SB 1 million gold coins. BO no buyout listed at this time. BI 50k Auction will end 48 hours from last high bid. I accept platinum coins for partial or full trade amount valued at 7,000 gold coins per 1 platinum coin. I would also consider trades for some of the 3rd anniversary scavenger hunt rares, blessed runebook etc. This home is just steps away from guard-zone making it an attractive location for a player-run vendor house. Yew bank and Yew Moongate are a very short run or walk away and we all know this area is our world's main player-run shopping district. If for some reason you do not like a large marble patio, any of the other medium house will fit in it's place; such as large brick, large patio, 2-story l-shape home, villa, sandstone with patio etc. The home will come with the add-ons seen in the pictures below. This was my personal home for a short time. Then it became my guild's guild-house. The home served it's purpose very well; eventually the time came that we decided to upgrade our guild-house to something larger that can accommodate everyone better! I am reluctantly listing this home forsale because I feel it's too nice of a property to not actively use on a regular basis. I would hope that the high bidder or bidders will use this home to greatly improve their enjoyment of this game and not leave it empty and un-used. This home also falls within the R.O.E. so you can potentially enter it into the next house decoration contest.