2016 Summer House Decorating Contest

Discussion in 'Shard News' started by Chris, Jul 7, 2016.

  1. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    !! Winners !!
    Small House Decor Contest
    Medium House Decor Contest
    Large House Decor Contest
    Massive House Decor Contest
    Unique Design Element Contest

    !! Voting Threads!!
    Massive House Category - Voting Thread
    Large House Category - Voting Thread
    Medium House Category - Voting Thread
    Small House Category - Voting Thread
    Unique Design Element - Voting Thread

    Submissions will be accepted until August 10th. Voting will take place from August 11th to August 17th.

    There will be 5 categories to choose from
    • Best Decorated Massive House
      Includes: Fortress, Castle, Small Keep, Large Keep
      Note: Make sure to post a variety of pictures of all decorated areas of the house. Include descriptions for themed areas.
    • Best Decorated Large House
      Includes: Tower, Large Marble Patio, 2 Story House, Large patio, Large Brick
    • Best Decorated Medium House
      Includes: Sandstone, Log Cabin, Villa
    • Best Decorated Small House
      Includes: Marble Shop, Stone Shop, Small Houses, Small Tower, Etc
    • Most Unique Design Element
      Note: Custom Fighting Pit, Hot Tub, Piano, Tree or otherwise illustration of player creativity belongs in this category

    The Rules
    • Post pictures in this thread of your house, make sure to indicate which categories you are entering next to each picture of set of pictures.
    • Make sure to keep all your pictures for each entry in a single post.
      Note: Make sure to check the section below on the best method to attach an image. 1
    • The higher the resolution the better. (Avoid using razor screenshots, as they are low quality)
    • Any pictures posted between now and August 10th, 2016 will be considered for judging.
      Note: Make sure to post a variety of pictures of all decorated areas of the house in the event of larger houses.
    • On August 11th all of the entries will be posted here in a thread for each category.
    • Players will be able to vote once each category for their top 3 entries.
    • For your vote to count you must have an established forum account.
    • Player votes will account for 50% of the score, with staff voting accounting for the other 50%.
    • On August 18th 2016 the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners from each category will be announced.
      Note: Should you have trouble taking screenshots of your house post the location of the house here and the staff will assist you.

    The Prizes
    • 1st Place in each category will win a trophy and a sign placed on their house signifying their house as a contest winner.
    • 1st place in each category will also get a 20 charge furniture dye tub and 20 Platinum.
    • 2nd Place in each category will get a 2nd place trophy and a 15 charge furniture dye tub and 15 platinum.
    • 3rd Place in each category will get a trophy a 10 charge furniture dye tub and 10 platinum.
    • Honorable Mentions will receive a 5 charge furniture dye tub.
    • Additional 2nd Anniversary Prizes will be announced at the end of the competition
      Note: Prizes subject to change if I come up with better ideas.

    How to Post a Screenshot
    • While ingame hit alt + printscreen.
    • Open Microsoft Paint
    • Select Paste or hit Control + V
    • Select the game window or the area you wish to include.
    • Select the crop option.
    • Save the images as a .jpg file.
    • Uploading the file to your forum post as an attachment using the "Upload a File Option"
    • Include the file as a thumbnail (not a full image) in your post by clicking the thumbnail button.
    • If you need additional assistance feel free to contact the Renaissance staff.

    To get some ideas make sure to check out the 1st and 2nd house decor contests that we have held
    1st Renaissance House Decor Contest
    2nd Renaissance House Decor Contest
    3rd Renaissance House Decor Contest
    4th Renaissance House Decor Contest
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2016
    ichiokada, One, Kahun and 4 others like this.
  2. Christoph Brock

    Christoph Brock Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2014
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    Here is "Tower of Power", my entry to the Best Decorated Large House category.

    Welcome to the Tower of Power, home of Christoph Brock and Scholastica. Let us acquaint you with our humble abode. Shall I hang up your outer garments in the coat closet so you can get more comfortable? Scholastica has spent all day in preparation of your visit, and we’ve set the banquet table with various tasty treats and delicious beverages. Please, help yourself! After dinner, we could sit and share war stories by the brazier, or perhaps engage in a game of chess or cards. If it would please thee, Scholastica would also be delighted to play a tune on the harp.



