Patch 38: June 6th 2013 Camps, Advertising, Tracking Update

Discussion in 'Patch Notes' started by Chris, May 18, 2013.

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  1. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    • Advertising - New System!
      • Created a new item, the advertising contract.
      • Configured this item to be only used on vendors, in a house you are friended to, that is public, on a vendor that you own.
      • Created a simple control stone that allows for unique ID's to be assigned to each contract when used. This information is transmitted to our central database for logging.
      • Also added a master on/off switch for the system on the Advertising control stone.
      • Added a gump allowing you to customize what your vendor provides to other players.
      • Created functions to log each use of the vendor contracts to be exported to the website.
      • Created a function to allow you to assign a name to your vendor/shop.
        To learn more about the Renaissance Vendor Advertising system see our blog post here.
    • Advertising - Vendors
      • Added 11 new options for allowing additional details to be exported to the website
      • Added a last updated field to vendors allowing the staff to identify abandoned vendors.
      • Added the ability for players to view the paperdolls of their vendors. This will also allow additional staff customization of vendors.
      • Added a link to the vendor advertising gump.
      • Added a note about the current active vendor contract period.
    • Ancient MIB - Bugfixes
      • Updated the ironman statue for the pirate cave instance to the 4 point version
      • Updated the ironman statue for the pirate ship instance to the 6 point version
      • Resolved a minor problem which was causing the Ancient MIB system to not pool the results of the player check in both areas of instances such as the pirate ship and pirate cave. This should now work properly and recognize a single player attempting an ironman challenge in these instances.
    • Animal Lore - New Feature!
      • Updated the animal lore gump to show the creatures barding difficulty
      • Updated the animal lore gump to show larger creature names.
      • Updated the animal lore gump to remove the bonding information when it is not relevant.
      • Allowed animal lore to function on humanoid monsters. (but not players)
    • Bounty System - New!
      • After extensive research we have re-created the OSI accurate bounty system available at the beginning of the Renaissance era.
      • Added two new variables to playermobiles to store the bounty value and bounty expiration.
      • Added the code to support loading and expiring bounties when the server is initialized.
      • Added the code to allow bounties to decay if there is no murderous activity in 30 days.
      • When reporting a murder you will now have the option of placing a bounty on your killer.
      • These bounties can be up to 5000 gold and require that you have gold in your bank to leave a bounty.
      • You cannot give someone a bounty without reporting them for murder.
        Note: This system has no effect on the current stat loss system on Renaissance.
    • Bounty System - Bounty Board
      • Created a new type of Bulletin Board, the Bounty Board
      • Created an array of supporting code to allow the population and function of this board.
      • Created systems for reviewing and creating a list of player bounties when the server is started.
      • Restored all of the unique OSI features used in displaying the bounties on the bounty board.
      • Bounty Boards can be found at all the major banks.
        Note: In the future players will be able to purchase Bounty Boards for their guild towns.
    • Bounty System - Player Heads
      • Updated player heads to support a field for the killer, kill date, and max bounty
      • You have 24 hours in which to turn in a severed head before the bounty expires (and you start to smell a bit funny).
      • Adjusted the code for heads to display the new information
      • Created a new guard NPC that functions in a similar way to how the OSI guards acted.
      • Adjusted the Guard NPC's to now accept player heads in exchange for bounties.
      • Restored the list of humorous statements that the guards would make when being offered heads without bounties.
      • Should the head you turn in have an active bounty, a check will be placed in your bank account.
      • Once a bounty is paid, if no new bounties have been placed since the head was taken, the listing will be removed.
    • Camp Spawn System - New!
      • After extensive research in the UO Demo we have restored the original camp spawn system from OSI shards.
      • Created the 4 basic camps: lizard, orc, ratman and brigand.
      • Created two moderate camps, the Sea Pirate Camps. These will be found on the open ocean.
