When you were new to UO:Renaissance

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by newme, Sep 28, 2015.

  1. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Thought this might be a fun question.

    When you were new to this server, weather you chose young status or not, What surprised you the most about this sever/players/staff ?

    Marjo Governess of Wispfelt

    Westra on IRC
    Gideon Jura, Vlar, Ragar and 2 others like this.
  2. Keza

    Keza Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    Jan 6, 2015
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    Started about this time last year, quickly became attached to the servers friendly atmosphere.

    Still remember making my starting gold off selling mounts in Occlo :D

    selling mounts.jpg
  3. Chase Carpenter

    Chase Carpenter New Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    I can tell you what I remember about when I started because that was a few days ago ;p !! Played UO 15 years ago, fondest MMO experience but Everquest stole me from it and over time UO changed too much to return to it until I discovered the existence of free shards through an old friend that still plays. I committed to playing it again even before I installed it by researching all the possible shards out there. Spent about 2 days comparing them all, the rulesets, websites etc, before I made a very confidant decision on UO:R. The website, compendium, just the clear heart and soul invested in this shard by its staff and its community was better than anything else id seen (by a large margin i believe). So it was NO surprise really, that the first few days was really friendly, pleasant and easy for me to ease back into something Ive forgotten my rhythm of. In fact Ive REALLY forgot my rhythm; so many questions I had/have that even the insanely helpful compendium cudn't help me with... but people did and still do. Hell, there's a volunteer staff thats a friggin greeter to new players at the inn! I thought that was a rly personal touch. Im barely starting to get to know anyone on here but im excited to, which I might not have been had I chosen a different shard.

    Ultimately great staff design a great platform that attracts a great community that reinforces a great platform and staff!
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2015
  4. The Musician

    The Musician Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
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    When I was new someone sent me a gate to Despise and I met up with Stranger and Sunshine. While their I met up with some new folks and we would just do that spawn over and over again. Overall the champ system is what originally got me hooked here (PVM fan) and then mask/sandals!

    Gideon Jura and newme like this.
  5. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Chase, feel free to pm me anytime on IRC (Westra ) or here

    Welcome to our world, the fun, craziness, and all

    Marjo Governess of Wispfelt ( my player/guild town)

    Westra on irc
  6. Nymeros

    Nymeros Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2013
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    The IRC channel.

    I remember when I joined at least 10 people had said welcome, and Blaise was answering tons of stupid questions asked by many newcomers like me.

    The resist session was mind-blasting too, got me by surprise how people would like to help other people.

    No young love in 2013 May though, so I did things the Felucca way, go to dungeons to work on skills and get good lewt.
  7. Vishakt

    Vishakt Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Nov 23, 2014
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    Rolled my orc Tarshakt as my only char when I started so what I remember is getting set up in the desert with a lot of help from my URK homies. So I am biased but I really liked the player base that I interacted with.

    I dont know if young was here then but when I finally made Vish I got rid of young status immediately. With both I got out of town immediately.

    As for the staff my only interaction was that I was in the first scav hunt and ran around on foot using moongatea yelling the fool. Tele surprised me with a 'honorable mention' and last pick. Took 3 cider jugs as not much left and we orcs love our cydur (lost them long ago)

    So my first impression of everthing was really good. I never planned to make this my main shard or even stay with UO but I still enjoy playing here and always come back this shard when I get a UO itch that needs scratching.
  8. ReZon

    ReZon Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jun 19, 2013
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    When I started here, there were just around 200 online at the time. The Mrs and kids were out of town for a week, and I decided to try UOR and see how quickly I could place a home. After 5 days of picking flax and cotton in Moonglow (pre-young UOR), I placed my first home here and decided to play here primarily.

    I remember being very surprised by how friendly folks seemed (especially after Voldeshard). I made several large cloth trades, had no idea about commodity deeds, and the people I traded with were all nice and honest. I was also happy to see all the open house spaces - there were great spots everywhere, and I placed my first sandstone in Moonglow just north of the graveyard.
    BlackEye, willie, Gideon Jura and 3 others like this.
  9. Stormwynd

    Stormwynd Senior Counselor
    Senior Counselor

    Jun 25, 2015
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    When I was new I got hooked because of the players and the sincere niceness of everyone and anyone I crossed paths with.

    I hopped on IRC to chat with all of the long time players and new alike.

    I think the part that has gotten me complete hooked is the fact that a majority of the players here whether they be RPers, PvMers, PvPers are all just as friendly as the next! The staff is incredibly dedicated and friendly. That and the fact that from my dealings with others that the playerbase is more of a mature crowd.

    Couldn't have found a better shard out there to play on!

  10. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    Yeah like Rezon I came from "over there" and was blown away by how friendly and helpful people were here. I was downright shocked to find my character still alive after macroing overnight in Britain, a sure way to get killed elsewhere. The forums and website were very useful and the layout very nice. I was also thrilled with the abundance of housing space and the renaissance era housing. In fact, the last straw for me elsewhere was the lack of housing when I wanted to place a large house. Additionally it seemed this shard was still growing and not past it's prime like every other free shard i've ever played. I didn't utilize the young program very long because i wanted to get out into the world, but I was glad to see it here. That way there is more chance for growth and retaining players still learning or re-learning the ropes.
  11. Alice Asteroid

    Alice Asteroid Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 23, 2015
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    I hadn't played UO since early 2000 but I would think fondly about it and Britannia from time to time. The past year or two I started playing computer games more often and after getting tired of all my games this summer, I thought I'd look for a UO shard (if they existed any more). I tried out a few, always asking about the RP scene. I eventually ran into Nymeros on another shard and we were brought together by our quest for RP, which brought us here. This place seemed to not only have the best RP scene that I could find (big thanks to Jupiter for setting me up in Paws) but I, like many others, was really impressed with the community on IRC and in-game. For the most part, everyone seems like mature adults looking to make friends, despite what kind of hijinx they get into in-game.

