Hail. I desire a complete rune library. This library will in the end be available to the general public to use. I want the runes to be well-marked. That is, not in locations that are likely to be blocked by objects, players, or npcs. Treasure map locations marked within 1 tile of the chest and not on top of the chest. I want a runebook for each dungeon, each shop type, all the treasure map locations, islands, caves, lost lands passages, champ spawns, factions, cotton fields/sheep pens, rares.. well everything. I want these spots marked that if you were going to use each rune every single day, it would make sense to have marked where you did. If you can give me the attention to detail that I'd like in a rune library, and are up to this challenge. Let me know what price you'd quote for your work. You will be able to use this rune library as well. I will make it worth your time if you can do this for me. Bixby Legbone
Whoever is interested in the job may wish to use this as a major shortcut to achieving his very specific goals, depending on what he is paying: http://uorforum.com/threads/expansive-rune-library-set-plug-n-play-guild-runelib.12667/
Bixby, tell the great mage that I too desire a treasuremap runebook set that is not obnoxiously marked on top of the treasurechests(as mine currently is), perhaps he would be willing to make 2 copies and earn a little extra gold on the side. Thanks for passing the message along. -Elhorno
I agree with El Horno, If he is already making 1 copy of everything, It would be just as easy to make 4-5 copies(more mana takes a bit more time but not alot). I would also be interested in purchasing a full rune library if the price is right. The Tmap books should be ALL marked 1 tile South or West etc so you know exactly where to dig each time without guessing 4 spots or moving off the spot to dig. Also, when scalliwags dont chop their chests, it blocks the darn rune when its marked right on top of the chest. But ya, have this great mage contact me to negotiate a fair sum of payment.