Mount Fatigue please!

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Enslaved, Sep 13, 2015.

  1. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
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  2. Maltman

    Maltman Active Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    You know what would be cooler is if after riding awhile and pushing the horse too hard it would just die beneath you like in the old cowboy and indian movies.

    Like riding the horse to death from pushing it too hard

    No apples, no stamina, just the brutal reality of your horse's mortality.
  3. Nymeros

    Nymeros Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2013
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    You do realise that our avatars can run without being fatigued unless they're overweight right? Which is tied our strength. In this case, I don't and probably won't understand how a 500+ strength nightmare will ever get fatigued.

    It may be era-accurate that there is mount fatigue (to be honest, I don't know), but it doesn't make sense at all. For horses and ostards (not frenzied), I can understand if they're not trained. But assuming an average human is 170 lbs, no animal should be fatigued carrying one unless they have lesser than 40 strength (formula is 60 + 3.6 per strength I think).

    For apple feeding: You can always "pretend" that the animal is fatigued. No need for a code change for that. It's a roleplaying game after all.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2015
    Mindless likes this.
  4. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    Right and two hours is a day and we never need sleep.

    Pretending that my enemy, or I, need to stop mid fight to ensure our mounts are healthy and refreshed, after sprinting from Trinsic to Yew, is not going to work out.

    500+ strength nightmares get fatigued because as magical creatures they are self righteous assholes who complain about everything (I empathize). Thus, even a child would be an annoyance worthy of stopping for a refreshment on occasion. Pretend like I care about justification for fatigue in a game that should have it.
  5. Nymeros

    Nymeros Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2013
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    No Blaise, you're getting my point wrong. I'm comparing game logic to game logic, by comparing what your avatar does vs. what your mount can do, because one of them has a function (getting fatigued) that is tied to your physical attributes (stats) while the other doesn't even though they have the same physical attributes. The game logic doesn't require you to sleep , so that argument is irrelevant. You can still pretend your avatar requires sleep (which is what we do anyways).

    You can pretend that your mount requires resting, after you've finsihed fighting,

    My point is, for a 500 strength or 140 strength creature (frenzied), your weight is insignificant, thus it wouldn't drop a stamina, like it doesn't on your avatar when you're running 351/355. You're basically sprinting your ass out while carrying 350 stones and not even losing a point of stam.
    If we're bringing mount stamina, then I want our stamina to be depleted as well when we run (which could be refreshed by food -> bang create market for cooks.)

    We should not stick to era-accuracy and stick on era-perfection (better and more logical than era-accuracy). I think there is a server that taught us a good lesson on what happens when you try to stick to era-accuracy so much, and you know it more than I.
    PaddyOBrien likes this.
  6. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
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    Jul 14, 2012
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    I'm not one to give a huge concern for era-accuracy over logical function, outside of appearances and what looks appropriate for real UO.
  7. Nymeros

    Nymeros Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2013
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    What's "looks appropriate for real UO"? How do you define real UO? For you it can be pre-2000 mechanics (because you said you quit OSI at 2000). Doesn't this translate to era-accuracy? I just gave an example of a game logic for a similar creature (your avatar) where running for decades won't drop a single point of stamina. Is this really logical?

    For me real UO should have elves and gargoyles, because they belong to the game's story. But that won't happen because people here won't like what those races brought with them (like those crystals -> they came with ML I think, which introduced elves).
  8. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    "Real UO" should be defined by whatever era the shard is representing. Unfortunately for this server, Chris is not trying to accuracy represent a "real UO" era. Because of this, anything can be implemented on this shard. Take it for what it is, you are playing on a shard that is totally a melting pot of UO eras ranging from t2a to Samurai Empire & Mondain's Legacy (and beyond perhaps).

    I am basing this on...

    t2a housing system (kinda)
    UOR pvp system (kinda)
    Late UOR/Blackthorne's Revenge/Almost-AOS champ spawn system (kinda)
    Samuari Empire guild system (kinda)
    Mondain Legacy PVM instance safezones (kinda)

    Really, you can see that Chris has taken handfuls of things from many eras. There's nothing wrong with this, but people need to realize this shard takes the name Renaissance on but does not remotely represent what I remember UOR was like or looked like during the actual timeframe. It is what it is.
    Maltman and PaddyOBrien like this.
  9. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    Ugh I hated mount fatigue.

    Yeah in my opinion mount fatigue was a pain in the ass on "that shard" and just one of the many reasons they struggle to keep a face-value population that barely breaks 100 on a good day.

    From the UO Renaissance era I did remember when horses would randomly throw you off and go wild if you didn't feed them. Think about this.... have you ever had to feed your horse on this shard to make it not go wild on you? (Not counting mares, etc.... i have no experience with that). Instead of mount fatigue, why don't we stick to the actual era where if your horse's loyalty is low as in you havent fed them in forever, they'll randomly "buck" you off or even go wild. That way people will want to make sure their mounts are fed. And maybe put an option in where if it's hunger is so high, it will say something like "Your mount is emaciated/exhausted and refuses to walk any further" or something like that. Mount fatigue meant nothing but an extra hotkey to set, an annoyance just for the sake of being annoying.
    Maltman likes this.
  10. Nymeros

    Nymeros Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2013
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    PFR, I understand your point of argument and I totally respect for some old school people if real UO in their experience is era accuracy. I was just saying that if Blaise thinks real UO should be like a specific era, then his argument on not caring about era accuracy, wasn't very accurate.

    I think an era-perfected shard should mainly focus on how player to player interactions work on a specific era, but making sure it caters to all game styles, while not being there to cause grief and nothing more, like Paddy suggested, which is what Chris is doing here.

    He thinks Renaissance reflects the best UO era (to which I agree), and tries to replicate the game mechanics to that, but changes various elements to fit other eras, because a lot of players like different era, so they can find something they like here that may not be perfect UO for some, but it seems whatever Chris is doing, is working because we're averaging over 600 at the moment (even though I don't like certain things myself).
  11. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I don't think mount fatigue had anything to do with the pop on UOSA. It was pretty bad, 60s from fresh mount to stamina drained at full sprint (yes, I tested) but was easily overcome with a macro. The same could happen here, but implemented in a more reasonable fashion.
    I think absolutely we should get fatigued from running on foot at any weight over a certain amount, perhaps half of our carrying capacity.

    When you go to the homepage of UO:Renaissance, it seems to me pretty fucking clear that it's supposed to look like Renaissance era UO. While we may have champs, that are just monster spawns, and we have trinkets of future eras, I don't think 'most' of it detracts from the feel of the times. For me, personally, the more it looks like Ultima VII the better, lol. But in reality, etherals look stupid. Bright masks and sandals look stupid. Hell, even ostards look stupid to me. I've actually been happier on the brief occasions I log in, to not see my characters adorned in all that stuff. The difference is that some things just look way out of place here, to me. This is entirely subjective and everyone's right to make up their own minds about.
    Alice Asteroid and Nerull like this.

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