    Now, onto the second floor! First we have the hall with its decorative artwork and chests full of the booty from our adventures. Next is Scholastica’s changing room, in which she maintains all of the supplies and dressings fitting of a Lady. Finally, we have the bedroom with the Mrs.’ artistry nook. It is thanks to her that our home is adorned in such fine and tasteful fashion.



    Here in the upper reaches of our tower lie the trophy hall and adjoining armory. To the side, under the drafty rooftop stairs, lies the prisoner’s corner. Unfortunately for our last unwelcome visitor, he took rather poorly to his ration, or lack thereof. Through the armory, in which I keep all of the necessary offensive and defensive means of war at my disposal, lies my laboratory. It is here that I manipulate arcane powers, using rare reagents to bend the spiritual essence of Sosaria to my will. As of late have I been attempting rudimentary experiments in necromancy, but with little success. I shall continue my work…



    On the roof of the tower, the winds blow constantly. It is here that my compatriots and I spar and practice our combat tactics in preparation for what violence is sure to come to this great, troubled land. And, if there ever be need, I keep a chest of restorative and healing supplies for the wounded, and several ropes by which to escape a breach of our dear dwelling. But alas, in spite of my careful preparations, poor patscout just didn’t know when to quit during one gentlemanly duel recently.



    It is but a humble home, this Tower of Power, yet it suits the Mrs. and I well. We are so glad you could pay us a visit. Hail, traveler, until we meet again!

    NOTE: Edited post to change screenshots to thumbnails per OP instructions.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2016
    Lyta, Julien, Avery and 15 others like this.
  3. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Sep 8, 2012
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    House Jura
    Category: Massive House

    Video Tour with Sound:



    Cemetery and Trophy Collection

    Some members of team Jura are showing off the bridged large tower which hosts the cemetery and a large selection of event trophies collected over the last 4 years. If you are curious about different events that have happened in the past, feel free to stop by and look through them - they go in order from 2012 at the bottom right to 2016 at the top left.​


    Mausoleum and Chess Set

    Gideon and some more members showing off the roof. This portion is something that took a very long time to put together. The chess set was an endeavor that took most of 2014. The catwalk went through several design variations over the years but is finally complete. The large statues and fountain took most of 2016 to complete. Need to send out a huge thank you to Dalavar, ReZon, Treasureman, and Lyta for the large statues displayed here.


    Catwalk and Holiday Collection

    This is the Jura Secondary Tamer Squad showing off the rest of the catwalk and the holiday collection. The large statue was obtained from a 4th place finish in the 1st Anniversary Scavenger Hunt. The displays show various rewards from Valentine's Day, Easter, 4th of July, Anniversary, and Christmas. The J Chests are my secure storage and drop off - looking much nicer since the upgrade to AMIB chests!


    Pre-Patched Dyed Sandal Collection

    BOD slaves and fisherwomen squad - these ladies have earned a much needed vacation from a long year at sea. This collection is every hue that was available using leather dye tubs on sandals when the server launched. These were a gift to the 555 Foundation by Frenulum and Co. They are arranged according to how they appeared in the various menus at the time.


    Halloween Collection

    The Dexxer Squad! My favorite characters showcasing my favorite event! Here you'll find a huge selection of collectibles from the last four years of Halloween events. The large statue was obtained from a first place finish in the 2nd Anniversary Scavenger Hunt.


    Chess Set: Monsters vs. Animals
    Category: Unique Element


    Gideon's Tavern: Yew Bank
    Category: Large House

    Last edited: Jul 26, 2016
    Descartes, Canis, Lyta and 16 others like this.
  4. Kahun

    Kahun Active Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Apr 23, 2015
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    Welcome to the Wind Villa

    Category: Medium House

    Wind Villa 1_small.jpg

    Wind Villa 2_small.jpg

    Wind Villa 3_small.jpg

    Inspired by some of the awesome and beautiful posts here, I'm adding some night-time pictures for light effects and two detail pictures with circle of transparency enabled:





    Last edited: Jul 9, 2016
  5. One

    One Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Jun 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Feb 5, 2023
    Gideon Jura likes this.
  6. Gideon Jura

