25 Holiday coins given away to the best story....

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Zyler, Nov 5, 2015.

  1. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    Post a good story...

    or Jest

    25 coins will be yours
    Gideon Jura and newme like this.
  2. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    So, I entered into a business deal with an associate of mine just last night. It was late and murky and I was quite the laggard. We were set to meet up to do a currency exchange at the Vesper bank. I was waiting patiently and I saw my business associate approaching. Lurking in the corners, I noted an odd giggly chap hanging out. Standing next to me was someone that was clearly in a trance and powered from a nether-world via razor.

    As my associate walked up, he clicked to drag 117 of the coins we were set to exchange for other coins. At that exact moment, the odd, giggly chap said the words of power and made me disappear! My poor associate, trying to hand the coins to me, accidentally dropped them upon the ground at my feet where they were immediately scavenged by the nether-world's powers via razor. The poor, unwittingy, odd, giggly chap had no idea what he had done.

    My associate, having had dealings with some more unsavory types, enlisted the help of a known criminal to rifle through the pockets of the person in a trance, who had yet to show any signs of attentiveness. Just as we suspected, the person in a trance had indeed been powered from the nether-world to scavenge the misplaced coins. So, we persuaded the unsavory one to re-acquire the coins. He was all too willing.

    Just as he did, though, the odd, giggly chap started attacking him thinking he was the bad guy. Fortunately, he was able to get the coins back to my business associate before he was slain!

    The currency exchange went down, the second time, without a hitch. Unfortunately, the unsavory one did not survive the evening's antics.

    An absurd, but true tale.

    Last edited: Nov 5, 2015
  3. Plankton

    Plankton Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Mar 8, 2015
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    Where are the pictures?
  4. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    Well, that's a story!
  5. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    It was almost a nightmare, lol.
    @Zyler requested a story.
    newme likes this.
  6. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    But some parts just don't fit.

    - Why would the macroing guy cast invis on you?

    - Did he came to live when stealing the coins? So, was he perhaps all the time without the influence of netherworldal razorness?

    - What happened with the poor thief? Who is that unknown hero?
  7. Alice Asteroid

    Alice Asteroid Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 23, 2015
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    If I read it correctly, the macroing guy didn't cast invis on him - the thief did. It just so happened that the macroing guy gobbled up the coins that the thief was hoping to nab.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2015
    newme and wylwrk like this.
  8. Plankton

    Plankton Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Mar 8, 2015
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    Context clues!
  9. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    The Macroer, The Thief, and the Invis'er were all different people...and it didn't go down in the drawing room.

    Also, there were no ill-intentions at any time during the episode.
    newme and Alice Asteroid like this.
  10. Plankton

    Plankton Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Mar 8, 2015
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    Don't kill the intrigue! I prefer picture books or even pop-ups.
  11. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Zyler, Hi, quick question.. Is there a time-line for this contest. I've begun a story, but will take a couple days. It is also based on a true a
    true event which happened to my friend.

    So, I am picking his brain. LOL

    wylwrk likes this.
  12. Orcus

    Orcus Member

    Jul 20, 2015
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    I have a story but it is not a UO story. Is that acceptable?
  13. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    Any and all stories are welcome.
    Since this is UOR and Halloween related, that helps as would screenshots but not necessary
  14. Orcus

    Orcus Member

    Jul 20, 2015
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    This is a story I submitted last year for a Halloween writing contest (it was rejected) but I am happy to share even if it is not UO related so no screen shots and what not :)

    TEETH -

    Blood. The air was thick with the smell of it. Eric Hightower carefully stepped over the pile of bodies in the sewer junction below the streets of Pueblo, Colorado. Eric tried hard not to look too carefully at the torn and mutilated bodies, most of which had a decidedly chewed look about them. Eric froze as the light attached to his double barrel shotgun revealed a bright pink tennis shoe resting in a puddle of blood but well clear of the pile of bodies.

