If anyone has one, I'd like to purchase this for around 250-300k! You may visit it at any time after I get the glow small tower done and open to the public! Thanks! Your hero, ShadowJack
I'm willing to negotiate and haggle over price. if you have one you wouldn't mind selling, then by all means contact me!
Definitely not selling mine, which ReZon gave me for my birthday, but here's what I think is the last one that sold: http://uorforum.com/threads/selling-undead-wyrms-heart-and-necromancer-soul-jar-closed.16096/ Good luck, Jack
Thanks Azoth! I would be willing to maybe work something out in that range if someone contacts me! I had saw a post where one sold for 1 or 2 hundred k and then realized it was a post from 2013, so had no idea what to start in with as an offer.
Yeah, I'd do a million, max. Any more than that you'd have to raise Xsi from the dead and have him personally farm for me 24/7