Considering Joining

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Tol, Feb 26, 2016.

  1. Punt

    Punt Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2013
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    newme likes this.
  2. Dr Satan

    Dr Satan Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2015
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    Hey Tol, glad you joined UOR and I know you enjoyed the new player raffle! Was a pleasure meeting ya in game and I hope you decide to make this your home.. sounded like you will. Greatest virtual place to be!
    Tol, Lord Krake and newme like this.
  3. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Hi Tol, see you already decided to give us a try :) Welcome to UOR.

    I'm not into pvp at all. Don't enjoy it, and yes have tried over years of OSI playing, just isn't my thing. That said, I find plenty to keep me busy, this server has so much to do for all play styles.

    You won't find power hour here, or power scrolls. AFK Macroing skills is allowed. Not resources, which helps new players out a lot. But, it isn't the end all to AFK macro, many of our players prefer to build skills as they go. All about your individual play style and what you enjoy. Main thing is to explore, try various things, find what suits you and what you find to be the most fun.

    As suggested before, hop into our IRC channel, met other players and ask questions, and ask for help, if you need it.

    I'm Westra on irc and in game my main is Marjo. She is Governess of Wispfelt Village and GM of PVM guild. (not PvM guild)

    good luck and hope to see ya in game or in chat
    Tol and Lord Krake like this.
  4. Samorite

    Samorite Renaissance Game Master

    Feb 1, 2013
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    Welcome to UO:R hope to see you ingame :)
    Tol likes this.
  5. Shandril

    Shandril Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 25, 2015
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    Welcome to UO:R Tol :)

    Hope you love it like we do !

    Dakota and Shaylie.
    Tol likes this.
  6. Tol

    Tol Member

    Feb 25, 2016
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    Quick update, I started playing on UO:R and I'm enjoying it very much. I've met a lot of very friendly, helpful people and I think I have found my new home for my next adventure.

    I'm working on my toons, enjoying the process. This style of UO is so much better then any other I've played, this is what I have been wanting since I started! It also seems that your reputation matters here and that means a lot to me because it makes you held accountable for your actions. I don't expect candy land, it's uo, but it's uo as it should be. In my mind at

    Anyways thanks for all the responses and help. The PS guys have been amazing in getting me settled in. I hope to repay that when I get established here.

    See you around game!

    Canis, wylwrk, JaySnide and 3 others like this.
  7. Tol

    Tol Member

    Feb 25, 2016
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    So I considered opening another thread but decided it would be a good way to close this one for good.

    My first week update:

    In the first week on UOR I discovered that this is the UO I always heard about, wanted to play and this is the reason I started playing all those years ago. I definitely found my new home!

    I joined PS, after all the help they provided I felt it was almost my duty to help others in return. They have been absolutely amazing at making me feel welcomed, answering all my noob questions and taking me out to hunt and train/tame animals. I couldn't have met a better group! Doctor Satan especially has gone out of his way to help me get my tamer gains exploding. In a week I went from 50 to 94.2 real (currently I'm not done yet today!) I put a lot of time in but without the help provided by Doc and several other PS members I would not have been able to get that many gains. I am still learning everyones names but basically all the PS guys have gone out of their way to show me something useful and helpful. Thank you guys! Sorry I can't say each of your names specifically yet! My tamer mage is almost finished, the resist event was very useful as well. That saved me a lot of money and startup costs. I picked a great time to join.

    I ran into a few pk's here, Sage was my first (we never forget our first after all ;) ) and 2 of his buddies. Lesson learned, do not stand in a spot you cannot see enemies approach! They were on me so fast my brain went, oh shit reds, oh shit I'm dead. They looted my regs and dipped. PS came and ressed me a few minutes later and I went about training some more. Another guy showed up a few mins later and I was able to escape. He wasn't the same guy(s) , and it was a hot spot so I went to other areas to train. No biggie. This was what I wanted to see from pks, not camping my body waiting for me to come back, etc etc. That was great and as weird as it may sound, thank you for pking 'properly'. LOL.

    I was pk'd another time as well, that was on me tho I should've escaped but the rule set I am used to doesn't allow recalling in/out of fel dungeons, so I see red and my reaction is run, not recall. Ha. That time they took everything, but hey what ever, 4 dragons and 2 mares were used I kind of assumed they were going to take everything. Like I said that one was on me. I defended myself from another blue pk as well, I think he was a newer player, but it was good training for me I suppose. If survived his attacks pretty well and was happy I escaped.

    I should also point out that when I was pk'd it was always in a hot spot, dungeons or somewhere known for high level training or farming. So I take half the blame, at least. In general this doesn't seem to be a very pk heavy server, although I did notice people often scout on a blue before bringing in reds.

    A gm showed up and talked to me a little bit as well to see how I was getting settled and how I liked everything. Once again I am sorry I can't recall his name, peg something.. ugh I'm horrible with names, I started writing them down to remember! He asked some question and answered a few before he had to handle a page. Very cool guy, very professional! Anyway it just shows how great the people and community is here. I'm honored to be able to play on a server with such a great staff and great people! Thank you guys!

    I appreciate all your help answering my post and convincing me to give it a shot. I'm very happy I did so! I apologize for my overuse of exclamation points, but it is very exciting to me to have finally found the UO I want to play and be a part of! haha. I hope to play here for quite some time, and I'm sure I will meet many of you soon. I don't know what I hope to achieve here but I hope to have fun and enjoy UO the way it should be played, with like minded individuals.

    See you around Sosaria!
    Dr Satan, TiMi, Gossow and 2 others like this.
  8. TiMi

    TiMi Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 23, 2014
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    Glad your having a great time tol, awesome work on your taming so far!

    Theres alot of cool PK's on this shard, i find mostly the ones who dry loot me are the blues/greys lol
    Tol likes this.

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