    I made a tailor named Enna and spent my first week or two running around from cotton field to sheep pen on foot via public moongates and worked up my tailoring. Happened upon a fun Paws adventure where we hired a billion NPCs from Occlo and took down an ancient wyrm and was pretty much hooked from then on!
    BlackEye, Gideon Jura, Vlar and 4 others like this.
  12. Melryn Moonstone

    Melryn Moonstone Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 18, 2015
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    I got pk'd by Pork Fried Rice at Covetous harpies and kept dying to the boss harpy. I didn't realise that the Occlo young areas existed until later.

    Not much has changed 2 months later! Still being PK'd by Pork Fried Rice.

    I also remember the GM/Counselor welcoming me to the shard and asking if I had any questions, that was really nice.
  13. bart simpson

    bart simpson Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 13, 2012
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    When I was new, A^T was the guild to be in. Hunting and doing t maps like no ones business! Gideon was a lonely nub like the rest of us trying to scrape up enough platinum to have a full stack of 6. Platinum wasnt a thing yet really and the best of us only had a couple to speak of.

    Double Vision was the first rager to be known and left after a horrible bitch fit over something stupid. Sorrow, his sidekick was soon to follow.
    Ganyon was the resident troll and would bust your balls over stupid things and gloat about his already immense wealth.
    Korbin would brighten all of our moods running around on his family guy themed characters.

    Mutombo and Tater dominated the Vesper south guard line, with their keeps and smith bods.

    The twin sands east of Brit gate was the hot vendor spot.

    The only PK out and about was Vagingo agogo.

    Our population spiked from 50 to 100 and we were thrilled. It then dropped to 70 and we became scared :p

    There was very little toxicity and everyone was super awesome and friendly. A great time indeed!
    BlackEye, Gideon Jura and newme like this.
  14. amfeKk

    amfeKk Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 5, 2014
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    how hard it was to kill someone after coming from an AOS/custom server
    Gideon Jura and newme like this.
  15. Heretic

    Heretic Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 19, 2014
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    I remember that I subscribed to a draw from a guy called @Qaddafi where he would draw new players to grant access to his keep so you could loot everything you would be able to from a specific room in 10 minutes time. I remember that there were tons of chests, bags and it was impossible to choose. I thought "wow this guy is insanely rich" and I looted as many things I could thinking "wow, so much money worth!".

    Now I realize it was just a lot of armoires and regular weapons that worth nothing. :p But I'm still impressed how he would do this to new players. I think he withdrawn from UO:R after a problem regarding people dry looting his properties, account stealing, something like that and I actually was kinda sad to see it happening to him.

    Edit: found the drawing thread: http://uorforum.com/threads/new-new-player-shopping-spree-part-deux-entry-closed-fun-begins.5941/
  16. bart simpson

    bart simpson Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 13, 2012
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    Hazy dry looted quaddafi's guilds properties using Timbo's account, for clarification. Quaddafi left because Hazy wasn't banned for breaking the rules. Oh Hazy you piece of shit...

    What happened during your first days here?! Let's keep this going, I have heard some great stories!
    Gideon Jura likes this.
  17. The Hammer

    The Hammer Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Dec 13, 2013
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    In no way am I taking Hazy's side but I asked him why he would do that to his good friend, and he stated Timbo was talking behind his back and accidently sent him some sort of text or phone call. I dont know everything in detail, but on behalf of Timbo I wish I could of warned him about hazy. Since ive known Hazy 5 years back on voldshard he has screwed over anyone close to him. I would pvp with Hazy or against him but never would trust this guy with your account info.

    My first days ... Logged in and got help from Cynic, Descartes, Hatecrime helped me and hazy get up characters. I bailed and went back to voldsshard and gave all my shit away. I came back to find SL ruling the pvp scene. I would farm bloods on a bard, collecting gold and items to get my first tower!. Now that there is neon items and 150mill in circulation its time to look for another shard!
  18. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    please keep it to the topic thanks
    Gideon Jura likes this.
  19. Vlar

    Vlar Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2013
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    This place truly is the greatest Renaissance UO has ever seen!

    Hadn't played UO since AOS came out. Immediately went and mined with pack horses for almost a week. Full screen, 640x480 on my old CRT with music on. :D
  20. Xevec

    Xevec Active Member
    Server Supporter

    Aug 10, 2012
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    The insane amount of hours some people were logging when the server first went live.
    The very small amount of time it took for DoubleVision and Blaise to become enemies.
    The huge amount of forum posts and resource info made by players, considering the player base was small.
    A couple old pics. To save up for a keep within 30 days is pretty impressive even if it was through guild funds, considering people were training magery ect..
    People jostling to get Necro Tomes. Arya_10-26_04.18.jpg
    BlackEye, newme and Vlar like this.

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