Why is afk unattended buying of reagents with a macro okay?

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by a white zombie, Apr 11, 2016.

afk regs buying is cool bruh

Poll closed Apr 18, 2016.
  1. noep

  2. yeppurs

  3. potato

  1. Mary Jane

    Mary Jane Active Member
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    Jul 12, 2014
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    I'm good for it, it's illegal to AFK sell but buying is no problem. I've left Occlo out of my reg buying route so new players can buy in smaller amounts than sold on my vendor. If we (reg vendors) want to take the time to create a 15-20 page UOR macro then why not use it. I buy 100% AFK for 8hours on one day per week to keep my vendor stocked full at the lowest cost to me. So if you can figure out which day I buy my regs on just buy from the vendors i've already 'bought up' :D:D
    Also it takes time to stock a vendor and keep it stocked so I'm not making gold 100% afk just part of it.
  2. Hydrox

    Hydrox Well-Known Member
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    Jan 24, 2015
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    Selling creates gold, buying depletes it.

    Again, it's not going to affect my business, and if recall buyers noticed you can't recall into occlo Mage shops anymore which I feel is a great idea.

    But while we're on topic, let's not forget to add Ingot buying to this afk script for all those afk I got buyers!!! #downwithafkbuyers!

    It's pointless having this argument imo.
  3. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
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    Sep 8, 2012
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  4. Erlkonig

    Erlkonig Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2015
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    AFK buying might appear to remove gold from the economy but it really doesnt....

    AFK Buyer spends gold on regs.
    Player buy regs to train.
    AFK Buyer makes a profit.
    Trained player make more gold than they ever spent on reagents.

    I would also like to add that the economy is already fucked. UO 101 = server admins are not economists
  5. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    Mining, AFK or otherwise produces goods that you cannot get anywhere else. Colored Ingots. That's the KEY difference in your analogy @Dalavar

    Iron Ingots are bought from NPC's just like Regs and can be done AFK as well - That's apples to apples...

    Did something Change? It used to be very easy to drop 2 poison fields on an afk buyer back to back and then they are dead. You can do the same to NPCs and "break their macro"

    Telamon Moved the NPCs in Vesper cause of the whiners
    Telamon MOVED & changed the pathing routes of the Del bankers to stop the whiners

    And yet it continues....

    Whatever happened to player justice?

    You have 3 accounts, right there is 3 casters to synch dump on a buyer... Get some Friends and make it a party..

    Whatever happened to beating them at their own game?

    If it was so damn lucrative, why are more people NOT doing it? Nothing messes with a AFK Reg Buyers more than someone else buying the regs before they do..

    Why aren't you out there in factions, take a city, then park your OWN special reg vendors outside a guardline house and buy till you puke? A simple vendor oriented faction could REALLY dominate the Reg Market.
    Orion GM BD and Hydrox like this.
  6. Hydrox

    Hydrox Well-Known Member
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    Jan 24, 2015
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  7. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
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    Nov 24, 2014
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    Easy answer: It's called discouraging behaviour and abuse of game mechanics when killing in towns. I think you need some jailing lessons to remember.

    Edit: But hey, mabye that's just a thing from the past and Staff became cool about it. Let's try it out. And it's always fun to see the jail from inside.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2016
  8. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    In the wee hours of the morning, I wylwrk of insane mind and body killed an afk buyer in town... and I'll do it again.


    Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
  9. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    I have actually been Jailed for using legal game mechanics to kill an afk player in town... I didn't agree with the jailing then and I don't agree with it if it still happens today.

    I made my point to Telamon, he disagreed, its his vision that he is enacting here on UORen, I may not agree with him on it, but I support him, both ingame and with my monthly donation... which continues whether I am actively playing here or not.
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  10. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
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    Nov 24, 2014
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    So you just answered one of your questions:

    Whatever happened to player justice?

    But apart from that, there are other ways, e.g. make a macro that drops chests at known recall spots. Loop it.

    PS: I assume the vendors reset when killing them?
    Hydrox likes this.
  11. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    :) Thanks Blackeye, I think I did... I would be VERY interested to see what happens when an AFK buyer complains to Telamon that he got town killed....