      • Created three classic mage tower camps, to be found in the lost lands.
      • Created a custom system of loot generation for the camps that is a hybrid of classic UO loot and Renaissance loot.
      • Players can find a variety of items when looting the various camps. Regs, Arrows, Bandages, Lockpicks, Food, Gold, Platinum, Treasure Maps, and much more.
      • Extensive revamp to make the camps look and feel like they did in 1999.
      • Completely redesigned the escortable NPC's that are found in camps to act as prisoners.
      • Once released by the players they will ask to be escorted to safety.
      • When a camp spawns, created a system in which it will post a "help" message on the nearest message board to the camp.
    • Camp Spawn System - The Camps
      • The Ratman, Orc and Lizardman Camps
      • The Brigand Camp
      • The Sea Pirate Camp
        Note: These will be expanded upon in patch 39 to work with fishing nets.
      • The Mage Tower
        [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
      • The Evil Mage Tower
        [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
      • The Warlords Keep
        [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • Camps - Message Board
      • Created a new item based on the bulletin board that would support messages from the camp spawns.
      • Created a management system for the boards that regularly scans for changes with kidnap camps and updates the related message boards.
      • Allowed camps, when they spawn to self register to the nearest message board.
    • Combat - Player vs Monster
      • Made a minor adjustment to the hit calculation formula for player vs monster combat to allow for a gradually higher chance to hit vs monsters.
      • Players will notice a much more realistic combat experience vs monsters.
    • Crafting
      • Adjusted the chance to craft bone armor items to better scale the difficulty of making those items to a pre trammel Era.
      • Adjusted the chance to make exceptional platemail items to be no less than 20% at a grandmaster skill level.
        Note: This should bring us more in line with 1999 UO crafting levels for exceptional changes. However more work will need to be done for all other items.
    • Corpses
      • Updated Heads so they could be cut into named brains and skulls.
      • Various updates to player heads to support the new bounty system.
      • Updated torso's so they could be cut into rib cages, entrails, hearts and livers.
      • Updated legs so they could be cut into leg bones and raw jerky.
      • Updated the arms so they could be cut into jerky.
    • Cooking
      • Raw jerky can now be cooked into edible jerky
    • Dye Tubs - Leather Dye Tub
      • Removed the ability to dye Sandals and Orc Masks
      • For More information check here
    • Dye Tubs - Runebook Dye Tub
      • Restricted the tubs to ore colors only.
      • Added the 4 primary faction hues.
      • Fixed a problem where the tubs were not properly consuming charges or restricting use of the tub when none were left.
    • Dye Tub - Furniture Dye Tub
      • Switched hue 1150 for 906 (white)
      • Removed hue 1193 (dark green) ,1194 (blood red), 1190 (neon brown)
      • Added the 4 faction hues 1325, 1254, 2211,1645
    • Factions
      • Added a check to make sure you have 550 skill points before being allowed to join factions.
      • "You are to young to join a faction, try back when you are more experienced"
    • Fishing - Bug Fixes
      • Fixed a problem with big fish displaying a date when there is not a caught date.
      • Made a minor adjustment to the drop rate of the big fish.
    • Lockable Containers
      • Allowed items to be dragged onto locked (key/magic) containers
      • Allowed items to be dropped into locked (key/magic) containers.
      • Items still cannot be removed from locked containers until they are unlocked.
      • Items cannot be directly used within a locked container. However items such as reagents can be consumed while in a locked container.
    • Mining - Gargoyles Pickaxe
      • Resolved a problem causing elementals to spawn above ground when using a gargoyles pickaxe in the buc's den caves.
        Note: If you experience any gargoyle pickaxe spawn anomalies please let the staff know.
    • Monsters - Balancing
      • Made Minor adjustments to the barding difficulty of the pirate monsters.
      • Pirate Captain Ghost - Added a custom function to drop any keys the ghost is holding to the ground once he dies, as he has no corpse
      • Upped the barding difficulty on the Pirate Sailor, Pirate Boatswain, Pirate Quartermaster, Pirate Navigator
      • Gave the ability to re-target on movement to the sea serp, deep sea serp and the kraken, to allow for more accurate targeting vs running away when spawned.
      • Adjusted the breath attack limited to max out at 55 damage. Breath attacks can now do no more than 55 damage.
