Gold farming templates-advice please!

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by sanguine, Jun 6, 2016.

  1. sanguine

    sanguine Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Just to name a few, what are some of the best templates for making gold? I have a peacer/melee that I farm liches with (haven't thought of any other mobs as efficient to easily farm.)
    I made this character as my first character to get some gold rolling and it has worked decently I have 20k in the bank I can now start using the build a better character for gold farming so I can then train more characters quickly. What are some of the higher gold farming options, I know taming is a solid gold farming technique, but I have never tried my hand at treasure hunting, fishing, etc.

    Can someone give me some insight on what kind of gold I can expect to make with different builds? I also very much like to play thief characters, but I've never seen them make much consistent gold no matter how you play them.

    BTW I am new to the server persey, my accounts are all like 1400 days old and have a couple GM's on 1 character on each of them (but most of the GM's being easy stuff to macro like hiding atm) (except my peacer)

    Thank you all for the input.
    Black Tortoise likes this.
  2. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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  3. Cynic

    Cynic Well-Known Member
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    Aug 15, 2013
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    Tamer, just make a tamer.
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  4. Erza Scarlet

    Erza Scarlet Well-Known Member
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    May 24, 2015
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    Tamers are pretty much the best option in general if it comes down to making gold.
    If you add Provo to a tamer for example then its an overall good and very solid pvm char.

    Doesnt mean that you always have to be a tamer however..

    If you like Mages and PvP, then the Provo Mage might be something for you (i love to play mine for overall gameplay, its a solid farm template with the ability to fight back)

    If you enjoy Dexxers, then Peacedexxers are very fun and you will be able to farm nice amounts of money.
    Provodexxers are very good too, these shine especially at AMIBs if you plan on soloing these.

    Or you can still go for a 3x Bard with Provo/Disco and farm pretty scary beasts like shaddow wyrms with slayer instruments.
    Or you can go for more of a Treasurehunter/Provo template if you enjoy these (Carto/Lock/Provo/..)

    There are also some more exotic templates around.. like disco dexxers or whatever else comes in mind ^^
    you see... there are a lot of options :)
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2016
    Caska VS Trees and wylwrk like this.
  5. BlackEye

    BlackEye Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Nov 24, 2014
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    Some feasible gold making options + example templates (check the profiles in detail for example monsters to hunt etc):

    - Peace Dexxer (Elektra)
    - Provo Dexxer (Dilektra)
    - Tamer (many different templates possible, I prefer the pvp-style tamer so far, 4x mage + 3x from taming, Sylvana)
    - Mage Bards (Linus Yale)
    - Dungeon Crawler (you mainly open lvl4 chests and loot them, very decent gold per hour when you sell everything + a mass of wands to sell to players, RelicHunter)
    - Zooquest Pet Ranger (you kill a ton of standard animals and monsters in order to get a Zooquest pet spawned to sell them to other players, Laurana)
    - Rare Collector (Bahama Mama)
    - (Attended playing) Bulk Reg Vendor (Bahama Mama)

    Other gold generating professions:

    - Battle miner
    - Fisher (standard fishing, MIBs and specifal fishing nets)
    - Blacksmith/Tailor crafters (e.g. just collect the BODs and sell them to other players, steady gold income)
    - Cotton pickers, sheep farmers
    - Treasure Hunters (does Tmaps)
    - Player-Killer (e.g. Pork Fried Rice, here is his guide)
    - Platinum Welfare system abuser aka hobo (Sea C Avenger, Messiah)
    - IDOC gangster (guide)

    Fun professions that can generate gold but doesn't have to:

    - Thief (BlackEye, 5D roster, check the big thieving thread for ideas and to see how much fun it can make)
    - Pirate
    - Fairy (Dungeon Fairy RIP)
    - Naturalist (Sinna al-Malik, check here for more infos and join the Naturalist guild if you want to have fun with likeminded people! The idea in principle is, don't use Razor macros etc, and just play the game how it was intended back in 1998)
    - Shenaniganat0r (aka griefer, scoundrel, lamer, idiot, newb, genius, old man acting like a child, jester, discourager of players, the one who must not be named)
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2016
    Mexplosivo, Kiryana, Valrick and 6 others like this.
  6. That Guy

    That Guy Well-Known Member
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    Apr 26, 2016
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    When I started I used a peace mage and farmed dread spiders with bladespirits or daemon not the fastest build but it's versatile and gets you going
  7. Meradin

    Meradin Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2015
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    With all of the available templates everyone shared there is already a lot to choose from, I will give you some other insight tho. Most of the places that are great to farm are constantly checked by at least 4 different PK groups, and countless solo and duo teams.
    The more successful farmers have done one of two things 1. Grouped up 2. Found little niches in the world that they skate by unnoticed. There are a few diff ways to do this. Different world spawns that don't get checked often if at all, although you may not be farming the best mobs you are getting to keep 100% of the loot you earn. Some people have even made a decent living doing bods and battle mining for all the ore they need for the bods.