    Eric sagged against the wall, a high pitched whine escaping his lips before he could clench his jaw shut. Eric drew in a long breath, to calm himself, before realizing his mistake and retching at the sharp metallic sent of blood. So much for his silent passage through the tunnels, he thought to himself as he loudly emptied his stomach against the wall. This was his eighth trip into the sewers in as many months, since his sister had disappeared during a snowstorm November, last year.

    Lizzy Hightower had been out to a high school party when she had caught her boyfriend in the arms of some other girl. In tears she had called her brother and told him she was on her way home. Eric told her he would come pick her up but Lizzy had said no, her SUV had 4 wheel drive and would handle the snow better than Eric’s car. Eric reluctantly agreed and begged Lizzy to drive carefully. Lizzy never made it home. Four hours later a nearly frantic Eric called the Pueblo police, fearing the worst. The dispatcher agreed to send a patrol car out along the route Lizzy was most likely to take coming home. The police found both Lizzy’s SUV and an empty patrol car parked in the middle of 6th street, both with their driver’s side doors open and snow drifted into the vehicles. No signs of struggle at the scene, but an officer stringing crime scene tape had tripped over a manhole cover open a crack. The officer opened the manhole cover to discover the scene of a nightmare below the streets of Pueblo.

    The crime scene investigation team took hours to finally separate the mess into 5 people, none of whom turned out to be Lizzy. Dental records were needed to identify the bodies and the Police were forced to rule the disappearance of Lizzy and the murders as separate crimes. An amber alert was issued for the missing girl but with no information to go on the case went cold and the police moved on to other matters. In the next eight months, the police had found five more cases of abandoned cars near partially opened manhole covers. All the cases were the same in that there was no signs of struggle in or around the vehicles but under the manhole covers were slaughter houses. The murder rate for Pueblo had nearly quadrupled. The police were at a complete loss, no crime scene had produced any clues as to what was happening in Pueblo, but something was luring people into the sewers, killing them and then feasting on the remains. The teeth marks were never the same and no hair, fiber, finger prints or tracks were to be found. The only common factor was all the murders happened around the time of the full moon, giving rise to the rumors, most half joking, that the perpetrator was a werewolf.

    Eric moved down the tunnel, the light sweeping back and forth. Eric was at a loss as to what to do next. The sewer tunnels under Pueblo went on for miles and, while the investigation was still open, the Police department no longer spent any longer than they had too investigating each crime scene. Eric felt he was the last person that still cared about finding his sister and figuring out what was leaving piles of bodies in its wake.

    Eric froze. A soft noise behind him. Every hair on Eric’s body stood on end as gooseflesh broke out all over. Fear washed over him like a wave. Like nothing he had ever felt before. Another soft noise, something wet and slithering. Eric did his best not to panic. The light jittered across the wall as he slowly turned. He did not want to see what was behind him, yet he could not stop himself from turning. Eric tightened the stock of the shotgun against his shoulder, preparing to take the kickback of the 12 gauge slug he had loaded earlier that day.

    Eric finally completed his turn. The pile of bodies looked much like it had before. Maybe one of the bodies had shifted? Maybe or maybe not. Eric took a calming breath. Nothing moved in the tunnel, no more sounds behind him. Eric’s sense of smell was finally becoming numb to the metallic stink of all the blood, still far from pleasant but no longer over whelming. Eric took a closer look at the pile of bodies and much like the others all appeared to be naked and in at least a dozen pieces, it was hard to tell. Eric began to feel queasy again so he turned his attention to the tunnel he had been working his way down. Not for the first time Eric was thankful this summer had been dry, he did not think he could have handled floating body parts.

    Eric moved as quietly as he could, staying well away from the walls when possible. The echo of footsteps or the scrap of his clothes against stone would have most likely driven him over the edge and into a white hot panic. Eric hatted being down here with every fiber of his being, but he could not escape the thought that if only he would keep looking he would finally find some sign of her. It was doing something. Being active and not reactive. It was barely better than sitting at home waiting for the phone call he was increasingly sure would never come.

    Sudden blaring noise filled the air, accompanied by the boom and jarring shock as the shotgun kicked against his shoulder. Warmth ran down Eric’s legs as his bladder let loose. Eric could no longer hear anything but the ringing in his ears but he could feel the throbbing vibration of his phone going off in his pocket.