    Gideon Jura Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Sep 8, 2012
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    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
    Caska VS Trees and One like this.
  7. El Horno

    El Horno Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 4, 2014
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    Best Decorated Medium House
    villafinal copy.jpg
    Halabinder, Lyta, Avery and 12 others like this.
  8. Blaise

    Blaise Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 14, 2012
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    lol, you wanna borrow my Blaise the Troll statue? :p
    Azoth and Gideon Jura like this.
  9. Xegugg

    Xegugg Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    House of Summoning
    A bit of magic and voodoo is to be had in the southern swamps of Trinsic. The house of summoning is where the dead come back, maybe not the same as they once were. The first floor is the succubus lair, Ms. Onions of Chives is all about comfort in her house. Her walk-in closet, with a dressing room with plush polar bear rugs is pure tranquility to walk around bare foot in after a long day of sucking the life out of people.

    The summoning floor is where we conjuring up the ones who should come back from the dead. The cultists have been trying to summon Pork Fried Rice back and it could be working. Once the sacrifice is complete, we will see him.

    Some lives are spared, some are not, take a chance to see what your fate is? Be our guest :)

    Entry for Massive House

    Most Unique Design Element: Walk in closet, divided rooms/flooring on main floor. top floor altar, tiled fireplace. Also to note: The summoning spelled worked, Pork Fried Rice has RISEN! (he had no idea of this theme)


    This is the courtyard to the succubus's lair, it's nice and tranquil garden.
    The foyer is soft and lush
    Step on into my walk in closet & dressing room, be careful near the bedroom, not many come out alive.
    Over in my library I collect books from players and keep a nice stack to read by the fire (makes the best s'mores). When I am feeling crafty, I go over to my crafting room and sculpt a few statues for fun or make up a new outfit to wear. My apothecary in back is where I make the most delightful treats & potions in.

    Put your robe on and come up stairs, we are about to summon the dead. Pork Fried Rice is about to be brought back as we start the conjuring.

    Before you come up stairs for the sacrifice, I need to grab the blood of Xsi for the summoning.


    To bring back the dead, the cultists need to sacrifice. I will spare the gore photos and just note, they all have pitch forks and there is a fire. The summoning takes many to do.


    The conjuring room before the cultists.


    The sacrifice floor before the cultists.


    The House with light levels on at night.
    maindark.png topdark.png
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2016
  10. Evil Dead

    Evil Dead Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jul 17, 2015
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    Category: Small House
    Cove Cemetery Maintenance Shack
    Category: Unique Element
    Muddy Grave Digger's Work Boots
    Lyta, Avery, MMz and 20 others like this.
  11. boothby

    boothby Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Medium House - Britannia's Best Clothier


    Unique Design Element - sandstone 3rd floor

    Canis, Lyta, Avery and 16 others like this.
  12. Azoth

    Azoth Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 2, 2015
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    Best Decorated Small House Entry: Yewseful Thyngs (Yew)

    Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, it's that time of year again when we can have fun looking at everyone's creative home decor.

    We'd like to begin with our little shop, Yewseful Thyngs, which some of you have already visited.

    Here's a shot of the Ground Floor, with Amado and Lily standing on the threshold and Adrop proudly showing you around. It's a cosy place, with friends occasionally dropping by for a chat or game of checkers. As with all our places, we like things 'colourful', so we've kept our eyes peeled for items like anniversary mugs and dyed chests and those two paintings of lovely ladies on the back wall.


    Clambering up the ladder - which isn't all that easy to do on a frisky ostard who's decided he wanted to drink from the bucket of water perched on the barrel below - let's now show you the tiny little middle room where Adrop stores a few things and enjoys the occasional game of cards.