    When I go farming I prefer to find the most hectic crazy spawn I can (I'll leave it up to you to find them). Worst case scenario I will just run into a pack of really really dangerous mobs and hide. This balances the odds a bit, now instead of it being 1v4 its 1v4v5(Terathan Avengers/Ophidians/Demons/Imps/Rat Archers). all of them can be deadly in their own right. If you've never been Flamestriked 4 times instantly by a pack of Imps you haven't lived.
    BlackEye likes this.
  8. sanguine

    sanguine Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Can someone explain what a battle miner is?
    Also any details about fishing or fishing builds? I heard monsters get pulled up often? How often and how many monsters?
  9. sanguine

    sanguine Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    And thanks everyone for the info!
  10. Meradin

    Meradin Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2015
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    They have special Shovels and Pickaxes that summon up different types of golems (Iron, Agapite,Gold, ect ect) then a dexxer kills the golem easily and it leaves behind ore, and has a very small chance of dropping a monster statue.
    It's not in english but here's a dude battle mining on UOR.

    Xavant_BR likes this.
  11. That Guy

    That Guy Well-Known Member
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    Apr 26, 2016
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    Battle miners are designed to hunt ore golems And would be along the lines of something like this:
    Fighting skill
    2 skills per your preference
  12. Caska VS Trees

    Caska VS Trees Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Super short version:

    Battle mining is using gargoyle shovels (BOD reward or buy from somebody) to spawn ore golems/elementals that drop a whole bunch of ore, basically. All you really need for them is melee.

    I haven't done much fishing. Mostly you deal with sea serpents. Peacemaking + ebolt seems to kill em pretty quickly for me at least, and I suck so they can't be too bad :p
  13. Mindless

    Mindless Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 21, 2014
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    I made my first mil on a bard with hiding at artic ogre lords. It's easy money.
    Puck likes this.
  14. midgetbob

    midgetbob Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 22, 2016
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    My initial income also came from arctic ogre lords.

    50 Starting Magery (recall / mark scrolls!)
    GM Music
    GM Provoke
    GM Hiding

    Dying to a pk was not a huge loss, a gm instrument and a few scrolls.

    Profit to Loss ratio was high because Hiding allowed me to get away from a lot.
  15. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
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    Aug 4, 2014
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    I uploaded that video and I have no idea who the heck that is talking nor how it ended up on my clip lol.

    Also to OP, the answer to your question is IMO a disco tamer. Bloods are probably the fastest gph but the topography isn't super easily defensible leaving you vulnerable to PKs. Shame EG's on the other hand are so advantageous to the farmer that if you just settle on abandoning your pets when the pks roll in, you are almost guaranteed escape. Even if you decide to gate out and save your pet's you are very likely to survive even large gank squads. Even if you decide to fight it out you are very likely to survive. Shame EG's is where you farm if you want to turn the tables on every pk who dares to challenge you. (If you want to seriously bump the gph up a bit, whenever there are no EG's spawned, gate to cove EG's and kill the EG there and then go back to shame. You will want to drag the other spawn out of the cove EG room so that only the EG remains.)

    There are many other similar spots, and all have to do with the tightness of the farming area and the line of sight. Fire dungeon lich lords for instance spawn inside a tiny room with only 1 south facing entrance. Fire temple has 2 dragons that spawn under the main alter area that has 1 entrance that takes a while for the pks to get into, all the while showing their names and giving you time to escape.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2016
  16. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 16, 2013
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    Single best tempate to FARM money fast:

    Animal Lore

    Much more fun template, much faster to do, and very similar in terms or gold per hour:

    Wrestling (or hiding, depending on if you're a fighter or a chicken shit)
    Samej likes this.
  17. napo

    napo Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
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    Hiding bard is the best and easiest to build character for a new player. Provoke the monsters and then hide.

    Also be aware that you can be tracked from 5ish screens away and that the shard was absolutely rampant with reds last time I was not lagging enough to log on. Farming in spots they commonly check (such as ice dungeon or elder gazers) means that you will need to be on your toes and be ready to recall at the drop of a hat.
  18. dabrixmgp

    dabrixmgp Member

    Sep 6, 2017
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    Im milking the Young System with my Battle Miner down to the very last second. Been farming truck loads of Valorite and Marble Ingots in Ocollo dungeon and the gold is great cause they drop like 3-5 gems each.

    GM Healing
    GM Anatomy
    GM Mining
    GM Tactics
    GM Swords
    80s Lumberjacking

    Proly gonna drop Swords and LJing for Fencing and GM Hiding soon though. I will never be able to afford a good Power/Vanq Slayer Axe.
  19. Rextacy

    Rextacy Well-Known Member
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    Mar 19, 2017
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    Tamer, Provo dexxer,or battle miner hands down
  20. Black Tortoise

    Black Tortoise Active Member

    May 31, 2016
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    Most of the info above is complete, so I dont have much to add for you. Welcome to the server, @sanguine !

    It sounds like you already have a good start, so this may not be of use to you - but I think its a great intro to the game for all new players:

    Start with a "peace dexxer" as described above.

    Once you have enough gold for a small house and piles of many thousands of regs, you can either roll a new character, or morph your peace-dexxer into a provo-mage.

    (Note: I have a dexxer with both provo and peace, and it rules, though I enjoy my provo mage more).

    Once youve made a big pile of gold with your provo mage, its easier to get into things like Animal Taming. I dont agree with most people that Animal Taming is "the way to go" for a new player. Its quite hard and arduous. Ive never made one on UOR, but Im pretty sure the experience is similar on any version of UO - its not trivial to just skill up in animal taming and get a pack of dragons. It is rather trivial to roll a peace dexxer and then roll it into a provo mage.

    On this server, in its current state, you will not make huge profits as a thief. You will occasionally score big though, but not enough compared to farming with Animal Taming or even just provo mage. That doesnt mean stealing isnt soooo freaking funny though!!!

    Best advice you can get :)

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