What are your keybindings?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Tsarkon, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. Tsarkon

    Tsarkon Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 12, 2014
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    Just curious what your key bindings are. They're likely to be different across your characters, but what are some of your generic key bindings?

    For example, some of my generic ones are:

    Ctrl + H for hiding
    Ctrl + T for teleport
    Ctrl + R for recall
    Ctrl + G for gate
    F11 is my restock agent
    F12 for my bank macro
    wylwrk likes this.
  2. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    I love it. Now when I first say hi to someone it doesn't look like...

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  3. PaddyOBrien

    PaddyOBrien Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2014
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    F1 = Hiding (across all characters), F2 cast heal/cure (mage based chars)/bandage self on dexxers, F3 Drink Cure, F4 Drink Heal, F5 use trapped pouch, F6 = Last spell (mage chars)/ Use purple pots (dexxers), F7 Last Skill / or specific skill based on char, F8 use last object, F9 Ebolt / not sure what on dexxers, F10 all names, F11 my panic button for the lost lands, F12 recall everywhere else. Insert = use bandages, Home - (dexxers) drink greater str, page up - drink greater agility, ~ attack last. Numpad is used for individual character needs (taming - all stay, all follow me, all kill, etc.)

    shift F2 my vendor buy macro, Shift F5 i wish to lock this down, Shift F3 i wish to release this. My macros sometimes have no rhyme or reason to them haha
  4. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
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  5. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    I center myself on the home-row of the keyboard with my left hand. Mouse wheel roller is for greater heal and target self, depending on which way I roll it. + and - on number pad are hot keys that I can stick my thumb out for, but they're for toggling hot keys and re-syncing. Side buttons on mouse have my PTT for Voice Chat. Ctrl and Alt keys are for different versions of spells in conjunction to the home row keys for if I was fighting someone and wanted a mind blast instead of a lightning bolt...or other spells. Space bar is generally generic targeting of reds/enemies depending on which razor profile I use. Caps lock key for Next Target....on and on....too many keys.
  6. Variance

    Variance New Member

    Dec 29, 2015
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    A weaken
    S feeble mind
    D clumsy
    F poison

    BUFFS (SHIFT + same keys, with the opposite spells on each):
    SHIFT + a Strength
    SHIFT + s Cunning
    SHIFT + d Agility

    Q explo
    W ebolt
    E harm
    G lightning
    H mindblast
    R fs
    Z invis
    X meditation
    T magic arrow

    1 gheal
    2 mini heal
    3 cure
    ~ mini heal/cure self
    ctrl ~ bandage self
    shift ~ gheal / cure self

    F1 cure pot
    F2 heal pot
    F3 agility pot
    F4 str pot
    shift + Middle Mouse 4 refresh pot
    Toggle stun: mouse button 4 (below wheel)
    shift e explo pot

    Next target: mouse #2
    Last target: mouse wheel up
    set last target: middle mouse wheel click
    attack last target: alt + mouse wheel up
    Target self: mouse #1
    clear target queue: mouse wheel down
    Alice Asteroid likes this.
  7. Tsarkon

    Tsarkon Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 12, 2014
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    Nice. Keep 'em coming.
  8. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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  9. Erlkonig

    Erlkonig Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 14, 2015
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  10. Pax Romain

    Pax Romain Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2014
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  11. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    May 24, 2015
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    Step 1: get proper hotkeys
    Step 2: learn said hotkeys
    Step 3: get music to roll:

    Step 4: profit!

    And thank you pax for reminding me of this pearl, haha
    Pax Romain likes this.
  12. Fireball

    Fireball Active Member
    UO:R Donor

    Sep 15, 2014
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    There are so many command keys in MMOs that I cannot deal with doing all that on a normal keyboard. In the old days I used a Saitek P8000 pad which could be programmed for whatever commands you needed to send and you could print a sheet with the commands or spell icons which fitted in the top of the pad which was basically a rectangular pad with umpteen touch buttons.

    Now I use a Saitek Pro Gamer Command Unit in my left hand which I have had for donkey's years - thinking now of replacing with Razer Orbweaver Chroma Elite but really the Saitek unit does the job perfectly and it is second nature to me now. I have 3 modes: work (I mean game work like crafting, lockpicking, taming etc.), town and fight. In fight mode the buttons cast spells and drink potions etc. So the 20 buttons (which can be shifted) do completely different things in the 3 different modes. Plus of course you can select different profiles for different games or even real life work

    I also have a Razer Naga Epic Chroma 17 button mouse which is set up mainly for targeting but also things like "all kill", bandage self, bandage last target and emergency recall macro. On my second computer I also have a Logitech G200 like Erlkonig but I prefer the Naga. I also have a third computer on my desk with another Naga! :)

    Finally, I have a Corsair K95 RGB programmable keyboard for typing stuff which has macros for restocking my vendor so I don't have to type in "3000, Full spellbooks only 3000 GP" 20 times :)

    I can control all three computers using my main keyboard and mouse and software called Multiplicity which allows you to seamlessly move the mouse pointer across the screen to the next computer's screen and while the pointer is there the keyboard also types commands into that computer. So this is almost like having one computer with three monitors side by side. I can't recommend this enough to people with more than one computer. Multiplicity can also operate as a KVM switch so I can also control my company servers with it, without having to go to the server room.