        Note: This is an adjustment to the existing max of 80 damage. Required due to some of the bosses having a breath attack and excessive hit points.
      • Added a breath attack to the azure dragon.
    • Monsters - New
      • Created a new type of monster, the tower defender to be linked to the mage tower spawns.
      • Each tower defender has defenders that will come to his aid when attacked.
      • Created two new types of brigands, the archer and the warrior
      • Created some new special creatures for an upcoming event arc.
    • Monsters - Champ System
      • Added a breath attack to Rikktor
      • Added a 1157 hue to Rikktor
      • Reduced the Harrower's true form pull range from 16 to 13 tiles.
      • Applied a 1/3 damage limiter to the Harrower when damaged by tames/controls.
      • Adjusted the corpse decay time from champion spawns from 1 minute to 3 minutes.
      • Added a small chance to earn a platinum coin while killing the spawn associate with a champion spawn. (1/50)
      • Added a function to auto loot platinum to players packs who are involved in a champion spawn, and who get the kill on spawn related monsters.
      • You must be within a reasonable range of the monsters for these two systems to reward you.
      • Reverted a change to Barracon's total HP.
      • Extended the range in which Barracon checks for ratmen to keep the summon spawn manageable
    • Monsters - Bosses
      • All bosses given pet damage scalers.
      • All Bosses hit points reduced by 25-60%
      • Improved the Dark Ones resistance to magical attacks.
    • MyRunUO
      • Created a system to export a list of vendors on the server with relative information about their owner and house every 2 hours
      • Created a system to export a log of any advertising contracts used ingame every 5 minutes.
      • Excluded any sandals that are being held on a player vendor from the website export.
        Note: This will remove any vendor sandals from the website database to allow for a correct audit of sandals on the server.
    • NPC's
      • Created a NPC guard type creature that looks like a normal guard, but functions like a NPC
      • Designed the guards to accept player heads and pay bounties for any heads with a bounty on them.
    • Player Vendors
      • Resolved a problem in which the items placed on a vendor displayed the localization ID rather than the proper name of the item.
      • Added a localization translator to convert the item names to strings to display to the client.
      • Added a paperdoll button on the customize vendor gump.
      • Added a customization menu for advertising your vendor on the Renaissance website.
    • Defensive Cloaks / Robes
      • Added a system of use verification for cloaks and robes.
      • Base hues require 120 days account age to use (2419,2413,2418, Dull, Copper Bronze)
      • Middle hues require 240 days account age to use ( 2406,2213,2425, Shadow, Gold, Agapite)
      • Upper hues require 360 days account age to use (2207,2219, Verite, Valorite)
    • Runebooks
      • Updated the code that controls how a runebook is accessible to limit their use to a 2 tile range
      • Updated the code that controls who has access to use a runebook when locked down inside a house.
      • Runebooks that are locked down, in a private house, can only be used by friends of the house. While runebooks in a public house can be used by anyone.
      • Added a line of sight check for using a runebook.
    • Serpent Pillars
      • Expanded the range of serpent pillars from 10 to 20
    • Slayers
      • Added the Pirate Boatswain, Pirate Sailor, Pirate Quartermaster, Pirate Navigator, Pirate Bomber, Pirate Digger and Pirate Captain to the humanoid slayer group.
      • Added the Pirate Ghost, Undead Parrot, Undead Sailor, Undead Pirate Captain, Pirate Captain Ghost to the undead slayer group.
    • Tracking
      • Removed the ability to track ghosts
      • Added a sea monster category
      • Added exceptions to include the kraken and shipwreck kraken, which are not classically registered as sea creatures.
      • Adding a fish skill requirement to be checked when tracking sea creatures.
      • Your tracking skill when applied to sea creatures will be limited to your fishing skill when making a range check.
        Note: A player with 100 tracking and 50 fishing, can track 100% of sea creatures within 50 tiles.
      • Tracking now properly takes into account the trackers, tracking and detect hidden skills, and the tracked players hiding, stealth skills.
      • Players who are not hidden receive a penalty to their chance to avoid detection.
      • Detect hidden adds a 50% bonus when tracking players, primarily at long distances.
    • Trash Barrels
      • Enabled the ability for trash barrels to auto empty once they become full of items (124+)
    • Website

