    Ragar and Jupiter like this.
  9. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    *Jupiter prepares his best peace keeping voice and booms*
    "YOU SHALL NOT ARGU..... Oh.. I see the matter is mostly settled..."

    I'm pleased this matter appears to have been resolved in a somewhat amicable manner.

    To LexLothar, I apologize for the ashen one's abrupt manner of speech. Although he speaks with words that resemble the common tongue of Britannia his true meanings are often lost in his choice of words. You see it has been at least (and i'm only estimating) several thousand of our human years since he had to weave etiquette into his comments.

    I have done my best to translate his original missive:

    To all who have read this, our numbers among the freeshards are far too small to bitter amongst ourselves. I side with Brymstone in that I don't appreciate RRG's tactics of often running 4-5v1, but where our opinions part is where I condone their playstyle as a valid way to play UO, and I'm glad they at least post their stories. I also am glad to know how to interact with RRG. If I see an RRG member I'm not going to try and exercise diplomacy, I will seek to revolt against their dead taxes.

    Best of all Regards,

    Brymstone and newme like this.
  10. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Welcome to the shard. If you have need for rest or shelter, you are welcome to come to Paws.

    We did a while back actually have an open position for a steward over our animal shelter. Due to an egregious error the sign maker delivered a "butcher's" shop sign instead of the cuddly paw graphic that we had designed for the shelter....

    Should you care to be steward of such a place, we have plenty of open plots in Paws. Ye need not be a member of Paws to dwell within our woodlands.


    newme and Ragar like this.
  11. Ragar

    Ragar Active Member

    Aug 9, 2015
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    Let's not be too hasty here Jupiter. I get the feeling this guy may not like tailors. I don't think I like the idea of having him so close to....innocent villagers. I mean, we tend only to kill the diseased (mad cows everywhere!) but I don't know how this fellow would take it.
    newme, Alice Asteroid and Jupiter like this.
  12. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    LoL. Good call. perhaps we could persuade him they are all lizardman hides? (Unless of course his definition of 'innocent creatures' extends to monsters as well...)
    newme likes this.
  13. Nymeros

    Nymeros Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2013
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    I have already heard this men near the stables of Paws, I will make more attention...

    or let this man know we ride with dragons and gray wizards (latter is more dangerous than the former).
  14. Alice Asteroid

    Alice Asteroid Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 23, 2015
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    He likes the lizardmen! (See one of his memoir posts)
  15. Plankton

    Plankton Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Mar 8, 2015
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    *readies a highly flammable cocktail*
  16. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Ti's a very complicated situation we have here. While I agree with the ideal of guarding the misunderstood creatures of the world. I find several issues at hand.

    First, to be better informed so that one might gain a clearer understanding of their lives, I suggest fellow citizens read the books written by and/or sponsored by Lord Blackthorne. He of all the heads of state in this land seemed to have grasped and encouraged the understanding of the worlds array of creatures.

    Second. Our lands are ones of plenty, which leads to an abundance of creatures. Our creatures with cloven hooves suffer greatly due to over population. Nature is cruel when populations increase without balance. I have seem many a hind and great hart inflicted with the dreaded "Blue Tongue"

    I propose that yes, indeed we must be guardians, and as such respect that nature needs balance. To this end, I suggest taking only the amount of creatures that are needed to keep populations balance.
    Thus if the hind population is great in your area, put some down. But respect the animals death. Take all useful things not infected, share the meat with those who hunger, make the hides into warm clothing for the poor.

    For showing respect for balance, I feel those who kill only what is needed should not be punished for being merciful.

    Marjo Governess of Wispfelt

    *Westra on irc. Side note: UO has been called the Best Role Play game in History. In days of old, seers would track players or guilds which R.P. Those that stayed in character, etc. were often be rewarded with recognition's. UO was built upon RP
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2015
    Vlar, Ragar and Kishember like this.
  17. Codus

    Codus Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2014
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    ::Reads a bloody note and replies with a charcoal pen::

    While all life is sacred, it seems to me that Marjo is onto something. If you've ever happened apon the bull population in Delucia during there rutting season then you know it is for the best if some are culled. I also question whether a Human life is worth more then a Harpy. Even if they are equal, which I submit is quite possible, is the best way to preserve lives ending others?

    **I applaud your PK guise and welcome you to try and catch me poaching**
    Ragar, Alice Asteroid and newme like this.
  18. Alice Asteroid

    Alice Asteroid Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 23, 2015
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    Whatever happened to this guy! Such promise.
  19. Plankton

    Plankton Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Mar 8, 2015
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    He sounds like a notorwious cwiminal.
  20. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    Killed by a harpy.
    Codus and BlackEye like this.

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