The Stone Tree - NE of the Britain Moongate is now Open! Conveniently located on the road to Britain, just SE of the Dueling Arena and NE of the moongate. A joint effort between members of VoP, TGC, Stormhold, & More! *** Support your local roleplaying community *** Our current vendors include: Allen selling barbed leather suits Dirk selling marked runebooks Isabeau selling scrolls and blank runebooks Jenica selling AMIB chests Sandya selling potions (Note: If anyone's interested in housing a vendor here, feel free to get in touch.) The Stone Tree also houses a full rune library for rares and level 4 dungeon chests. Be careful out there! Keep an eye on this thread for updates. Thank you for your business, good Lords and Ladies of the realm.
It's a barrel with "white poppies" on top. The poppies were the reward I chose in this year's Scavenger Hunt.
New vendor opened at the Stone Tree Dirk sells full rune books. Right now he has a few with all towns, a few with all dungeons, and a couple with 16 oak tree spots. More will be coming in the near future, including colored ore veins, all graveyards, all shrines, points of interest, player-run areas, and more. If there is something specific you would like, feel free to let me know!
Good, I've been needing some of these myself but didn't wanna do it , so I'll definitely be stopping by!