At 5k per coin (just low-balling for the sake of making a point... it's usually 6k), that's 1.25 million asking price. I know the vendor has a listed price that high, but look at the hcoin to plat exchange rate it offers (LOL). These were selling for around 700-800k at the end of the event last year. An optimistic cap would be somewhere around a mill. Nice item! Free bump!
I want hc, not gp. Don't devaluate it by converting it's price into gp. Acording to what you say I would have to sell it for 140hc when the price is 300hc at the vendor. Thats less than half price.
What you're failing to realize is that the price on the vendor is arbitrary. These actually drop, unlike some of the other statues that may actually merit that giant price. I'm just trying to give you an idea of actual market value. Let me put this part all alone and in caps so maybe you read and comprehend it this time.... THE VENDOR SELLS 6 PLAT FOR 20 HCOINS. This does not denote their actual value. Also, the vampire statue drops off regular mini-bosses that spawn on a continual loop in graveyards. This makes it BY FAR the easiest statue from this vendor to obtain. The rest of the statues are WAY WAY WAY rarer. The dragon, necro, mummy, and frank statues are from rare spawn bosses only. The goblin statue doesn't even drop anywhere outside the vendor. I'm not trying to be an asshole. Nobody would buy the vamp statue from the vendor.. because it's insanely overpriced. I was legit trying to help you out, as I'd want to know if i thought i was offering a deal, but it was way overpriced. Maybe you can see by the lack of action on here that I was right. Maybe you will realize that it's INSANE to not account for market value of not only the goods you are selling, but the goods you are asking for in return.
@Puck next time just PM your opinions directly to the OP. This way you won't look like a dick and the rest of us can live our lives with a little less internet drama.