A.Large Battle axe of ogre Threshing might-7k s/b 25k b/o B.+10 large battle axe of repond- 20k s/b 75k b/o- SB startrakjack C.Viking Sword of Force balron damnation- 10k s/b 60k b/o D.+10 Substantial bow of might Exorcism- 20k s/b 75k b/o F.+10 Massive maul of Troll slaughter- 3k s/b 10k b/o G.+10 Substantial Spear of silver- 10k s/b 20k b/o - SB Amfekk H.+20 Silver broad sword of force- 15k s/b 30k b/o - 20k Amfekk I.+10 War hammer of might and balron damnation- 10k s/b 40k b/o J.+15 Viking sword of power and Arachnid doom- s/b 100k no b/o- SB Black Eye K.+15 Crossbow of ruin and Daemon dismissal- 5k s/b 15k b/o L.+15 Executioners Axe of ruin and Exorcism- 15k s/b 40k b/o-SB Freaky M.+10 Fortified two handed axe of force and troll slaughter- 5k s/b 15k b/o N.+15 Indestructible hammer pick of spider death- 1gp b/o O.Maul of might and daemon dismissal- 1gp b/o P.+15 broad sword of balron damnation 1k s/b 2k b/o Q.+10 Axe of force and Elemental bane- s/b 300k no b/o 24hr bid's on all auctioned items.