A long journey lies ahead, if only I had some friends.....

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Blaise, Dec 15, 2012.

  1. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    I've awoken in a strange land with naught but the clothes on my back, a sword in my hand and my trusty sewing kit. Being a novice swordsman, and an even more inexperienced tailor, will provide me with the income I need to make my way.....wherever I am....

    This beautiful sandstone city I've taken up residence in, is known as Trinsic. There are many fine establishments here and it would seem everything I need can be found within these safe walls. All but one thing....vengeance. The last I remember of my own home was the brutal slaying of my family and fellow citizens by a band of roaming orcs. My former life is forfeit. All was lost and anything left will be spent in pursuit of the blood of mine enemies. Anyone standing in my way will meet my blade. Anyone wishing to join me, is welcome, at their own risk. I will aide all those who hunt at my side and I will die for them, just as I will die for those who have fallen before me at the hands of orcs. No monster is safe from my blade now. No mercy given to the unsavory beasts that woulds't attack my fellow man or woman.
    These dangers are great and my skills are not so. I will train and train again in the surrounding woods before travelling to their camps to enact my revenge. I see some have made their way close to these city walls. The citizens within, comfortable at the expense of the town guard. What about the people outside? What about the poor, the wayward and the nomadic? For them, I will walk these roads and woods in search of the enemy.

    Such is my life and such it shall be....

    Hailing from Southern Britannia,
  2. Turalton

    Turalton New Member

    May 2, 2013
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    Re: A long journey lies ahead, if only I had some friends...

    Is this for the story competition? and did you play WoW as Sturm? Seriousy question.

    As for the story, I think i've only seen a couple at this point and that is the best so far, which is not saying much, BUT....I give it a 7/10.

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