IDOCs w/timer - sst meh - Updated 2/25 9pm

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Erlkonig, Sep 27, 2015.

  1. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    I have passively IDOC'ed. I read threads like this and show up and let people chase me around for an hour until I have to go to bed. It's hard to IDOC when you play solo and can't even grab the stuff unless the house is going to drop during the 8% of the day you happen to be able to log on.

    And I honestly wish I kept that studded gorget of fortification, for how much ink it's gotten on the forum!

    Threads like this, IMO. IDOC'ers get muscled out of IDOCs so they do what they can and make a big group to help themselves out the next time. And then their group muscles out someone down the line, and that person does what they can to fight back, and they're called "slimy" and cursed at (not just this thread, it happens ~50% of the time threads like this arise though). It strikes me as a sense of entitlement.

    This is my point. Threads like this spur that chaos, which is awesome. But the OP's get cursed at because certain folks felt entitled to the loot and would rather not have the competition.
    Bixby Legbone, One, Kane and 3 others like this.
  2. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
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    Aug 15, 2013
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    There used to be many solo idoccers out there, and they never announced even when the odds were always against them. Mudbight was the only one to have a nuclear meltdown.
    Idoccers don't feel entitled to the loot, all idocs are inherently public and they all expect people to come by and fights to ensue. It's always been frowned upon between idoccers regarding any type of announcement. Consider it honor amongst thieves if you will.

    @BlackEye lost his mind one day when I stole something from his thief with my thief. He made a good point, though, thieves don't steal from other thieves, it's an unwritten rule.
  3. TrojanCow

    TrojanCow Well-Known Member
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    Feb 16, 2014
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    Not sure if you think I am Attila, but I am not.

    I know what he means obviously. SL/TT for a few months have been the muscle for the IDOC guild "UO". Your rationale for this was you were providing protection and/or getting some free peeveepee. This is half true. but not entirely. because your members have also looted. In fact, this most recent broadcasting campaign is being led by erlkonig, who has characters both in UO and SL/TT, and he is one of a few of your guildies that most certainly loot. Some members in SL/TT may be able to claim the high ground personally, but you certainly cannot do so as a guild.

    Calling someone a 'spineless pussy' is pretty low class. It's really not that hard to express your frustration without resulting to personal attacks.
    Alice Asteroid, wylwrk and Cynic like this.
  4. Attila

    Attila Active Member

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Last edited: Jan 12, 2019
    Animal Control likes this.
  5. Punt

    Punt Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
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    I don't think you're attila, nor did I imply I thought you specifically were anywhere in my post.

    Erl doesn't have any characters in TT that I'm personally aware of. Yes, we have helped him and his idocer buddies on several occasions, mostly to fight with the people there.

    I calls them like I sees them. Someone posting from an alternate forum account to trash talk a group of people is pretty much the definition of spineless pussy. If you want to call us out for whatever perceived injustice you can come up with this week, then grow a spine and do it your main account.
    Blaise likes this.
  6. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    OK, to me that's entitlement (and likewise with the thieves example), but entitlement to one's extended family, rather than just their immediate family.

    This is a terrible point, IMO, for the same reasons that I find it crazy that IDOCers complain when someone they muscled out posts a location/timer. "Honor among thieves" is Trammel for "I can dish it out but I can't take it".
    Bamilus, One, Kane and 4 others like this.
  7. Attila

    Attila Active Member

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Last edited: Jan 12, 2019
  8. TrojanCow

    TrojanCow Well-Known Member
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    Feb 16, 2014
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    Right on. You don't even know he's in your guild? Weird. I believe the character name is Grey Worm. He also has a Dank Nugget who has "worm" in the title. This may change after this post, but it was 100% true as of a couple days ago.