  13. Por Corp Wis

    Por Corp Wis Well-Known Member
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    Sep 1, 2015
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    All I have to respond with is 2 comments.

    1. Since my carpal tunnel I cant really use anything but a few small list of special mice so Im very jealous of anyone using a naga/g200 :(
    Heck even ergonomic/vertical mice I can only use for limited amounts of time these days without expecting a few days of pain.

    2. WTF. Literally....WTF lol. Both the setup and the organization of the keybinding chart. (meant in a good way)

    PS try switching to all non Razor products and see how u like it. I was a razor only advocate for years but their drivers truly suck IMO. (limited by UOR code of conduct to say how I really feel about them!!!!!) I had so many mini-freezing and tracking issues across multiple computers and other glitchy nonsense. 5-6 different computers, different physical locations, countless driver only and clean windows installs, and repurchased hardware frequently to make sure it wasnt that. Switched to logitech only about 1 year ago and I have never been happier and these issues are a thing of the past for me.

  14. Por Corp Wis

    Por Corp Wis Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 1, 2015
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    Also IMO.....

    Ive researched keybindings across a great many games for years. My thinking has always been if you pick the most efficient keybinds for XYZ, and spend large amount of time finding what takes the least amount of movement/effort for every situation it will be of some great benefit to you.

    After YEARS of doing this (like close to 20) my personal evaluation of that theory is that its nonsense.

    Spend some time figuring out what works well for YOU. Other peoples keybindings are meaningless. Unless you have some very nonsensical idiotic stuff which makes you move literally from far left to far right keyboard or something else it doesnt matter.

    Play the game and adapt your keybindings as you go and with enough time in any one game it will evolve into a cohesive system for YOU, that works for YOU.

    Macros on the other hand are a different story. I think you should ditch the keybind thread and ask people to share their macros because in UO....those make an insane difference. Unfortunately you likely get peoples best ones :(

  15. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    lol...I post that video all the time on irc
    Erza Scarlet likes this.
  16. Fireball

    Fireball Active Member
    UO:R Donor

    Sep 15, 2014
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    I was just thinking "Oh God, I hope the hoff doesn't sing..." And then he did! LoL :)

    Razer drivers are a lot better now. I agree they were rather naff when they first came out. Initially I had a Naga Elite which was great and I still have but the left button double-clicks regularly which is annoying and in wireless mode the battery won't last a full day. So I switched to the Naga Elite Chroma. That is very similar but I'm on my second one of those because the cable at the mouse end went. Again the battery life doesn't survive an all-day game session so I only every use it in corded mode. As well as the cable breaking, I normally use it in white light mode and after less than a year the white had changed to a significantly yellow colour. Razer sent me a new one under warranty and again within a year the white is rather yellow. I could adjust the colour to make it white again but meh. It just shows that the quality of the LEDs is not top notch. The Logitech G200 has retained its white colour almost perfectly over about 18 months. I just don't like the feel of that in my hand.

    By the way, I also have a Steelseries Apex keyboard which is superb if anyone wants a multi-colour programmable keyboard without paying the ludicrous price of the Corsair K95 or other fancy mechanical keyboards.

    Sorry, I seem to have hijacked this thread into a hardware thread! :)

    As far as macros go, Razor (as opposed to Razer hehehe) is a very powerful tool and I agree that great macros make your life so much easier. For example, entering houses I have a macro for each of my houses which double clicks the key, targets the door, double clicks the door to open it, double click's the key, targets the door. Waits one second then double clicks the door again to close it. Then it does a detect hidden and targets the floor inside the house. So you just walk through the door as it opens and pause one tile in and check the house is clear. You only have to record the macro for one house, then copy it to new macro files and reset the targets for the correct keys and doors.

    The clever bit is that I have a macro like that for each house I own, but I have a single button on my Saitek gadget that I press on the front step of any of the houses and this runs a macro called "Entry" which does a -where to get the location co-ordinates. Then the macro runs the appropriate building macro to open the correct door using an "if" and a sysmessage check for the co-ordinates.
    Canis wrote some fancy re-try and timing mods for this which cleverly ensure you don't accidentally leave a door unlocked or unlock it when you mean to lock it for example.
    And this all works on multiple doors in the same building for example a tower as can set it up for each of the internal doors too.
    Great for house security.

    Forgot to say that a friend of mine who suffers from carple tunnel uses a rollerball and he gets on with that fine.

  17. Attila

    Attila Active Member

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Last edited: Jan 12, 2019
  18. Invoker

    Invoker Active Member

    Mar 30, 2015
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    Q explosion
    E ebolt
    Mouse4 last target

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