thanks @CaptainMorgan @Halabinder thanks - Harper Lee died early this year in her hometown in Alabama (where I am from.) To Kill a Mockingbird is about injustice and loss of innocence experienced by some children who are bystanders to the trial/conviction of a black man falsely accused of rape. It's a great book for people of all ages. I'd also recommend a Raisin in the Sun if you wanted to read a tragedy about racial injustice from the same time period from a black family's perspective instead. Or if you just like the idea of a cat reading a book about how to kill a bird I can totally get behind that too. still selling coins
Thanks for the book recommendation. It was a little bit of collumn a and a lot of collumn b. Great book. But I can also get behind a cat reading a book about killing mockingbirds Good luck with your trades!
To Kill a Mocking bird was one of my favorite books as a young reader.... Did you read her latest "family" release? #buymorehcoins