    “Fuck” said Eric as he lowered the shotgun and began digging his phone out.

    The brightness from the screen filling the sewer junction with pale light. Light that was reflected in the eyes of the creatures moving slowly down the tunnel behind Eric. Eric shut off his alarm and with a sigh made his way to the nearest manhole cover. He climbed the iron rungs and put his shoulder against the manhole cover and pushed. The lid stuck for a moment before giving way and fresh air washed over Eric’s face. The sky was pinks and oranges of a new dawn. Eric looked around and saw the sign at the corner of Blake and 8th streets. Eric lay the shotgun down in the street next to him and sat with his feet dangling in the manhole. He pulled his phone back out and dialed 911. Luminous eyes peered up out of the darkness below.

    The ringing on the line ended and a woman answered. “This is Eric Hightower. I am at Blake and 8th. I found another one.” He listened for a moment, “Yes, I know. I did not touch anything and I will wait here. Thanks.”

    Eric’s phone began beeping and buzzing and warbling as it reconnected with the world around it. Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Email. Each with it’s own signal that Eric was back in the world of the living. Eric suddenly noticed how wet he was and flushed with embarrassment. Luckily the streets were mostly empty, though he could hear cars driving up and down 4th street. Closer by a dog started barking. Hopefully the cops would not give him too hard a time about him having an accident, but he knew better. Most of them only barely tolerated his quest to figure out what was happening around them. This would not doing anything to better his reputation.

    Lost in thought, Eric never saw the hands reach out of the blackness and grab his ankles. With a yank, Eric was plunged down into the sewer, the stomach churning drop ending with blinding pain as he hit the stone floor. Gasping for breath, Eric looked up at the light coming from the hole above him. Something moved above him, Eric tilted his head up to get a better look. The last thing Eric Hightower saw were teeth. Far, far too many teeth.

    Iago, Zyler and newme like this.
  15. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    "Hello boys and girls......

    *Paddy strums his lute*

    This is your old pal, Paddy. I'm here to tell you a story about a duck.... NO! I'm here to sing you a ballad about a mysterious man... a man that nightmares are made of. I call it... the ballad of Sea C Avenger...

    sung to the tune of IRON MAAAAN.......

    *Paddy strums his lute furiously*

    Is... he... afk?
    Are there alts that he plays?
    Does.. he.. talk at all?
    Does he see when guards are called?

    Factions, pvm or RP?
    He...just...banksits there
    Does he collect plat or should we care?

    He...once.. got a rez
    When I hit him till he was dead
    He.. came back in no time
    For the puzzlement of all mankind..

    Nobody knows him...
    He just stares at the world
    Plotting his vengeance
    Telamon he will soon overthrow..

    Now.. the.. time is here
    For Sea C Avenger to spread fear
    Vengeance from West Britain Bank
    Kills the people of Skara Brae

    Nobody knows him..
    His silence makes me cringe...
    If I purple pot him..
    Will he have his revenge?

    ***EPIC LUTE SOLO***

    Heavy E-bolts to the head
    Fills his victims full of dread
    Recalling as fast as they can
    Sea C Avenger lives again!


    Thank you Occlo!!!! You''ve been a great crowd! What? Oh, sorry... Thank you Britain Conservatory!!!!"

    Jupiter, ReZon, newme and 3 others like this.
  16. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    OH. I did not know this was suppose to be a Halloween related story. Dah me!
    So the one I had been working on won't fit. LOL Which is ok, it's a bit long. I will just post it in Salty Dog as a regular tale.

    Good luck everyone.
  17. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    if it IS supposed to be halloween related, NOTHING and I mean NOTHING in the OP indicates such lol.
  18. Dierdre

    Dierdre Active Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    My brother has a really funny Halloween story. I will either post it up or have him do it later.
  19. Zyler

    Zyler Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2012
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    Doesnt need to be Halloween related but it might help
    Can be anything
  20. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    this is where I got the Halloween thing.

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