I was once in a guild on Lake Superior called Order of the Belligerent Drunks (OBD) We went out on hunting expeditions, held tournaments, and every month or two we would hold what was called a War Week where the entire guild was split up into between two and four groups and had to perform a series of battles, each with an objective which earned the teams points. At the end of War Week the team with the most points won. Was a great community with a guild house that always had someone there, so you could go and shoot the breeze if you didn't feel like doing anything else. We were a guild of PvP'ers, PvM'ers and crafters. I'm looking into joining a similar guild. Just started on this shard, though I began playing back in 98. Haven't played in a good 5 or 6 years. Is there anything like this around here? At some point I'll be looking for a faction guild as well.
Hail and welcome to Renaissance. There are a few such guilds on the shard, but I mean no slight to them when I say Adventure Time is the largest and possibly most diverse. We are a guild of of all types, with few restrictions. Our rules are fair enough it would seem and there's a guild stone for each type of character you might seek to join with. Adventure Time is the primary guild encompassing mostly PvMers with some PvP builds and crafters as well. Society of Traders is a strictly Crafting and Mercantile guild and War Time now is our warring guild that was once intended for Factions. We have a minor application process as you'll find in our sub-forum here. Wherever you go, you should be able to trust the A^T Guild Tag. If not, I should be made aware.
Not sure how we wound up in this thread, but no matter. Sounds good Asmadi. I'll get in touch in IRC and we'll get you stoned.