The Great Council: Mission Report - Orc Scum

Discussion in 'The Salty Dog Tavern' started by Paithan, Aug 28, 2016.

  1. Paithan

    Paithan New Member

    Aug 19, 2016
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    There is much to do in our world, so many people in need of aid and even more monsters in need of a good thwack on the head. The Great Council recognizes this and has therefore started sending its members out into the world to do good, in small ways and in big. Today it was to be my turn, mine and Enyx's. The road from Britain to Yew and further toward the desert had been noted as unsafe as of late, and in dire need of some patrolling.


    We received our instructions and set out with the best of intentions, time to make Britannia a better place! Our party of two soon grew into a formidable force when we were joined by two other upstanding members, Chtulu (not the monster) and Deathshot. Together the four of us made our way to the North-West in search of people in need of help.


    It didn't take long for us to find a nest of scoundrels, men and women thinking themselves above the law of the land.


    We made quick work of the scum and ran into another friend, Rhino, who sadly panicked and suddenly disappeared in a puff of smoke. The words Kal Ort Por lingered in the air.


    The main quest was to cleanse a horrid settlement of orcs near the desert, a foul grouping of scum. None of us had much experience with the nasty brood, so we set upon a smaller encampment to hone our skills and see what we could expect in the future.


    The poor beasts proved to be little more than mincemeat, a scoff and they all lay slain on the ground. A victory for the people of Britannia indeed!


    No time to celebrate, we had a job to do! Checking up on the guards along the road was part of our quest. They are good men and women for the most part, but they have been known to snooze on the job. I imagine that's why they've been placed so far from civilization.


    Finally, the desert! Our primary objective lay before us!


    With a bit of a squeeze and a tumble we reach the walls of their creepy fort, murder was in the air.


    Only a small gathering of guards were stationed outside the mountain, but who could have known how far down into the dark we would stumble?


    The orcs inside were somehow trying to communicate with us, but sadly none of us spoke orcish. It was all probably for the best, they smelled too much for polite conversation.


    Somehow we took a wrong turn down in the dark and ended up above ground, in a nest of half-men, half-rats. They skittered and pushed, but eventually died with a squeak. Back into the dark we go!


    A different route takes us further into the mountain, how far have they dug? Blasted orcs!


    We find evidence of horrid experiments, orcs who have learned to make explosives. We found their stashes and burned them to the ground, hoping that their knowledge would die with the tattered pieces of gibberish that they had scribbled onto what looked like skin, human skin?


    A society was forming down there, all manner of things were discovered. Some even beautiful, in a way.


    Our mission was simple, crush the orcs. Make them bleed and wish that they had never hurt any living thing. The best way to teach an orc is to stick him with a sword. See their bodies before us!


    A final dark room. We were growing tired and anxious, some of us even summoning daemons from the depths to aid us. What happened in that final room may never be spoken of. We took a pact, us four. Deathshot, Chtulu, Enyx and Paithan. We put the place to the torch and never looked back, fearing that whatever it was that we had fought down there would return to haunt us yet again. Hopefully we put it to rest. Hopefully. We all made it out with our lives, but who knows how the journey will affect us further down the line. I fear that many nights will be without a wink of sleep.


    Thank you to The Great Council for the initiative to send us on missions. It was a lot of fun and well thought out. Remember people, help those in need!

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    Last edited: Aug 28, 2016
  2. Alex Caember

    Alex Caember Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2016
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    Fantastic work and above and beyond really! I am also really happy that more Council members could join you along the way!
  3. Xyio

    Xyio New Member

    Aug 28, 2016
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    Congratulations to all on a successful mission. I hope there are more adventures in the near future and they have the same success.
  4. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    This story has been added to the oral history of Paws.


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