Looking for up to 50k spined leather @ 30 per. I will also be willing to loan lizardman or reptile slayer weapons if someone needs to make some cash and wants to farm these up.
Thanks for pointing this out Erza Scarlet Hello Dyne, we dont know about gathering 50k of it, but we can certainly gather some of it over the next few days if you are still in need ! Please let us know. Thanks. Dakota and Shaylie.
Yep I am still in need. I've aquired about 5k so far haha I'm sure I'm not the only one currently needing spined leather either or the price wouldn't be so high. Its a good way to make money, especially if you have the resources and time to start the lizardman champ spawn and farm those suckers for a few hours.
Too easy to get away from pks nowadays, especially if you bank every 5k gold and 100-200 leather, really nothing to lose. The pk's definitely aren't out pking to make money thats for sure haha And lizardmen slaughter slayers are very cheap, I probably have 100 or more, just let me know if you need to borrow any.
Ahh, ya I wouldnt loan out anything that isnt a 5k tossaway etc. haha It doesnt take much to kill a lizardman. Just a regular ol' longsword of lizardman slaughter and ruin will do that trick.
We just got in from work We will collect some for you later on if we can ! We wont use one of your weapons though, regular GM weapons should suffice, thanks though Dakota and Shaylie.
hehe BlackEye Yeah the only reason we dont use Slayers though is because we would hunt for the hides on stream, we dont want to use borrowed items on a stream where we mat get sniped and lose them. Dakota and Shaylie
GM weapon 100-500 gold, power/vanq weapon 500 gold- 1000 gold, lizard man slayer weapon 5000-20,000 gold...not much of a difference there honestly. I actually have a few you can "have". That way you won't feel bad if you did lose them. : ) I would obviously find the cheapest ones so it doesnt matter. But if you prefer to use GM weapons for fun factor, that is all fine. Just don't think losing them would be a burden to me, because it would not : ) I just need spined leather and appreciate you trying to farm it.