My loss is your gain. Unfortunately, I am forced to part ways with some trammel as times are tough. I am selling this beautiful mask in order to fund an event and other ventures. Valentines Mask (blessed/fort) Hue 220 S/B: 3mil (Ahirman sold at SB) B/I min: 50k B/O: 4mil Ends 48hrs after if one bidder Ends 24hrs if multiple bidders Plat @ 9k
I see. Unfortunately, it's priced substantially under dye cost so I can't afford to take such a hit on this. If all fails I'll have to hold on to it.
That dye alone is 750 hcoins worth. And it's a limited edition. Next february it isn't available anymore. 3.25 3.75(!)mil would be 5k per hcoin. So the 3mil SB is pretty cheap actually.