    As someone who has used an alt account to sell illicit goods I can tell you that the only reason is to avoid other player's emotional outbursts. If you see someone bid on something, then you see that same item up for sale again fairly quickly, I think you have the right to suspect foul play. Otherwise, it is quite possible the person is "legally" bidding. It's the same thing that I see happening on many Tamer's quests and L7 maps : often the pixels/rares gained from the group effort is put on sale and members of that group bid on it, because the gold from the sale is divided equally among members to make it fair for all.

    Not sure how UO/SL divvies loot from their idocs, but the above is a pretty common way to do things.
  9. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
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    Nov 24, 2014
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    Cynic tagged you in a post in the thread IDOCs w/timer - Updated 10/01.
    I highly doubt that this has happened that way, except a sentence like "Can you please stop it?" can be regarded as "lost his mind". :D And anybody not aware or in ignorance of the golden rule for thieves (yes, @Dalavar !), can't be so much of an experienced player. And yes, this is the main rule for 5D, too. Thieves don't steal from their kind. Basta. It's not like we are running around with riches anyway...
  10. Christoph Brock

    Christoph Brock Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2014
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    I agree with the Golden Rule of Thieves. There are already enough people trying to kill and steal from us hardworking thieves.

    On that note, BadKarma has no honor. I call on others to slay him at every opportunity.
    One likes this.
  11. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    It's not ignorance. I know some people also abide by the rules of not attacking reds with their reds. I just find it hypocritical and cowardly. Non-thieves asking for respite from thieves is "Trammel", but thieves asking for respite from thieves is "honor among thieves"? That is some great marketing.
    One likes this.
  12. Erlkonig

    Erlkonig Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2015
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    When I came to this server I thought that fek, bart, cynic, and everyone else that was talking sooo much crap about SL had to be the upstanding people of the server. Eventually I tried a few idocs out and kept getting rez killed for hours by lililili's. I asked them for an alliance and the lililiili, which is fek, laughed at my proposal. I told bix "hey man these SL guys are huge assholes." It took me another month to find out that the lililili's are fek, bart, cynic, and other TB secret members. We moved on to PvM champ spawns and guess who showed up to fight? Yup, you guessed it. TB, fek, and others. Dry looting, rez killing, pet killing, and spawn camping ensued. TT came around on their pks occasionally but those situations did not involve rez killing, dry looting, or any general douche-baggery. Eventually this led to alliances and friendships which led to me calling TT into IDOCs once zones started to get run. Yada yada yaaa, I dont have 24/7 PvP crew on & TT has a life during the day time..... which led to solo map running and announcing the timers in hopes of luring fresh blood in to compete. TB idoc crew created this problem for themselves through harassing game-play. If I am the bigger scum-bag because I want other people to get idoc loot for a change then so be it. Scum bag I be. Yarrrrrrrr
    Ruck, Bamilus, Dyne and 6 others like this.
  13. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
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    Nov 24, 2014
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    Great marketing salesman I be! Yehaaw! *highfives Erlkonig*

    PS: Hope you keep announcing these IDOCs!
    Xegugg and Mes like this.
  14. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    As far as I knew coming into this friendship with the [UO] guild they did IDOC's and I volunteered us to help at them - and stated explicitly to the SL members that we were there to help friends and not to receive any loot off the work they were putting into it. From my understanding there were members of SL that were asked/invited to be a part of it officially down the road and then officially earned some part of however loot or money is divvied. I never received any kickback or piece of the pie. Nor should I have really, I probably attended five or less of these events. I know Kane got a decent deal on a large house so I was more pleased with that than anything else.

    By the way - there's no reason to continue to harass the [UO] guild on account of SL/TT. Their leader officially ended our friendship (which was simply that we would not attack each other and we would participate in some group events together like champ spawns) because of threats made against them from other groups for associating with us. This doesn't mean SL or TT has declared any war on them and Erlkonig is an actual SL member and is still a part of our family. I haven't invited him to TT but I almost never do this without knowing someone for a long period of time. If he's still here months from now I probably will.