    Patch 38 Stats
    • Modified Scripts - 114
    • New Scripts - 22
    • New Mobiles - 7
    • Code - 4000+ Lines, 1000 lines of redundant runuo code removed.
    • Patch Application / Patch Notes - 4 Hours
    • Timeframe - 21 Days
    • Coding/Testing Time - ~140 Hours
    • Special Thanks to all our testers for patch 38.
  2. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Re: Patch 38 Notes

    Can we wipe characters from factions also? (the noob ones that don't fit the 5 day discription)?

    What is the pet dmg modifier? Deals more dmg to pets or takes less dmg from pets?
  3. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Re: Patch 38 Notes

    Yes the staff can kick any player from factions that joined on accident, just send them our way.

    As for the pet damage modifier, its just scales the damage from tames down by 50-75% (melee only), allowing us to greatly reduce the amount of HP the boss has.

    So instead of a boss with 10000 hp, its a boss with 3000 hp and a 1/4th pet scalar. Same experience for a tamer, just more accessible to non tamer templates, however still hard enough to promote team play.
  4. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Re: Patch 38 Notes

    I thought Factions were supposed to have a specific skill gain requirement (something like 300 Real Skill) before being able to join.

    Also, damn you for removing ghost tracking! :p
  5. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Renaissance Staff

    May 13, 2012
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    Re: Patch 38 Notes

    There is suppose to be a minimum skills-total requirement for joining a faction, however that is not a default mechanic in the RunUO distro. I'd like to get this set to minimally 600.0~ skill points, to avoid the ease of creating an alt character & joining him to factions for the purpose of point farming, or other unsavory tactics.

    I'd like to get this published to put an end to the newbie-character joins into factions, after which I can easily faction-kick everyone who has less than the required skills-total to be in factions from the system.
  6. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Apr 3, 2013
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    Re: Patch 38 Notes

    Amazing stuff, looking forward to it.
  7. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Renaissance Staff

    May 13, 2012
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    Re: Patch 38: June 6th 2013 Camps, Advertising, Tracking Upd

    Any member of a faction with less than 550.0 skills-total has been kicked from the factions system with this publish.
  8. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Re: Patch 38: June 6th 2013 Camps, Advertising, Tracking Upd

    Patch 38 Minor Issues
    • Some debug code was left in for tracking
    • Our feature negotiation script was added for testing and can result in weather filtering not working for razor.
    • Minor spelling issue on the Plague Ogre's Corpse
  9. Wulver

    Wulver Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Re: Patch 38: June 6th 2013 Camps, Advertising, Tracking Upd

    50 noobs booted from True Brits... awesome! hah
  10. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    Re: Patch 38: June 6th 2013 Camps, Advertising, Tracking Upd

    Nice additions.
    Please put Bounty Boards and Camp/Kidnap boards at all the major Banks, including Lost Lands.
  11. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Re: Patch 38: June 6th 2013 Camps, Advertising, Tracking Upd

    We are slowly adding them to each town as we implement all of the new spawners. This will probably take 1-2 days to complete.
  12. Neo

    Neo New Member

    May 14, 2013
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    Re: Patch 38: June 6th 2013 Camps, Advertising, Tracking Upd

    good update except ive ran into this little problem with the boss mobs as far as tamers or well anyone goes. I logged on tonight seen the azure up in destard grabbed my pets and i found my pets doing basicly no damage at all to him and that he still had 6300 hp which they had before the last patch. My hardest hitting pet isa 5x gm dragon and the best hit i seen him do melle wise was 10 avg was around 7. my mare was doing 1 dmg a hit and my ww was hitting for 4-5. Also note the barding difficulty given i dont know what it was before as i couldnt see that via lore but ima guess that bards still have no shot in doing anything to theses.

