Hi all, PS has a taming quest Saturday 3/12 at 10am PST, 6pm GME. Please meet in channel #PS 20 minutes before. Slots are 150k. Banksit only. Payment must be made before quest starts. If you miss the quest, your deposit is forfeit. 1. Reserved 2. Reserved 3. Reserved 4. Reserved 5. Reserved 6. Timi - not yet paid 7. Cleedis - PAID 8. Tyndall - not yet paid 9. Matt the Ratt - not yet paid 10. Preyas - not yet paid
hey guys updated this. We will run another soon for the people that didn't make it on. We MAY have slots open if PS members do not show up.
Mike By the time you got back to me I was out, I am sorry if I messed you guys up. I will pay the cost to your if you want. Please let me know when the next one is and I will join. Again sorry for missing your message