    There's nothing anyone can do to stop Erlkonig from posting IDOC's publicly. It's the same thing that the O^S idoc crew does as soon as they realize they don't have the muscle at an idoc (they go to IRC and publicize it). If you are part of that group and you came here to complain (cynic, trojan cow, alt accounts) you're just wasting your breath and probably showing Erl how mad it makes you (despite how many times you state you don't care and aren't mad.) If you're unrelated and can benefit from this - that's great. Bring a blue, be able to gate/recall, be prepared to be attacked by reds from either group. Bring a small house deed and place in the spot and try to sell it later.

    @Dalavar I agree there is no implied truce between thieves or murderers. A red is a tool for killing all players. This includes other reds. I remember Mutombo flipped his shit on me on two specific occasions - one we killed his blue with our blues. He called us 'blue PKs' and ranted about it for some time. The other we killed his and bart's reds with our reds. He informed me reds weren't supposed to attack reds. Neither of those are real things. You must decide personally who you will attack and steal from and the character's criminal status and karma will rarely be the only deciding factor for most people.
    One likes this.
  15. TrojanCow

    TrojanCow Well-Known Member
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    Feb 16, 2014
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    Facts are weird. Here's some. Some members of the UO guild have dropped their tag while IDOCing - but they are the same names, and, tags or no, they are in the UO guild. Nothing changed except you dropped tags. I do believe it is true that many members of UO stopped IDOCing though.

    One more weird fact. Myself and my friends have not broadcasted a single time. Not. One. Ever. I challenge you to find an IRC quote and timestamp or a forum post. As always, Mes, you are full of rancid turds. Also a fact, by the way.
  16. Wolfbane

    Wolfbane Active Member

    Sep 4, 2015
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    Son, you're mistaken.

    Not once have we publicized a thing, until the property is being unloaded as a sale.

    What I find here is that a pack of lions can swarm their territory all day and all night, when they make a kill (time an idoc) others, how do we put it, get lucky and stumble upon it in time to claw together a ballpark period of several hours where they can sit and hold hands and wait. These we'll call the Hyenas. Sitting back and watching, snapping at each others ankles as they cant control their own emotions.

    Once they realise they're out of their depth, they announce it to the masses, and alas the Vultures get called in (everyone else).

    These vultures are easily dispersed and scattered, as the majority (if they find it in time) have no co-ordination and are all lone wolves trying to snap up what they can within weight limits to recall out before death and probably not return to the madness.

    The Hyena's, they feel brazen, they waltz up to and around the Lions who really couldnt care less, the Lions know how it goes down.

    They make the kill, leaving scraps for the hyenas and vultures, if there's any junk we take the time to look at before relocating.

    And Kane, would you kindly please stop recalling to my front steps all the time, I don't use that door.

    Have a nice day :)
    T3h D4ve likes this.
  17. Hydrox

    Hydrox Well-Known Member
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    Jan 24, 2015
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    can we submit this to "best of craigslist?"
  18. Turtle Chomper

    Turtle Chomper Member

    Nov 28, 2014
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    Alt forum accounts?

    Dalavar likes this.
  19. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Any of those things you just said about the UO guild could be true - I have no clue. I have no knowledge of or control of their characters or guild tags and never did. As I stated Bixby has dissociated UO from SL/TT. The only one I will officially claim is Erlkonig. Although I still consider others to be friends and they'll still be treated hospitably.

    I can tell you that I attended an idoc in the bloody plains and havock/lililliili publicized it in irc after dying several times on his tamer. I can't tell you if he is or was ever in your idoc group as an official member - but obviously he sits in blaise's mumble and he was there because you (you as a group, not you specifically) invited him to it. I recall Deathboy doing it a week or so ago on dagger island as well. I'm pretty sure Deathboy isn't an official part of your group - however he was invited there by your members to help. I won't produce any IRC log and I really don't care if you believe this or not. This isn't an important position to me.
  20. Mes

    Mes Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I'm not going to try to suss any of this out. This isn't animal planet.

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