    And finally, let's climb up to the roof, where some of you will recognise "Valrick's Chair", our special thanks to @Valrick for helping us with lock-downs after a vandal destroyed furniture downstairs. We love the view from the roof but it can be a bit windy. We first put up some tapestries as a bit of shelter, but they blew around so much that we added the shields to hold them down. It seems to have worked, but you can see the brazier is still flickering around in the breeze:


    Okay, it's not Christmas, but we love the colourful tree there at the front with all its baubles, plus it gives a bit of shade for the green pegasus (which sometimes comes alive at night and flies around Yew). The roof is a pleasant space to go for a bit of a read, to rest among the plants and odd bits and pieces on the sandstone tables. Yewseful Thyngs is a public place and you are always welcome to come look inside. We hope you have enjoyed the short tour and look forward to meeting you when you visit. Thanks for looking :)
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2016
    Halabinder, ElleFeyRa, Canis and 15 others like this.
  13. Xegugg

    Xegugg Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    I absolutely love it azoth.
    Azoth likes this.
  14. shad

    shad Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jan 26, 2016
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    Best Decorated Massive House

    I will enter my Keep. Its really "Clean" compare to you guys..

    So, let's begin!

    The Pirate room - Where my sea treasures is stored.
    The museum - After a hard day of fights, this is THE place to be ZEN.

    The bedroom - Julien own the left bed and Rose the right bed ( my kids ). My baby is not enought old to play UO.

    The playroom - Game of chess or dices, its the place to make my partys.

    The BBQ -
    Smell that! 182 stones fish on the grill !

    The Arsenal -
    My finest weapons. Surely worth more than the Keep.

    My favorite Artifact :p

    Complete Views


    Good luck to ALL competitors!!!

    Last edited: Jul 9, 2016
    Halabinder, Lyta, Bamilus and 18 others like this.
  15. Azoth

    Azoth Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 2, 2015
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    Best Decorated Medium House Entry: Horse's Forge (Minoc)

    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Abramelin and Horse are pleased to invite you for a quick tour around their villa. Horse was a bit upset that his fort was renamed The Trammel Library and Museum, so Azoth had a chat with his neighbour and bought the villa that is squeezed in next door, which is now known as Horse's Forge. Here are the two happy friends at the entrance, with its roses in pots on some barrels for a rustic effect, with a potted plant and some trees flanking the entrance, and those cheerful-looking red wreaths on the wall. It's a decent place for miners to rest after a busy day dancing tango with the golems and ore elementals:

    Please wipe your feet (or hooves) and come inside. As you can see, it's a fully working forge, with anvils being busily banged and ingots waiting to be worked, but as usual we like some colour, so the vestibule has a few more flowers, a welcoming fiery red rug and a red table in the workroom.
    As for upstairs, well it's pretty comfortable as a place to rest, with rugs on the floor and chairs and tables where friends can relax, have a drink, catch up on the news, or just play a game of cards, or checkers on the balcony.

    Abramelin and Horse hope you've enjoyed your tour and wish you lots of fun looking at all the entries in the decor contest.
    Thanks for looking!! :)

    p.s. If anyone has advice on how to take better quality screenshots on a Mac, please get in touch!
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2016
    Jupiter, Halabinder, Xegugg and 12 others like this.
  16. The Crooked Warden

    The Crooked Warden Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    The Essex Arm
    Best Decorated Small House Entry
    Located West of Occlo Docks

    My goal with this Occlo location was to make it my main residence. I hoped to make it look as cozy and livable as possible within the standard 25 lockdowns. The Eagle statue is my most prized possession and reads "Grandmaster, Thieving Contest 2015."
    occlo1.jpg occlo2.jpg
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
  17. Azoth

    Azoth Well-Known Member
    Server Supporter

    May 2, 2015
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    Come on Crooked Warden, tell us a bit of a story! Why is it only one 'arm' and not two 'arms'? Where did the (Earl of) Essex lose the other one? (a bit careless of him, really). Is that his armour hanging on the wall? What's the title of the book near the skull candle? :)
  18. The Crooked Warden

    The Crooked Warden Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    The Dead Mule
    Best Decorated Small House Entry
    Located in Serpent's Hold near Stables

    This residence serves as my farming house as well as my storage facility. Its location just a stones throw from the stables and the Bank in Serpent's Hold make it super convenient.
    house1.jpg house1not.jpg

    house2.jpg house2not.jpg
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2016
    Xegugg, Mel, Lyta and 11 others like this.
  19. The Crooked Warden

    The Crooked Warden Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Ahh that book… we won't go into too much detail on that book, but It contains the names and information that I gather on those that have wronged me ;)
    shad and Azoth like this.
  20. Larloch

    Larloch Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Sounds Good!

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