Hello all We are here to ask if anyone has either a Large Brick House or a Large House with Patio that we could possibly buy ? As many of you know we stream almost every day, but a big goal of ours, primarily mine (Dakota) is to run a shop that sells many things. The house does not have to be on top of a moongate or anything, but we do not want one in a marsh or a jungle or on an island We have seen 3 houses that would be perfect, 1 is definitly empty South of Britain, maybe you own it and would part with it ?! Its a Large House with a Patio, on the sign it simply says "dunno" If anyone does have a house that they might sell us, please tell us the price and maybe arrange to see if we could see it. Thankyou very much for your time reading this Dakota and Shaylie.
You should try messaging Regina when you see them in IRC... they have a few houses they are looking to part with in some nice locations.
Thanks for the kind offer Elo Horno but we really do want either a Large Brick House or a Large House with a Patio. But once again, thanks for the offer !
Large Brick, next door to the A^T Guild House, just north of Minoc. Not a lot of foot traffic for vendors, but the price is right... Deed Cost for you guys. If you really want to run vendors, you can have as many as you want at my Yew Vendor House... log cabin northside of bank, can bank from inside the house
Sounds interesting LanDarr We have to pop out now, but when we get back we will go and see if we can find the house you are referring to and then let you know ! Thanks for the kind offer also !
LanDarr we really like the house spot you offered us, but we are goign to see if we can see maybe another 1 or 2 before we decide, hope you dont mind Thankyou very much again !
Hello Xegugg We would be very interested to see it, and know how much you would want for it please Thankyou.
Thankyou for the understanding LanDarr But please know, we are VERY interested in your spot !! We just are people that try not to rush into things Hence we dont macro lol.
I have one you can have I'd just need it back when you are done/move out of it! I'll post pictures here in 6-7 hours
I think you two must be incredibly nice people just based alone on the volume of smiley faces that appear on my screen when reading your posts. But I'd advise to not become too picky since people are stepping forward and offering to sell places they weren't planning to, and it sounds like you are targeting a prime real estate around Britain. If you're getting a home near deed cost in any area that's not crawling with alligators or murderers, it is likely a good starting point to build upon.
Hi Merlin Oh dont worry, we are not being too picky by any means hehe We just don't want to jump in straight away to find we chose wrongly. You are correct, people are being amazingly nice to us and we are most grateful The area is not too important to us if we are honest, and we have broadened our options too Thanks for the post, have a great evening !