I hope I'm not in trouble

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by SirLanceAlittle, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. SirLanceAlittle

    SirLanceAlittle Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 4, 2012
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    I just came over from UOT2A three or four days ago and I relly like what I see. Between Wednesday evening through late this morning, when I wasn't at my keyboard mining and pounding metal, I was at a local Healer's shop macroing Anatomy and Evaluate Intelligence (using the healers guildmaster), as well as Hiding and Musicianship. I was knocked offline sometime yesterday morning due to the server's morning maintenance (so I assumed), but was surprised to still be connected this morning at 8:30 AM CST.

    I ate some lamb and chicken legs and let my toon continue macroing in town while I went to run some errands. When I got home, about an hour ago, I found I had Lost Connection. I assumed it was the maintenance again sometime after 8:30. I re-connected and resumed my macro while I checked my emails. Suddenly I looked over and noticed I had Lost Connection again. I keep my journal opened and saw nothing out of the ordinary.

    I hope this was just a fluke and I was not being actively knocked-off the server. I know resource macroing while AFK is a no-no, but I was only macroing a few skills (Anat., Eval. Int., Hiding, and Music.) in town.

    Please let me know that this was simply a coincidence and that I am just being paranoid.


    p.s. although I hate being poor, starting over on a new server like this is a lot of fun. Thanks for making it available.
  2. Six

    Six Member

    Aug 14, 2012
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    You wouldn't be knocked offline for infractions, you would be jailed =] Sounds like a connection problem.
  3. SirLanceAlittle

    SirLanceAlittle Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 4, 2012
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    Thanks Six, I appreciate it. I figured as much, but also figured I'd ask here anyway. Better safe than sorry.

    As for being jailed, back in 1999, on the Asuka shard, I was building a thief. I was working my last few points of Hiding with a simple UO macro. It was about 2 AM and I fell asleep at my desk. I woke up with a start at about 3:30 AM and found my character, Juiblex, had been placed in jail, along with the accompanying message about any further infractions. I was so embarrassed because I knew the rule and never meant to violate it.
  4. Robbbb

    Robbbb Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    Eval and Anat are passive skills so you gain them by using magery/mana for eval and fighting/healing for anat.

    The only time the server disconnects you is if they restart it to patch something or an error occurs. There is no daily maintenance here.

    This shard is great! Enjoy!
  5. Vandyke

    Vandyke New Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    As long as you aren't macroing gathering afk, you should be good to go.
  6. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    Unattended macro'ing is perfectly fine on Renaissance, with only a few exemptions.

    You can read our code of conduct here.
    Code of Conduct

    You can also find some details on the anti afk gathering/selling system here
    Renaissance Anti AFK Gather/Sell System

    However should you ever find yourself in jail, its ok, because on Renaissance players are never banned using this system, they only recieve jailtime. So if you get caught afk mining you might find yourself playing chess with the other current inmates for a while. If you don't let the behavior continue and there shouldn't be any issues.

    As for the recent connection issues we had a hardware failure at our host on Friday. Which resulted in some errant disconnections. Hopefully this is resolved after today and we can get back to smooth sailing.

    Welcome to Renaissance
  7. SirLanceAlittle

    SirLanceAlittle Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 4, 2012
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    Thanks a lot Chris. I am really excited about this server. Kudos to the UORen staff.

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