  13. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Re: Patch 38: June 6th 2013 Camps, Advertising, Tracking Upd

    Additional balance will most likely need to be applied to a few of the boss monsters as players try the new changes.
  14. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Renaissance Staff

    May 13, 2012
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    Re: Patch 38: June 6th 2013 Camps, Advertising, Tracking Upd

    That's a prepatch azure, the new ones are:

  15. Neo

    Neo New Member

    May 14, 2013
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    Re: Patch 38: June 6th 2013 Camps, Advertising, Tracking Upd

    Dont get why its a prepatch one as i could do basicly no damage to it. Ive fought them previously and they do put up a good fight but not to this extent. Like i said it appeared that the dmg reduc was added but the mob itself didnt lose anything.
  16. Ezekiel

    Ezekiel Renaissance Staff

    May 13, 2012
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    Re: Patch 38: June 6th 2013 Camps, Advertising, Tracking Upd

    That's correct, this is because the creature had been spawned prior to the patch & existed when the restart for the patch occurred. The new changes came into effect on a creature which was spawned under the old statistics.

    This is fixed now.
  17. SirLanceAlittle

    SirLanceAlittle Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 4, 2012
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    Re: Patch 38: June 6th 2013 Camps, Advertising, Tracking Upd

    I found a small hiccup.

    I love the new category of "Sea Monsters," this is great.
    But I found one minor glitch in the message displayed.
    When I use the Track Sea Monsters, as my GM Fisherman is a new tracker, a whole 7.2 Tracking, of course I fail.
    I receive the following message: "You see no evidence of people in the area."
    Perhaps you meant for the message to be "creatures," or "sea monsters," rather than "people."

    Also, is one able to Track the Kraken and the Shipwreck Kraken under the Monsters category of the Tracking window?
    If not, any chance they will eventually be Trackable?

    I am loving this patch.
    Thanks a lot UO Renaissance DEV Team.
  18. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Re: Patch 38: June 6th 2013 Camps, Advertising, Tracking Upd

    Nice catch lance, I will look into that and see if I can trap the message for sea creatures specifically, I think its just defaulting.

    Here is a quick list of fixes that will be coming in a maintenance patch this weekend.

    Public Moongates (tested)
    - Disabled these moongates from revealing you when you pass through them (tested)

    - Fixed a minor spelling error on the Horrifying Plague Monster (tested)
    - Adjusted the min/max damage for this creature as well (tested)
    - Added some missing event loot code to the creature also. (tested)
    - Minor adjustment to the plague spawn, damage, looks, damage immunity (tested)

    Boss Monsters
    - Minor adjustment to the boss monsters hit point levels damage resistance
    - Minor adjustment to the locations in which boss monsters spawn, most should now spawn in more specific areas (tested)
    - Fixed a mistake in patch 38 that reduced the elder wyrm's platinum drop to 1 from 2. It should now drop 2 platinum (tested)

    Champion Spawn
    - Minor adjustment to the drop rate of platinum during the progressive spawn (tested)
    - Removed some leftover debugging code, that was used to indicate a range failure for the collection of platinum from a spawned monster.

    Lockable Containers
    - Allowed the magic lock spell to be unlocked with the magic lock regardless of your magery skill(tested)

    Detect Hidden
    - Allowed detect hidden to provide assistance when unlocking a locked container (detect/20) = bonus to required skill (tested)
    - Allowed detect hidden to detect any area of space for trapped containers based on your skill. (tested)
    - Players with detect hidden of 50 or above can successfully detect trapped containers in a general area (tested)

    - Removed some debug code that was left in on accident (tested)

    Client Feature Negotiation
    - Disabled this system (tested)

    Message Boards
    - Resolved a minor problem with various lines having the last character truncated (tested)

    Body Parts
    - Fixed a problem in which Rib cages could not be cut into bones. (tested)
    - This will not work on Rib Cages from humanoid critters.

    - Adjusted the range in which an escort will advertise their need to travel from 5 to 8 tiles (tested)
  19. CapDipshit

    CapDipshit New Member

    May 28, 2013
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    Re: Patch 38: June 6th 2013 Camps, Advertising, Tracking Upd

    Should not have a cap. On leaving a bounty. If I lost a lot of good stuff n I was pissed I'd leave more than 5k, I think if you want to post a bounty larger than 5k you get a gump to confirm amount so you do not mistakenly add an extra 0 or someshit 50k or 500k or 10k or 100k
  20. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Re: Patch 38: June 6th 2013 Camps, Advertising, Tracking Upd

    We can always review that down the road, however to make use of the classic gump and boards, we have to work within certain limitations.
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