Hello, All of the following are for sale at the price listed. Please post here for an item and I will try to get with you asap. I am after quick coin so if I get multiple people after the same item and I cant find you online, I may sell to someone else even if you asked first, sorry if that happens. I rarely do that but like I said I'm in need of quick cash this time! This is not an auction. ~Shadow Chest w/ trim: 30k---SOLD ~Gold Chest w/ trim: 30k------SOLD ~Copper?? (not sure what the one in middle is) chest: 25k-----SOLD ~Facial hair growth cream: 14k ~Furniture Dye Tub 5 charges (15 plat value I believe): 110k-------SOLD ~A single piece of peculiar meat: 50k-----SOLD ~3rd anniversary necklace: 50k ~3 pieces of hanging studded armor: 18k for full set------SOLD ~4 dyed benches: 32k for all (edited for typo in price)-----SOLD ~stacked ingots, reversed ingots: 15k for all three------SOLD ~rope: 3k ~black dye tub: 15k-----SOLD ~two light furs: 35k for both------SOLD ~small marble pedestal: 5k------SOLD
Appreciate the quick sales everyone so far! All items marked sold have been traded. I have to log for a good bit, but will pick up on this thread if any more items wish to be claimed when I return.