I don't see why it wouldn't. My CY is clear of obstructions. I just don't like forts so I've never tried to upgrade.
Castle over Fort. I made my offer, accept please. I would like to better study this person they cal "Kane"
Thx for mentioning me to get my attention but I really don't need a fort or castle, my keep fits all my needs just perfect, wanted to bridge next to me but I've actually fit the rune lib that I wanted in the keep last week and works perfect, plus can't bridge in front of me. Me and apoc placed all these homes originally and only trust what I place as to be considered safe. Great spot though! Lots of PKs live near and plenty of foot traffic!
Thank you for the bid. It's a good start but not quite the number I was looking for. I'll mull things over and post a minimum bid requirement shortly. Sorry for any frustration this thread may cause, I'm just not too sure how much I want for this castle :/