    Vendors do reset after a couple minutes and their reg stock goes back to 8 each... New names as well so if your macro uses names... its now hosed
    Hydrox and BlackEye like this.
  12. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
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    Aug 11, 2013
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    The rules of the shard make no differentiation between mining for iron versus colored ingots. I can lock my Mining skill at 64.9 and be 100% certain I'll only ever mine Iron ingots, and I'd still get GUMPed and sent to Jail. So while I see your perspective, the rules of the shard don't have anything to do with this distinction currently.
  13. boothby

    boothby Well-Known Member
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    Nov 16, 2013
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    How so?
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2016
  14. TiMi

    TiMi Active Member
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    Jan 23, 2014
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  15. Treasureman_Retired

    Treasureman_Retired Well-Known Member
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    Jan 22, 2013
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    I get town killed all the time... I don't cry ... I bought blessed rune books ... so my runes are safe. I just res, hit the restock agent on razor and continue on with my day. People kill the vendors or the vendor names change. No big deal, I have mastered the art of modifying my macros in seconds to a few minutes (for all the shops I buy at). I was hearing both sides of the argument, but there is too much crying, whining, and complaining. So now I'm actually happy I do the whole AFK reg buying. People could stop me dead in my tracks when buying, but it doesn't bother me. Res up and click one button and I'm back to sitting my fat ass on the couch playing fallout 4 or skyrim. People have to rest sometime ... but my razor macro needs no sleep.. awwww.

    I'll get criticized for this post, but it has really got out of hand. This post has been derailed with whiny babies and nothing good (whether it go either way) will come out of it. You can't please everyone. Its impossible.
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  16. LanDarr

    LanDarr Renaissance Staff
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    Apr 19, 2013
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    @Dalavar I actually locked my mining at 64.9 and ran my macros... Failure rates made it very much a waste of time.

    But I was referring more to NPC vendor buying and selling.

    When Iron Ingots were selling for 5,6&7g each... Iron Mining made sense. When they went above 8g (NPC price) each, Iron became a by product of digging for colored.

    No need to Mine/Gather ATTENDED for items you can AFK buy from NPCs..when the price the player is willing to spend on a player run vendor is higher than the NPC selling price

    This hold true for any commodity that you can Gather & is also sold by NPC's
    Hydrox likes this.
  17. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
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    Sep 12, 2013
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    This is the one unintended consequence of the mining changes here that really made me sad when I realized how it all trickled down into the system. Players interacting with players should be the ultimate goal that trumps everything else.

    Anywho, i've complained against AFK Reagent Buying for over 5 years now on this shard and others. I know all the arguments. Not a single one of them has convinced me that it is worth sacrificing actual and attended gameplay. I suppose this thread is a waste of my time. It is my opinion that making it against the rules, regardless of a coded solution, will fix most of these problems. Adding it to the AFK Gumps would be about all the coding needed.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2016
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  18. Bogugh

    Bogugh Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2013
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    Another false dichotomy.
    This is because vendors pay too much for these items. I don't think there should be any profitable nearly fully automated crafting.
    (buy x from vendor, make y using x and only x, sell y to vendor, profit = broken)
    Given Chris's extensive knowledge on this topic and the shard's vendor buy prices, it is pretty clear he doesn't agree with me, so there is no sense in belaboring the point.

    I think vendors could be drastically improved, but I don't have time to waste writing all that.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2016
  19. Hydrox

    Hydrox Well-Known Member
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    Jan 24, 2015
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    ^ what? How Tf are players gonna play, start, make money here?! Lol.

    I'm surprised. This topic is still going tbh. Just Gump it already, I promise to keep all the shops in Britannia empty every weekend forcing players to buy from player run vendors thus becoming a monopoly and in turn making us resellers RICH.
  20. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
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    Sep 12, 2013
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    I don't have any ill-will towards those that are AFK buying/selling reagents. Its allowed within the rules, so live it up. I just disagree with the rules.

    That having been said, it might not stop me from messing with you, though. :p

    Its a game, afterall. Can't be too serious. :D
    LanDarr likes this.

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